Operation story: WD-5

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Female Sargonian icon.png
Passerby Sargon Townsfolk
RI Operator icon.png
Rhodes Island Operator
Male Sargonian B icon.png
Sargon Townsfolk?
Female Tiacauh B icon.png
Sargon Villager
Female Tiacauh A icon.png
Sargon Villager
Sargon House
Sargon Village
Sargon Village Night

Before operation

In modern-day Sargon, Sesa and Heavyrain are cautiously waiting for the mysterious "Sand Soldier," who suddenly asked to join Rhodes Island, to reveal his true identity, and it seems Kal'tsit has much to do with his past.
Modern Day
3:32 P.M. \ Clear
Central Sargon, Ibut Region, Nameless Town
<Background 1>
[After listening to the Sand Soldier's tale...]
Heavyrain You want to come with...?
You should know that you are just another suspicious character to us.
"Sand Soldier" Have you inspected your teammates yet?
Sesa Heavyrain?
Heavyrain Everything's normal there...
But I don't trust you.
"Sand Soldier" Yes, very well said. Of course I am not to be trusted.
Heavyrain What exactly is your objective?
"Sand Soldier" My objective... is to find out what my objective actually is.
Heavyrain What the actual–
"Sand Soldier" Did you know that the last Lord Ameer of Ibut died in a fire?
Sesa That was a few years ago... The current Lord Ameer is his son, and that whole thing caused quite a ruckus in Ibut.
I had to find myself a new fairy godmother right away thanks to that fire. Took me months to get used to the work there. Huge pain in the butt.
"Sand Soldier" Right, exactly. He was my very last prey.
I did all the preparations and laid out my trap, but there's no more prey to hunt. I have nothing to do except to lounge around.
Heavyrain –Y-You killed a Lord Ameer?
Sesa The Sargon army will find you–
–Wait, hold on, what do you even want, telling us about this?
"Sand Soldier" Ah, I shouldn't have expected any less from one who frequents the black markets. That's right, there is no one who knows I have to do with his death aside from you and me.
As for the Sargon army... We live in different times now. The ruling Padishahs simply care not about what is happening here in this barren wasteland.
My guess is that it matters not to them whether it's the father or the son that's in charge. Actually, to tell the truth, it hardly matters to me either.
I sought his death and nothing else. It was a rather simple request.
Heavyrain What are you after anyway?
"Sand Soldier" Revenge.
I'm afraid it's a rather boring answer, so I don't like to share it. If I have to venture a guess, more than half of the men in this world would like to take revenge against something, be it their enemies, a city, or even the world itself.
For the past twenty years, that is all I have been doing.
My power, my status, my riches... All of them come second, and should the need arise, I will cast them all aside.
Or perhaps I could give them to this "Rhodes Island."
It's quite the bargain, wouldn't you agree?
Heavyrain ......
"Sand Soldier" Hoh, looks like you are still not convinced, young lady. You are quite cautious. I suppose you were a soldier? From Sargon, perhaps?
Heavyrain –None of your business.
"Sand Soldier" What about you, young "Bridge?" Or should I call you by the name you go by now, "Sesa?"
Sesa ......
Heavyrain Sesa, we can't trust him.
Sesa You're hiding something pretty important, aren't you now?
"Sand Soldier" Hmm?
Oh... Yes. Right, how forgetful of me...
You claim to be a medical corporation that treats the Infected... Very well, it's a fairly tall tale, but I will accept it for the moment.
I am an Infected.
My fortunes are no less impressive than the Lord Ameers' riches, and I am well-connected and hold some sway, enough for me to bring a Lord Ameer to his downfall.
I will trade all of it for a chance to be cured. What do you say?
Heavyrain –You're mad.
"Sand Soldier" I find myself thinking the same quite often.
But there is not a single person who walks these lands and wishes not to live. Is it not reasonable of me to want to cast all this aside just for a chance to be cured?
Sesa Nah, I don't think that's what Heavyrain's trying to say.
You don't even seem to care that you're Infected...
What is it that you want at Rhodes Island?
"Sand Soldier" ......
Very well. There isn't much time left, so let us stop beating around the bush.
I'm looking for "Kal'tsit."
Perhaps she will impart on me some invaluable advice, perhaps she will show me a new way forward... Yet it's even more likely that she won't lift a finger, merely passing the decision back to me.
That too is fine.
Once I eliminate every last person involved in that incident years ago, there will be nothing more tying me to this place. I am beyond anxious to leave this forsaken land behind.
I need a fresh start.
And who could blame me for seizing the opportunity if the shadows of the past so happen to be standing right there?
Heavyrain What's your relationship with Dr. Kal'tsit?
"Sand Soldier" Hmm... It's a long story.
I owe her my life. I'm very thankful to her. This I say from the bottom of my heart.
