
From Arknights Terra Wiki
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Joined Rhodes Island around April 2020, codenamed "GeniusGD". Now being one of the translators and administrators of the wiki, I'll do whatever I can to contribute to this wiki.

Who am I?

A Malaysian Chinese with great mathematical skills and memory. These grant me the ability to calculate damage-related or stat-related stuff well in Arknights as well as memorising the effects of all skills and talents of all Operators. I’m also a bilingual student, hence I can read and write both Chinese and English.

How am I doing in Arknights?

I currently have completed all medal sets from most events besides Contingency Contract Pyrite because my roster isn't as great as it is now. I'm also missing a good portion of 6★ Operators as well as Blitz, Cement, Greyy the Lightningbearer and Rockrock but none of these affects my gameplay experience anyway. I'm now focusing on upgrading Operators with specific base skills to further increase the efficiency of my base.

Wishes for both Arknights and the Wiki

I sincerely hope that the controversies in Arknights can be reduced to minimum and if possible, avoiding them entirely. I also hope that Arknights can live on as one of the best gacha game of the game history.

As of the Wiki, I hope that the staff can be expanded further to reduce our burdens and make the Wiki better. Hencefore, I hope that anyone that are reading this can consider to contribute to the wiki if possible.

Other websites that I'm focusing on

Discord: geniusgd

