Operation story: SL-8

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Little Black Sheep 5 icon.png
Cheerful Creature
Old Male Siestan icon.png
Cold Drinks Shop Owner
Little Black Sheep 7 icon.png
Dozy Creature
Female Siestan icon.png
Female Instrument Shop Owner
Male Siestan icon.png
Male Instrument Shop Owner
Volcano Museum of Siesta
Siesta Unfinished Plate Night
Siesta Fashion Street Night
Siesta Volcano

Before operation

Because of the volcano's abnormal indicators and Eyjafjalla's insistence, Keller chooses at last to stop running from the past and climbs the volcano for the first time since the Naumanns' death to gather data. The party is forced to come to an end, and the attendees begin to evacuate. Kahn finally finds proof from all those years ago, and questions Keller about the truth behind the Naumanns' death.
<Flashback starts here>
Background-Siesta Beach.png
Magna Adele... What a wonderful name. Can I just call you Adele?
Have you heard about the thing everyone does the first time they climb a volcano?
Take pictures, maybe?
Magna It's roasting fowlbeast eggs in the lava.
But having climbed twenty-seven volcanoes, I can promise you that, when it comes to cooking eggs, lava and Originium stoves make no difference whatsoever.
Katia Yeah, you're bound to burn them regardless.
Magna Hey! You always eat them right up!
So this is what a volcano really looks like... It's very from what's in the books.
Katia Don't worry, Adele. Just stay right behind me. Anywhere that you see me stepping is going to be safe.
Magna If you're nervous, why don't you take my hand?
I... I'm fine...
Magna Adele, you asked us before why we love volcanoes, right?
I promise you this. Once you see a volcano erupt with your own eyes, you'll never forget the feeling.
I like to sit on the slopes and meditate. The land and us are both full of mystery, and even if we spend our lifetimes seeking answers, we may not be able to solve even a tiny fraction of them. Still, I do enjoy the puzzle solving.
Katia Mankind may have invented nomadic cities, but we still haven't completely figured out how Catastrophes form. We may have invented many tools with Originium, but we also have no way to counter their effects when they backfire.
Humans need to admit just how insignificant they are when they come face to face with nature's mighty forces. That way, they won't spend so much energy meaninglessly slaughtering each other.
Magna Adele, don't mind Katia's pessimism. Not everywhere is as simple as Siesta.
It's natural for him to grumble when, as a scholar, he's all wrapped up in noble bickering, but on these issues, I've always looked at things quite differently from him.
Naturally, humans are insignificant, but it's exactly because we are so insignificant that we can live on the land.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background black>
You're right, Magna.
Life is insignificant, yet mankind insists on seeking answers in the earth with their insignificant lives. When you look at it that way, when they are inevitably swallowed by up by that same earth, you can only accept their fate as par for the course.
I should be prepared...
But how am I supposed to face the abyss alone after the two of you are gone?
<Background 1>
Worker Professor Keller, here's the last two hours of data we got from Monitoring Station No. 1 before the signal was lost.
We've never seen abnormalities like this... We have no choice but to consult you...
Keller The surface gas concentration hasn't changed. How did the temperature go up by this much so quickly?
If the data were real, then that means the energy accumulated in Mount Siesta suddenly increased tenfold... No, it's not possible, no matter how you slice it.
Ignore it as a point anomaly.
Inform the city government that the volcano has become more active and to have the citizens prepare. That's all we can do.
Adele Professor, this may not be your usual point anomaly.
My parents mentioned similar situations in their research notes... The temperatures in the volcano's surroundings were abnormally high and didn't match the other data.
They never found the cause, but this can't just be explained as a coincidence.
Professor, shouldn't we head there to take a look at the situation ourselves?
Keller Monitoring Station No. 1 is about midway up the volcano. It's very dangerous to go up there now.
This kind of data anomaly could just be an equipment malfunction. There's no need to take the risk and head there for on-site inspections. We can adjust the final observation results based on the other monitoring stations' data later.
Adele Professor Keller, I don't understand...
You kept saying how important this observation was going to be, that it's an opportunity that many scholars had been waiting for. Tens of thousands of the residents could have their lives upended. Shouldn't we be as careful about this as we possibly can?
If we run away now... isn't that admitting their sacrifice was for nothing?
