Operator overview: Saga

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Saga is a 6★ Pioneer Vanguard who specializes in DP-Recovery and DPS. As a Pioneer Vanguard, Saga can block two enemies and when compared to Flametail and Siege- other Pioneer Vanguards of the same rarity- she has more ATK at the expense of less HP and DEF, making her more of an offensive Pioneer Vanguard in a similar vein to Texas and Scavenger. However, Saga's DP cost is among the highest of all Vanguards due to her rarity.


  1. Preaching Critically Wounds enemies that would receive fatal damage from Saga's attacks (including Cleansing Evil, see below), at which the enemy will survive with only 1 HP remaining, but Saga will not attack Critically Wounded enemies.
  2. Clear Mind gives Saga a high chance to dodge Physical attacks and HP regeneration for 15 seconds after her HP had fallen below 40% for the first time in each and every deployment.


  1. Similar to other Pioneer Vanguards' first skill, Charge γ automatically generates 12 DP whenever it is charged.
  2. Cleansing Evil generates 4 DP and deals Physical damage to ground enemies in a cross-shaped radius covering the two adjacent tiles to Saga, and can store multiple charges at higher levels; any enemies Critically Wounded by Cleansing Evil will be "executed" (i.e. instantly defeated) after the skill resolves.
    • While not as effective against enemies with high DEF, Cleansing Evil's low SP cost and multiple charges allow Saga to spam it, especially when she manages to Critically Wound her victims since Saga is credited as the attacker, essentially refunding its SP cost (or even better, adding more charges to it) and making it useful against almost every enemy, whether hordes or high-HP ones! Thus, Cleansing Evil should be Saga's go-to skill.
  3. Fierce Glare generates 20 DP over 20 seconds, during which Saga's ATK is buffed, her range is extended by two additional tiles, her attacks hit multiple enemies equal to her block count like that of Centurion Guards, and she will attack enemies whose HP had fallen below 50% twice, but her attack interval is increased.
    • Unlike Siege's Skull Breaker which has a similar function, Fierce Glare also generates DP and is superior across the board, significantly improving Saga's DPS and allows her to critically wound her enemies more quickly, giving the opportunity for her allies to gain additional SP.
    • Do note that Saga is still unable to attack Critically Wounded enemies with Fierce Glare, making it more trickier to use when she is deployed without other Operators nearby to finish them off.

Operator Modules

  1. The SOL-X Module, Where to Find the Burdenbeast?, increases Saga's ATK and DEF by 8% while she is blocking enemies in addition to increasing her ATK and DEF. Once upgraded, Preaching now also increases the damage dealt by Saga against enemies whose HP had fallen below 50%.
  2. The SOL-Y Module, Walk The World, reduces Saga's DP cost by 4 when she is deployed for the first time (and only the first time in an operation) in addition to increasing her maximum HP, ATK, and DEF. Once upgraded, Clear Mind's HP regeneration rate is increased and its duration is extended.

Base skill

Vanguard Expert α speeds up the skill Specialization training of Vanguards by 30% while Saga is assigned as the trainer in the Training Room. At Elite 2, Vanguard Expert α becomes Secularization with a higher training speed boost of 60%.


As stated above, Preaching allows Saga to act as an "SP generator" by Critically Wounding enemies and leaving them to be put out of their misery by her allies, which can be useful for Operators whose skills have high SP costs (e.g. SilverAsh and Mostima), attain buffs upon defeating enemies (e.g. Flamebringer), or have spammable skills (e.g. Bibeak).

Even better, pairing Saga together with Warfarin would take their SP generator capability to a whole new level should the latter's Blood Sample Recycle be applied to the Operator who has finished off Critically Wounded enemies, making it an excellent choice to deploy Saga outside Warfarin's range (but close enough) with the desired Operator inside!


Saga is a great Pioneer Vanguard who excels at inflicting heavy damage to enemies and weakening them for her comrades to finish off while generating DP at the same time, but won't perform well if she is on her own.

All sinners, fear Saga, for she would brought salvation through destruction towards thee!