Operation story: 4-7

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Chernobog Ruined Streets

Before operation

Being able to find traces of battle left behind by Meteorite's team is slightly reassuring, but the information that Kal'tsit brings is a mix of good and bad news.
The group continues to advance, and Kal'tsit seems to have a plan of her own.
<Background 1>
Amiya This place... is filled with fallen Reunion.
...The blood from his wounds had been frozen, but his other body parts remained intact.
This is Frostleaf's technique.
...Those ruins over there look like they were caused by explosives.
It's probably Meteorite's work.
(Frostleaf... Jessica... Meteorite... I'm sure they're still alive...)
Kal'tsit Amiya, all the rescue squads have reached Rhodes Island.
We've extracted all the recon squads except for Meteorite's.
No Operators were lost on this mission, but...
Everyone suffered frostbite with varying degrees of severity.
You must take note of this.
Amiya ...Frostbite?
Kal'tsit All our recon squads observed a special group of Reunion troops wandering around the city.
Unlike the reckless Reunion soldiers we're used to fighting, these members had a special way of fighting.
Be cautious.
Amiya I.... I understand.
Kal'tsit Dr {nickname}, am I clear?
Doctor I understand.
Kal'tsit Very well then.
I also have some things to do.
Amiya, even if Dr {nickname} is very helpful, you can't rely too much on a single person.
Amiya ...
Kal'tsit Also, mind the rings.
Amiya I know.
<Background fades out and in>
Amiya Dr Kal'tsit actually worries about you a lot.
Before we realized it...
Dangerous beasts have bared their fangs.
Doctor Reunion is bearing down upon us. / Our retreat has been cut off... / These thugs really have it out for us.
Amiya Mm... They will do everything they can to keep us from getting away.
But, we didn't come here to run away.
Rhodes Island will break through their ranks.
We're going to rescue Meteorite's squad!
<Background black>
Kal'tsit Projekt Red, do you copy?
Ahh, yes.
That's right. I'll meet you at the slums' east entrance.
Mhm. It'll just be the two of us.
We'll be fine.
Just the two of us are more than enough to fight against Reunion.

After operation

The team finally locates Ch'en and persuades her to return to the L.G.D.
But Rhodes Island still needs to rescue Meteorite's team, meaning that they will have to fight alone.
<Background 1>
Amiya We've had to fight through so many Reunion just to reach this observation point...
Is that... Madam Ch'en?
Madam Ch'en!
(Why are there so many bodies...)
(So many fallen Reunion troops... did Madam Ch'en do all this by herself?!)
Ch'en ...!
It's you...
I lost control of myself. Sorry...
I might have fallen into the enemy's trap...
Amiya No... It's fine, we're still on track with the original plan. It's just that...
The one who appeared earlier... was that Talulah?
Ch'en ...
...No. It doesn't matter now. My gut feeling was wrong. This place doesn't look like some place that person would be anyway.
Our mission still remains top priority.
...Without me, the L.G.D. would struggle to carry out this search mission.
Especially given this current situation...
It's a lot more complicated than I expected.
With things as they are, it's far too risky to push further alone.
Amiya Madam Ch'en, we also hope that you can return to the L.G.D. right away.
The large amounts of Originium residue left here by the Catastrophe is very harmful to the uninfected.
Even if you brought medication beforehand, it won't last long...
Ch'en What about you?
Amiya Our mission is to protect Lungmen and eliminate threats––
But the most important reason for us coming here is to rescue our operators.
Rhodes Island does not turn its back on anyone.
Therefore, we will continue to carry out our combat operations.
Ch'en ...
I'll bring my squad to merge with yours... if the situation allows for it.
Amiya That's great.
Madam Ch'en! Rhodes Island can dispatch a squad to escort you...
Ch'en No need.
Amiya ...
...Madam Ch'en has a lot of pride, huh?
Hmm? Doctor?
Don't worry...
I know... Rhodes Island will be fighting alone again.
But, it's too early to be feeling down.
Come on, Jessica and the others are still waiting for us.