The girl's voice is quiet, and her body is trembling ever so slightly. It seems that she spent quite a bit of her strength just to express her honest opinion.
Keller appears a little dazed.
Keller Right...
How could a sacrifice like that be meaningful?
Adele It doesn't look like I'm going to convince you...
If you aren't willing to go, is it okay if I go alone...?
Keller Don't be absurd. We don't know what's going on at the volcano. I can't let you go somewhere so dangerous all by yourself—
Adele Professor Keller... Would you return my mother's protective suit to me?
<Background 2>
Passerby A Is there anything we can do but eat? If this goes on, my stomach's gonna explode...
Passerby B Listen to a few more guitar songs?
Passerby A Hm... I kinda feel there's meant to be something more exciting...
Passerby B How is this supposed to be as exciting as the Obsidian Festival? The crowds were massive, the streets and shops were endless, and the music never ever stopped. That was so much better!
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Say what you will, but this party reminds me of the first Obsidian Festival.
Passerby B The first one? How many years ago was that?
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Not a whole lot of people still remember, but the first festival was actually held in the mines. It was run but a bunch of miners.
Yeah, there weren't that many people, much less decent musicians. They just strummed their guitars and played a few songs they wrote. That's how it all began...
Nobody back then could've imagined it would grow so big and attract so many guests.
Passerby A Is the after party gonna come back, too?
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Hahaha, now no one can say for sure!
Passerby B But if you guys are moving to the city center, does that mean these shops are gonna be closed forever?
Male Instrument Shop Owner Probably. We might have to make a living some other way, but nobody lives a life without change.
That said, whenever we have free time, we might come here and set up a stall, play a few songs. If anybody comes, we'll give them a few skewers to snack on. If nobody comes, we'll just look at the sea, at what lies beyond.
I brought a can of sand from the old beach here, too!
Female Instrument Shop Owner If the volcano does end up erupting, the old place is going to be covered in ash, right?
All the paths we've taken, the shops we visited, the beaches we walked... Everything will be buried under a pile of volcanic ash.
Male Instrument Shop Owner But you'll still remember our party here tonight, won't you?
Female Instrument Shop Owner Of course... This, too, is a new memory.
The shop owner strums the guitar, and the voices of the crowd romping around can be heard from afar.
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Hey, you guys aren't gonna dance?
This is the time to dance, kids! If all you do is eat and chat, that's not a party!
Male Instrument Shop Owner Here, let me play something!
Care to join us, ma'am?
Byrd Of course.
Byrd strums her guitar strings, and the gentle melody starts to envelope this city plate. Lying on the grass, the people gaze at the night sky, fireflies, and the stars up above.
Then, with a buzz, a disharmonic electric sound can be heard.
Radio Volcanic activity indicates Mount Siesta will very likely erupt within the next few hours.
The nomadic city has already departed the area that will be affected by the eruption. There is no need for alarm.
The tremors brought by eruption could lead to a tsunami. All citizens should evacuate coastal areas immediately. All citizens should evacuate coastal areas immediately.
Passerby A It's happening? Today? Now? Really picked a terrible time.
Passerby B Maybe it's the perfect time.
Passerby A What do they mean by 'evacuate coastal areas immediately?' Is this place gonna be flooded? What about all this stuff? Are we taking anything with us? Anything we leave is gonna get washed away, right?
Passerby B Don't take anything, just go!
The shop owner stops playing and looks at his partner. The oil fumes originating from the barbecue have yet to dissipate, and her face is still tinted red from the joy that has yet to fade.
She regretfully puts down her barbecue skewers.
Female Instrument Shop Owner Hmm, it's possible that after we leave, the waves will swallow all our footprints today... including my grill and your guitar.
Male Instrument Shop Owner Looks like the volcano and the sea are here to help us say goodbye to all that we had in our past.
We should head upwards. It won't get flooded there. We'll have a new life.
Female Instrument Shop Owner Over at the city center? I'm always worried that it could be too cramped there. There's not enough room for all your instruments and my grill.
Male Instrument Shop Owner But there's enough room for the two of us.
The owner looks into his partner's eyes. His eyes are glittering.
Suddenly, she starts laughing.
Female Instrument Shop Owner Right...! That's more than enough!
Male Instrument Shop Owner That's right, dear. That's more than enough.