Heavyrain The decision isn't ours to make...
Sesa Three years ago... the Lord Ameer of Ibut perished in a fire during his travels. The fire consumed an entire town, and, soon after, his son set off a rebellion, vying for the throne against his many other contenders.
That's your doing, eh?
"Sand Soldier" Precisely, just as I said.
Sesa Why?
"Sand Soldier" All trivial matters of a bygone era. The family had a tragic, rocky relationship to start. I only played a very minor role.
Why do you want to know?
Sesa I'm looking for clues... Thanks to you, I gotta call it quits with my investigation in the Ibut region.
"Sand Soldier" Ah... clues.
Perhaps this is an opportunity for me to earn your trust. Tell me what it is you are looking for. Perhaps I will be of assistance.
Sesa I'm looking for someone. The director of a Columbian military experiment.
"Sand Soldier" You are investigating a Columbian company. May I ask why?
Sesa Because the person I respected the most died in the most laughable accident ever...
"Sand Soldier" And what if it was actually an accident?
Sesa Even if it was just an accident... I gotta know the truth. I mean, this couldn't have been the reason those guys rose through the ranks on top of my brother's death.
Heavyrain Sesa...
Sesa I know. It's my own personal issue... but this chance doesn't come often. Don't you agree, "Sand Soldier"?
"Sand Soldier" Heh... Ahem, pardon me.
Where was I?
Everyone needs a revenge of some kind. Targets can be big or small, and grudges can run deep or shallow, but revenge is an eternal motif to every living person out there.
If you permit me to undergo treatment at Rhodes Island, I can investigate this matter for you. Of course, the deals we talked about still stand.
Even if you have ten times the cargo sitting outside, I have a way to take care of it all. There will be no trace left of it, and you will find the price very attractive. It's a bargain for a pharmaceutical company.
Heavyrain Sesa... Sorry, but we can't let your personal problems be somebody else's bargaining chip.
Sesa Of course I know that... but I...
"Sand Soldier" Right... I almost forgot. It seems I've been rather forgetful of late.
I never thought much of Old Isin's prophecy to begin with. However, thinking back, perhaps the prophecy was itself a means of negotiation and communication.
Hmph, prophecy... Mere mortals will never find themselves on equal footing with time itself. Originium Arts may have many convenient uses, but that is one thing you can never achieve with Arts.
Sesa A prophecy...?
"Sand Soldier" Alas, Old Isin passed away long ago. I only hope that she remembers this promise.
Did she perhaps... give you a gold coin?
An old Sargon gold coin.
Heavyrain ......!
[An R.I. operator rushes into the house where Heavyrain and Sesa is meeting with the Sand Soldier.]
Rhodes Island Operator Heavyrain, Sesa, we got a situation here.
"Sand Soldier" ......
Sesa Calm down. What's up?
Rhodes Island Operator There are some sketchy-looking teams approaching the town.
"Sand Soldier" Let me remind you that they are not friendly.
Rhodes Island Operator Ugh, they're closing in quick. We can still get out of here without a fight if we make a run for it now. Take our time and we won't be so lucky.
Fifteen minutes. That's all we have. Captain, Lieutenant, hurry.
Heavyrain –Your buddies?
"Sand Soldier" Of course not. I am a lone wolf with no one to turn to. Unlike machines, humans cannot be trusted.
That being said, they are most likely here for me.
Sesa –Dammit! This is part of your plan, isn't it?
"Sand Soldier" You can help me escape, or we can fend off these unyielding assassins together.
What do you say?
Heavyrain ......
Rhodes Island Operator W-What should we do?
"Sand Soldier" The ball is in your court.
Sesa Tch, son of a–
–Last question, then! Why did you burn down that town? If you were after the Lord Ameer, you had no reason to drag all those people into that mess.
You even gave the townspeople the time to evacuate. Did you just want to ruin the town? Redhorn was miles away from your turf. What were you after exactly?
"Sand Soldier" Is my objective really so important?
Sesa –I'm making sure you're not a warmonger, or downright nuts.
"Sand Soldier" Hmm, you have a point, but I am afraid you wouldn't understand. All I burned down was my past.
Sesa Is that your revenge?
"Sand Soldier" No...
It was a long overdue cremation, nothing more.

After operation

22 years ago, before he became the "Sand Soldier," Elliot is on the run with Kal'tsit, attempting to make their way to the Reefsteep black markets and escape Sargon. They need someone to lead them to the black markets, and, by chance, a helping hand appears before Kal'tsit.
22 Years Ago
3:09 P.M. \ Clear
Central Sargon, Ibut Region, Desert Outskirts
<Background 2>
Elliot Are... Are we there yet? How far away is it?
Kal'tsit If you're tired, we can stop here.