Come! Let's get Tom, what with how old and frail he is. We can't just leave him here to cry over his precious ice cream.
Female Instrument Shop Owner Hey—Tom—! Time to go! If we don't leave before the waves come, you'll get sucked into the sea with all your ice cream!
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Ow... Oww...
Where's the young lady who helped me bring the ice cream? We can't leave her behind...
<Background 1>
Kahn (Found it...)
(The two missing pages. There's no doubt that this is Professor Katia's handwriting. There's also the military's wax seal.)
(Keller, what exactly are you hiding...?)
Worker Dr. Kahn?
Kahn ......
It's you... Where's Professor Keller?
Worker The signal from the volcano's monitoring station cut off two hours ago, and the data we got in the end was really strange.
Kahn Why didn't she inform anyone?
Worker She said the situation was critical, and she had to inspect it herself.
Kahn Did she go alone?
Worker No, the intern from Leithanien went with her, I think.
Kahn ......
<Background 3>
Anxious Passerby We made it to the safety zone, right...?
Nervous Passerby This place is over a hundred kilometers from the volcano. I'm sure we'll be fine...
I mean, that's what city hall said...
Anxious Passerby But... don't you feel the ground shaking?
Harley Enis! Have you seen Liv?!
Enis Is she not home...?
Harley She wasn't there when I got back. You mean she didn't go look for you?
Enis Shit...
<Background 2>
Girl Huh? Everybody's gone... Did everyone go have fun somewhere else?
Are you the only one here...? Did you get left behind by your friends, too?
[Enis' little sister is talking to a cheerful Little Black Sheep.]
Cheerful Creature ......
<Background 4>
The transport is parked at the foot of the mountain. The once familiar mountain range now sports a completely different appearance.
The flora on the mountain has withered long ago, and the rugged rockscapes now look taller than ever.
With the sun gradually setting, a dark shadow is draped over the two researchers' minds.
[Adele, now wearing her late mother's gear, and Prof. Keller looks at the looming Mount Siesta.]
Adele So this is Mount Siesta...
Keller Adele, be careful.
This is as far as the transport will take us. We have to walk the rest of the way.
Monitoring Station No. 1 is halfway up the volcano. We still have a long walk ahead of us.
Adele I'm fine. My energy can keep up still.
Keller Hmm...
The scholar lowers her head. her heart is rending with a sharp, piercing pain.
Just who is the terrified one?
The volcano is right in front of her, but she cannot bring herself to take a single step forward.
Adele Professor Keller. Are you okay?
Would you like to take my hand?
Keller ......
<Background fades out and in>
Streams colored dark red can be seen slowly climbing their way through the mountain rocks like the blood veins in one's body, all while the enormous thing breathes strenuously.
From the earth's core to this cliff, they flowed through the ages, enduring an intense heat and utter silence.
This path seems to not be nearly as long as Adele had imagined. With the strength she has, she can still climb onto this mountain.
But this path also seems to be much longer than she had imagined. It's long enough for her memories to be rinsed countless of times at the bottom of her heart.
Keller This is where we set up the monitoring station.
This equipment... Has someone been here?
Adele But there are no other footprints on the mountain...
[Adele and Prof. Keller checks the equipment in the area.]
Keller The Originium energy response hasn't changed, but the temperature measurement instruments logged a high response...
She takes a look around and can make out only the dark mountain gravel and molten rocks in the shadows.
Keller How strange...
The event has most likely ended. Let's tune the instruments and head back.
[Kahn reveals himself.]
Keller Kahn, what are you doing here?
Kahn (Out of breath)
I heard... you two... climbed the volcano...
Keller Adele was worried because the monitoring station's indices were fluctuating, so we came here to inspect.
It was probably caused by accident. We're preparing to evacuate to a safe observation point.
Kahn ......
[A rumble is felt.]
Adele The volcanic activity is definitely starting to pick up. The eruption might happen sooner than expected...
Keller Yeah, we need to go.
Kahn Stay right there, Keller.
Adele Kahn?
The man, still out of breath, is trembling. He pulls out a file from his chest, and the moment Keller sees its cover, her expression changes immediately.
Kahn September 1095, on Mount Unna, why did you suddenly leave the survey team...?
And in November that year, you didn't attend the Naumanns' funeral, but someone said they saw you at a symposium with the military at William University.