Elliot ......
Kal'tsit Drop the tough act.
It has been 7 hours and 14 minutes since our transport was wrecked in the ambush. Considering your physique and age, you've held up pretty well.
Elliot No need...
Let's... keep going. We need to get out of here as soon as we can...
<Background 3>
Elliot Where are we...?
Kal'tsit The nearest town to where we are heading. More accurately, it's a settlement formed of several towns that had been drifting in the desert with their hauling equipment.
At the same time, this place covers a large swath of Sargon's no man's land, more than anywhere else. This is the way out for illegal immigrants, bounty hunters, and Messengers.
<Background fades out and in>
Elliot Why aren't we going to Minos?
I'm... I'm still not sure I can trust you any more than those mercenaries... What makes you different?
Kal'tsit The difference is that you are alive.
Elliot You already have our next steps figured out, don't you...? What are we doing now?
Kal'tsit We'll look for someone trustworthy to take us out of Ibut. Not legally, of course.
Elliot Where are we going after that? Leithanien? Bolívar?
Kal'tsit Before I give you an answer, you must understand that, whatever your choice, it doesn't change the fact you are running away from your problems.
You have no way to survive, nowhere to go, and nowhere to run.
Are you prepared to accept the fact that your old life has already shattered to pieces? Do you understand it? Are you sure you are not just in a daze from this sudden turn of events?
Elliot Stop acting so high and mighty...
Kal'tsit If anger gives you a clearer head.
I will be going further north. Far away enough for you to leave everything in Columbia and Sargon behind.
I have to say. You've done very well.
Elliot Are you mocking me...?
Kal'tsit Much of what you do is rife with immaturity, and you let your emotions get the better of you. If you were a little older, I would indeed make a mockery of you.
Let's go. We need to find someone to introduce us to the black market here.
Elliot Where do we find someone like that?
Kal'tsit I don't know yet...
Elliot Hmph, so there's stuff you don't know?
Kal'tsit I won't deny it, but we'll find them very soon.
If you understand what "The Land of Reefsteep" means and stands for, you won't have any trouble finding their survivors in the crowds and markets here. They will always help their fellow countrymen. All we have to do is make them believe that's who we are.
Elliot Uh... What's that you're holding... Sargon coins?
What can you even do with a few coins...?
Kal'tsit You'll know soon enough.
Sargon Townsfolk? ......
(Sargonian) Get lost, Columbian...!
Elliot Huh? Enem–?!
Mon3tr (Hiss)
Sargon Townsfolk? Arghhh–Ahhhh–Monster! Where did it come from–?!
Mon3tr (Thrusts)
Sargon Townsfolk? Gah... Dammit... Why...?! I can't hurt it...!
Passerby Sargon Townsfolk What's going on?! Ahhh–A monster! A monster's here to kill us!
Elliot That's a huge crowd... Hey, what's going on? Who's this guy?
Kal'tsit A bounty hunter from Vouivre... Looks like they're expanding their search area.
Quick. Follow me.
Elliot Uh, wait–
<Background fades out and in>
Elliot We came all the way here, but anyone walking down the street could still be a hitman. What's the point of coming–
Kal'tsit That's exactly why you need to pick up the pace.
Elliot What I'm saying is you haven't solved anything, Adviser Kal'tsit!
<Background fades out and in>
Kal'tsit ......
Elliot These outfits make us stand out, don't they...?
Peddling Voices (Sargonian) This is just a can of vegetables. Why is it so expensive?
(Sargonian) Our rugs are famous far and wide–Something wrong with our quality? Impossible!
(Sargonian) Genuine top-grade earthenware jugs once used by the Lord Ameer–Sixty? Down from sixty thousand? Whatever, sold!
Elliot There's a lot of people here... Is this where the market is?
...? Why'd you stop–Mm?
The Soothsayer.png
Elliot Being superstitious this time...?
Mysterious Fortune Teller Ah... How rare... It has been a long time since an outsider paid Old Isin a visit.
Do you wish to take a peek at what destiny has laid out before you, or perhaps you are searching for a particular piece of gravel in this sandstorm?
Am I correct to assume you are responsible for the ruckus earlier?
Old Isin can tell, dear traveler. You are in a hurry, and trouble follows in your footsteps... Old Isin simply hopes this won't lead to any more trouble for Sargon...
You are not from Sargon, no, but you carry a great burden...
Elliot What is he mumbling to himself about...? Let's not waste any more time on him, Kal'tsit. They'll catch up!
<Background fades out and in>
Sargon Villager (Sargonian) You fraud! What are you still doing here?! Scram!
Sargon Villager (Sargonian) You're mucking up our turf! Enough with your tricks! No one here's going to fall for that!
Mysterious Fortune Teller (Sargonian) Oh, right, of course. Don't be so violent now... Old Isin will leave. Old Isin is leaving.