On top of that, not even Adele has seen Katia Naumann's research data. What is it doing in a letter between you and the Leithanian military?!
Keller, answer me!
Adele Professor Keller...?
Keller ......
Adele, I told you that I'd share everything with you when this observation is done...
Kahn, it's dangerous here. We should—
Kahn Keller... Look where we're standing. The Naumanns were here, on this very volcano.
Are you still going to lie, even here?!
[Unbeknownst to Adele and the others, Dolly is watching from a distance.]
Dolly Hmm... I'm not really one to interfere with human affairs.
But this isn't the place for a row...

After operation

The volcano is about to erupt. Dolly saves Eyjafjalla, blocking the falling rocks. Eyjafjalla finds that her mother's old protective clothing she now wears, is the answer for the "fur." Enis exhausts himself and passes out saving his sister. The street's pedestrians end their journey, and everyone in Siesta bids farewell to the Old Siesta.
The Floor is Lava.png
Oof... This is just the right temperature. Hot springs are fun, but the temperature's a tad bit too peaceful.
This temperature keeps my head clear. Helps me think about the real important questions.
Say... Which did the planet birth first? Lava or rocks?
Let's start from the very beginning. "Lava" wasn't "lava," and "rock" wasn't "rock." All thing are a cycle, and they take different shapes during their changes, and so they were given different names.
Man is always trying to use assertive language to delimit the indescribable natures of the world, almost like it's the only way they can get a good night's sleep. This, too, goes to show their lack of wisdom...
Hey, watch out there. Don't splash all that lava everywhere. It's dangerous. It's not that likely, but what if someone just happens to walk by—
Hm? What's with the ruckus... Is somebody trying to join us?
<Background 4>
The enormous monster beneath their feet is breathing heavier and heavier by the second. The temperature in their surroundings has risen quite a bit. The lava spewed out from the volcano's crater rapidly cools and turns into rocks that come rolling down.
Adele Kahn, Professor Keller... This place is dangerous... We should leave...
Kahn Adele, you get out of here first. This is something that I need to settle with her, right here and now!
Keller Kahn, don't be absurd!
Kahn When you left them there on Mount Unna, what they had to face was much worse!
Do you even have a conscience? Is admitting to what you've done harder than facing death?!
Adele —!
[A strong rumble knocks Kahn and Prof. Keller off their feet as Mount Siesta starts launching lava bombs, but Adele channeled her Arts to protect them.]
Adele Kahn... We need to hurry...
I won't be able to block the next wave...
[More lava bombs fall as Adele focuses on channeling her Arts.]
Kahn Watch out! Behind you!
Adele lifts her staff, but the rocks are falling like rain. Her Originium Arts are unable to melt all of them down.
She focuses on protecting her allies, yet she can't hear their warnings or the sound of the danger behind her.
Keller —!
[Dolly appears and grows to a large size, his fireproof wool shielding Adele, Kahn, and Prof. Keller from the lava bombs.]
<Background 2>
Cheerful Creature ......
Dejected Little Girl I saw you the past few days, but it looks like nobody else can.
I don't know where you came from, but you're the only one who's willing to hang out with me. I know, you like strawberry ice cream, too, right?
Cheerful Creature (Lies down obediently)
Dejected Little Girl Look, our home used to be right under that volcano there, but it's going to go away soon.
I actually know... I was abandoned there, and Harley and Enis found me.
I don't know why I was abandoned, but if my real parents ever come looking for me, will they still be able to find me?
*sigh*... Daddy is gone, and Enis is leaving. Little lamb, where do you think our home really is? Where is the friend who ate strawberry ice cream with me a long time ago?
Cheerful Creature (Unsatisfied groan)
Dejected Little Girl Hey—
The ocean doesn't answer her. It merely sits between the two Siestas as always.
Suddenly, the girl notices that the calm, quiet shoreline has gotten closer to her at some point. The seawater gradually drowned the dry surface and has reached her feet.
Dejected Little Girl Hmm...?
[Enis runs toward his little sister as the tsunami approaches.]
Enis Liv!
<Background 4>
Their surroundings suddenly fall silent.
The bubbling lava, the falling rocks. All of it are suddenly without sound whatsoever, as though time itself has ground to a halt.
Adele isn't sure if it is her hearing aids that have failed or that she has once again fallen into a dream. All she can feel is that she is enveloped by a formless warmth, as though she has fallen into a cozy mattress.
Dolly Poor little one, you seem to be frightened. *sigh*, why did you climb the volcano at a time like this?
[Adele notices Dolly.]
Adele Mr. Dolly? So this is where you've been!
I thought you'd left... Where are Keller and Kahn?! Did the lambs cause the volcanic anomaly? I... Am I already dead...?
Dolly Hey, hey! Calm down, little one. I know you have a lot of questions, but slow down. We'll take it one step at a time.
You are alive and well, and so are your buddies, but I won't let them see me. Once they wake up from this, all they'll think is that they had a nice little nap.
As for all that strange equipment on the volcano... Terribly sorry. I told them to be extra careful—I'm not lying this time!
But I wasn't able to keep them in check. They were being so rowdy with their fun... And I'm not lying about this, either.
Adele Having fun... on a volcano?
Dolly Of course! Didn't I tell you? This is second best thing on the planet! Volcano surfing!
Adele lifts her head up and looks into the distance. There is lava gushing out of the crater sporadically, but she can faintly make out silhouettes of critters enjoying themselves. At the same time, there are many more creatures happily making their way toward the crater.
The mountain is covered in a blanket of white wool, almost like clouds have come falling down from the sky and draped themselves over it.
Adele Mr. Dolly, these sheep aren't just your clones, are they...?
Dolly Ohh? You've realized it, have you?
Just as I said, I've met a lot of interesting folk during the long, long time I've been around.
Oh, don't get the wrong idea. They aren't "souls" or anything.
There's no way to keep lives that have been lost. I simply copied how they looked and made all these little ones... It's like... a personal collection? I thought you'd like them.
Adele That sounds... kind of cruel...
Dolly Look at me talking on and on. I only just noticed that you've found the fur too. Yeah... it's been way too long since the last time I saw them.
Just then, another scar appears on her old, tattered protective gear.
Adele I should've guessed.
Dolly It's an apt metaphor, isn't it? Animals need very thick fur to protect themselves—same for humans.
When I see you standing here like that, it's like I'm looking at those two old friends of mine. I really miss them.
Oh, you earn no praise from me for inheriting their exquisite mantle. It's just I'm guessing you miss them too. Poor girl, why can't you just open up and admit it?
No need to act tough. You shouldn't keep yourself so on edge, either. No one will deny a girl your age the right to feel sad or afraid. You need to learn to not act tough.
If you're tired, stop and take a break or cry your heart out.
Adele Mr. Dolly, is this scavenger hunt just a game?
Dolly It's true that it's not really all that mysterious of a puzzle. I just wanted you to have some fun, Adele.
I had lots of fun during my time in Siesta.
Adele I don't understand. Why are you taking such good care of me in particular...?
Dolly It's simple. A girl as lovely as you is a rare sight on this world.
Misfortune may find you often... but you have no less love than anybody else.
Actually, I saw you a long time ago, back in Leithanien.
A little girl always earnestly reading her books in that tiny, little spire.
As the child of two genius academics, many had high expectations of her. She was seen as a gifted Caster and scholar.
Outstanding, remarkably talented individuals like her are always burdened with achieving results to match their talent. Even if they are inflicted with an incurable disease, they are seen by others as a tenacious role model.
Dolly Young Adele, has anyone ever asked you what you wanted?
Adele ......
Dolly Take a look. There are so many people and so many lives all around the world. You know volcanoes like the back of your hoof, but there are so many fun things out there besides volcanoes. Why not see for yourself?
Adele Thanks... Mr. Dolly. I've... had a lot of fun these past few days...
Dolly I can smell half a lie. Just half, but we'll leave it like this for now.
It's nearly time. I really wanted to invite you to come try lava surfing with me, but the human body is too weak.
I'll take you three somewhere safe. Then, I'll have to be ready for the opening of Volcano Paradise.
So long, Adele.
Adele Thanks, Mr. Dolly... Will we meet again?
Dolly Perhaps... No, maybe I should say we will meet again for sure.
I hope that the next time we meet, I will get to see a truly happy Adele.
Promise me this?
Adele Yeah!