(Sargonian) Is your master doing well? Has she taken Old Isin's advice and pulled out of that deal yet? It will mean nothing but trouble for her.
Sargon Villager (Sargonian) My master? The chief would never listen to you jabbering types in the first place. If any lunatic in town could just waltz in and tell us how to do business, we might as well set up a suggestion box!
Sargon Villager (Sargonian) Enough chit-chat! Get out of here!
[The annoyed villager punched the mysterious fortune teller.]
Mysterious Fortune Teller Hmm!
Elliot ......
Kal'tsit Are you okay...?
Mysterious Fortune Teller Agh... It hurts... Please, don't worry. Old Isin's gotten used to it long ago...
Old Isin cannot save them. Old Isin cannot get them to come around... Old Isin can do nothing but watch as they draw ever closer to their destruction day after day.
Please accept Old Isin's apologies, but as you can see, Old Isin is being thrown out of this place. If there is anywhere willing to take in poor Old Isin, that's where Old Isin will go.
Kal'tsit (Sargonian) Wait.
Mysterious Fortune Teller (Sargonian) Old Isin mustn't... Old Isin mustn't...
Sargon Villager (Sargonian) Stay out of this. If he doesn't leave, it's gonna be on our heads. Just let him go!
Mysterious Fortune Teller (Sargonian) She's right. Her master calls the shots here, and she mustn't be trifled with. Let Old Isin leave, kind traveler. Let Old Isin return to his ice-cold home.
Elliot Why are we wasting our time here on this old conman again?
Kal'tsit At least you can tell he's old.
Elliot What do you mean...?
Kal'tsit But you can't imagine how old he is.
<Background 4>
Mysterious Fortune Teller The sun has set long ago, traveler. You are in a hurry, and there are dangers abound. Why waste your time here with Old Isin?
[Kal'tsit walks to the fortune teller.]
Kal'tsit (Sargonian) As time goes by, even the greatest Padishah will one day be lost to the sands. His achievements will at that point crumble, and his subjects will scatter across the lands.
Mysterious Fortune Teller (Sargonian) From the way you are dressed, you don't seem to be Sargonian. Is this perhaps the beginning to a narrative poem? Old Isin is far too old. Old Isin has long forgotten the appeal of poetry.
Kal'tsit (Sargonian) But his servants remain ever dedicated to their duties. They guard the unpopulated desert until a new civilization is ready to stand atop its sands, until the time a new Padishah arrives with the will of Sargon to rebuild those lands.
Mysterious Fortune Teller (Sargonian) Ah, similar stories happen in all countries in the world time and again.
Catastrophes, diseases, war... There are a great many ways a city can meet its end... and to find itself conquered by a new, spirited ruler, thereby repeating the cycle once again.
Elliot (What are they saying... Is this how Sargonian sounds?)
Kal'tsit (Sargonian) 150 years ago, before these golden sands were named Ibut, there stood a magnificent city here. Do you remember anything of it?
Mysterious Fortune Teller (Sargonian) Of course... Old Isin remembers. The city that disappeared in those great winds.
Kal'tsit (Sargonian) The Padishah at the time gave these lands brimming with sand a name that might seem unfitting for a place in Sargon.
Mysterious Fortune Teller ......
Kal'tsit (Sargonian) The only thing that remains of it is its name, passed down from one generation to the next, with none of them ever laying their eyes on its lush oases.
(Sargonian) Are you its gatekeeper, then?
Mysterious Fortune Teller ......
Is there anything Old Isin can do for you?
Kal'tsit We want to escape Sargon, leaving no tracks.
Mysterious Fortune Teller Ah... Old Isin understands. Whose attention are you trying to avoid?
Kal'tsit Not even Padishah can know of our whereabouts.
Mysterious Fortune Teller Who are you?
Kal'tsit Please call me Kal'tsit.
Mysterious Fortune Teller Kal'tsit... Lady Kal'tsit... As Old Isin gazed upon the sunrise this morning, Old Isin slipped back into my dreams in a trance. In Old Isin's dreams, Old Isin was told there would be a visitor who would revel in these secrets of antiquity with us.
You came early. The price is a single gold coin, my fair lady.
Kal'tsit You deserve it.
Elliot (Just that much...?)
Mysterious Fortune Teller No, no... Not yet. Please hold on to it, my lady.
This is a price that you will pay–22 years later. Remember this promise well, for it is worth far more than this gold coin.
Kal'tsit (Sargonian) You have lived in Sargon in its current form for the past hundred years. I suppose... not a single moment has gone by where you didn't look back and reminisce your homeland.
Mysterious Fortune Teller (Sargonian) You are correct, my lady, but today is different.
(Stranger Sargonian) You opened the door for us.