The fluffy creature shakes its body a little, walks forward a few steps, and lightly brushes the girl's cheek with its snout.
Dolly Oh! I almost forgot. I owe you a reward for finding all three things.
Adele ......
Mr. Dolly, do you know anything else about... the death of my parents?
Dolly Hrmm...
What I mean is... The thing you've been looking for... isn't "Volcano Watchers?"
Adele You've been talking about Volcano Watchers?!
Dolly S-Surprise...?
Adele I thought...
Dolly There used to be a lot of Volcano Watchers growing on Mount Siesta's hills. They look pretty, and they are tasty. That's why the little ones ate most of them up.
Then I realized if they kept on eating them, it wouldn't be long before they went extinct. That's why I planted some of them in a secret spot behind their backs.
Adele So the Volcano Watchers aren't extinct yet... That's good news...
Then where did you plant the flowers?
Dolly Oh, just on top of a hill around the back of the volcano.
Adele ......
By volcano... You mean this one, the one that's about to erupt...?
Dolly ......
Er... yeah.
[A rumble is felt.]
<Background 2>
Girl Enis?
Are you... leaving...?
Enis (Out of breath)
Why did you... run out here all by yourself...?
Girl I thought... you weren't ever going to come back.
Enis Are you kidding me...?
When you're on the adventure team... you never work alone.
Let's go home.
The seawater has risen above their soles, making it difficult to even walk.
Enis Hurry!
At first, the waves were just a hazy line at the far reach of their vision, but in just the blink of an eye, they are right here in front of them.
Enis tightly clutches his sister as the waves beat against his less than robust back, causing him to stagger.
Another, taller wave is approaching them.
Enis (There's no way...)
(Let's try this—)
Enis tries his hardest to feel the 'rock' in his body. It's close to his heart. Every time his heart beats, he can feel its hard texture.
A rock the size of a man rises from the ground in front of the siblings and immediately crumbles just barely withstanding the crashing of the wave.
There is an intense pain in his chest.
Girl Enis!
[Enis' nose bleeds.]
Enis Look... Didn't I tell you...? I know magic...
Enis wipes the blood on his face and pulls his sister so she isn't hurt by the crumbling gravel.
Enis Quick, hide behind me!
Danger Zone.png
One, two...
Seemingly formed by the white waves, a countless number of fluffy creatures rush toward them from the coast. They stack together and form a wall, or more precisely, a dam.
The waves clash against the furry dam, completely absorbed by it the very next second.
Enis I must've gone crazy...
What exactly is this...?
Having absorbed the seawater, their white wool has grown even puffier, enough to keep the siblings safe from the dangerous waves.
<Background black>
After who knows how long, the ground has finally stopped shaking, and the waves gradually start to calm.
<Background 2>
Enis Are... Are we saved?
Dozy Creature (Shivers) (Shakes to dry body)
Enis Th-Thank you...?
Dozy Creature (Happy bleat)
Just like cotton candy dissolving in the water, the beastling suddenly disappears.
Enis I guess that's... a near-death hallucination...?
[Enis collapses just as a car stops nearby and Swire walks out of it.]
Swire Enis!
<Background 3>
The night deepens, and at some point in time, the bustling crowd's clamor gradually started to fade.
Someone has taken out a guitar and started playing a gentle melody.
Almost like some kind of tacit understanding, everyone looks in the same direction.
A pillar of smoke gradually rises from the volcano's caldera, followed by spews of dark red and ash gray. The ground is trembling slightly underneath their feet.
Perturbed Passerby We're so far out. We definitely won't get caught in that, right...?
Regretful Passerby *sigh*... It still came.
Male Instrument Shop Owner Oh... It really erupted...
Female Instrument Shop Owner *sob*...
The people in the crowd hold the hands of those around them. Parents hug their children tight, as pedestrians begin to hold their breaths.
As though they all finally feel a weight off their shoulders, or perhaps like a giant boulder has finally crushed their hearts, sighs and quiet mumblings can be heard amongst the crowd, yet this just makes the whole street seem even more quiet.
This continues for a very, very long time, until the crowd snaps back from the sight before them.
Cold Drinks Shop Owner ......
I can still recall that back when I was a young boy... my parents would take me to this little hill. It was full of flowers and trees whose names I never knew. There were so many of them, and they smelled so wonderful every spring.
My father was allergic to their pollen, so he would wait for us at the bottom of the hill. My mother and I would bend the flowers' branches and weave garlands. We ran and ran across the hill, and waved down to the bottom of the hill...
...That won't ever happen again...
Snowsant Mr. Tom...
Cold Drinks Shop Owner It's nothing, girl. I'm just thinking about the past... I used to sell ice cream every day, meeting all kinds of children.
Now my children are all in Columbia. They didn't come back home, even for a time like this.
Bison ......
Sir, your children are far away. It's possible that they didn't know Siesta's volcano was going to erupt today. The might be on their way, or they could have a package still in transit...
I came here because I wanted to build a logistics center that connected all regions and shortened the distances between them.
Maybe someday, you'll get things from different places more quickly, and your children will know how you're doing that much faster.
But we're still a long way away from achieving that... Just now, I was thinking that I might be able to do something to help...
Cold Drinks Shop Owner What's that...?
Bison If anyone needs to send a postcard to family abroad, Mountaincomm Trade could deliver them for free the next few days.
By the time they get them, or when they come back after they get their postcards, Siesta will be a better place than it is now.
I'll do my best to make this a better place, too. It's a small wish of mine, aside from my commercial ambitions.
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Thanks, kid.
Snowsant It's such a nice thing to be able to write your family...
When I was studying in Columbia, I would sometimes get homesick at night. I always wanted to write home, but I couldn't afford international postage, so all I ever did was cry myself to sleep...
That's when I'd remember a poem that means something like, wheresoever someone is, the twin moons in the night sky are always the same, and if we look at the moons, even the greatest distances are nothing.
Does Siesta have any songs like that...?
The old man clears his throat. His beard slightly twitches, as though he remembers something, and starts singing a song stiltedly.
The volcanic ash slowly spreads, covering half the sky.
Cold Drinks Shop Owner Each day I linger, aside my dreams ♪
I've lost my way, I'm a fowl without wings ♪
I grasp at hope, I'm holdin' on out ♪
Oh on the road, will I come tumblin' down ♪
And maybe somethin' scares in me, if tomorrow's sun I see ♪
But I'm just headin' far, I'm no wanderer ♪
<Background black>
Cold Drinks Shop Owner ...I'm just headin' far, I'm no wanderer ♪
'Cause right out there... I've been lookin' to be ♪
<Background 3>
??? Lady Ceylon.
Ceylon Schwarz! What are you doing here?!
Schwarz I had a few missions for Rhodes Island, but I came as soon as I was finished with them.
It took me forever to find you. I'd been searching the crowd for the better part of the day. I have your favorite tea in my bag. I'll give it to you as soon as we get back.
And... I also wanted to come back...
The White Lava.png
They see the rocks in their memories crumble, as a magnificent evening glow they had never before seen rises from the top of the volcano.
A pink smoke covers half of the sky and gradually flutters downward toward the ground. Although they did not see it for themselves, they know a memory that belonged only to them has now been forever buried underneath the white volcanic ash.
Surprised Passerby Am I seeing things... How did the top of the volcano turn white?
Curious Passerby What are you talking about? I don't see it...
Regretful Passerby Siesta... has been wiped out.
No Longer Panicked Passerby I think... "reborn" might be the more appropriate word here.
I say we remember this day forevermore... How about we call it the "Volcano Festival?"
<Background black>
Sweet peaceful dreams to you each evening ♪

Not a worry, not a sweat ♪
For what's gone is gone, and the future will come ♪

The sun will rise tomorrow, happy days ♪
The White Lava.png
Schwarz See you, Siesta.
Ceylon See you... Siesta.
Schwarz ...Don't be sad, Lady Ceylon. Tomorrow is a new day.
Ceylon Right... tomorrow is a new day.
<Background 4>
[Back on Mt. Siesta, Emperor is trying to keep the Little Black Sheep off his belongings that they are playing with.]
Emperor Hey! You ugly-ass sheep...
Keep my vinyls out your stinkin' mouth...! No chewin' my limited edition shirt, either!
Watch that lava! Dammit! Heat degrades a vinyl's sound!
You think this gonna wear out my patience? You got another thing comin'. I'd do this ten thousand years...
Dolly! I swear, I'ma feed your clones to the wolves...!