Operation story: OF-6

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Bodyguard icon.png
Cronin's Bodyguard
Bodyguard icon.png
Cronin's Henchman
OF Venue
Hotel Room
OF Stage

Before operation

The conversation between the two finally comes to an end.
Schwarz and Ceylon reach a point of mutual understanding once again, and Schwarz finally stands with Ceylon once more.
<Background 1>
The greatest collaborative concert of the Obsidian Festival will begin in just three hours!
<Background 2>
Cronin It's about time. As long as Schwarz and Rhodes Island can fight each other to a standstill, things will go smoothly here.
I knew pitting them against each other would be a masterful move. Heh.
Hurry up! Move these things out of here! Pick up the pace, or you won't be seeing your paychecks!
Hmm? What's that sound coming from outside?
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 3>
Ceylon Doctor, if we just rush into the broadcast tower, I'm sure we'll run straight into Cronin's ambush.
If we move together, Schwarz will definitely try to disarm your forces first, and I won't be able to contain her at all.
Even if we seize the broadcast tower by force, without the support of the government, my words will only confuse the public and cause panic.
If Schwarz is protecting Cronin, that will prove to be a major obstacle for you.
Most importantly, you'll have to figure out a way to find out whatever Cronin is hiding.
Maybe Cronin really is innocent, but...
Hellagur In that case, we'd just force him to announce the news?
Ceylon Right. If that's what it boils down to, I don't mind using force, since I was thinking the same thing.
Hellagur That takes some guts, Miss Ceylon. Maybe even borders on reckless.
Ceylon Rhodes Island has already proven my conclusion through their lab tests. If I don't do this, countless lives are going to be lost here.
Hellagur I'm not trying to blame you, Miss. I just don't get to decide whether Rhodes Island can go along with your plan.
Ceylon Do you mean...
Hellagur Doctor. You should be well aware of our options as well as their consequences. What should we do?
Doctor We've already come this far. There's only one thing to do! / ...... / Letting countless innocents suffer violates our credo.
Hellagur So, who will take responsibility for this?
Doctor Nobody, as long as no-one finds out.
Hellagur That's our Doctor.
Miss Ceylon, let's go before it's too late.
Ceylon Doctor...
Doctor Do what you have to do.
Ceylon I understand. I'll hold Schwarz back.
Besides, there's something I must do. I need to know the answer...
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Ceylon Schwarz...
Why are you pushing me away?
Schwarz ...
Milady, you've received an education in Victoria. You belong somewhere better. Don't stay here and struggle with people like us.
Ceylon ...No. I don't agree with that.
Schwarz, what do you think I see you as? And what do you think of me as?
Schwarz I am not the person you think I am, milady.
Ceylon Because you've killed someone?
Schwarz ...
Ceylon Because you've killed many people?
Schwarz No, milady. That's enough.
Ceylon Perhaps we're both mistaken, Schwarz.
Schwarz I don't want you to know about that, milady!
Ceylon Sorry.
Schwarz ...Milady?
Ceylon I already know. I've already heard about your past... even if it's just a little bit of it.
I'm sorry if you didn't want me to learn about it, but I can't just feign ignorance.
Schwarz No, milady! You're not supposed to know that! You should have...
Ceylon I should have what? Kept doing what was expected of me? Kept studying hard, and then rise to the upper class? As if!
I'm not some delicate flower, nor am I an ignorant little princess! I have something that I must do!
All of us have a responsibility to protect Siesta. You and I, and my father as well! None of us are bystanders!
You didn't want me to get involved in this in order to protect me, right?
Schwarz No, I...
Ceylon You're just like my father. Trying to dictate everything for me because it's "for my own good," but I don't think so!
So what if what I'm doing is dangerous? So what if you have a dark past?! Maybe I'll cry or be terrified or even be hurt by these things...
But if you ever say "Ceylon, I need your help," I'll always be there for you! No matter what you have to say, I'll always lend you my ear!
If we really are friends, then we should do that for each other. How can we be considered friends when you're the only one doing the giving?!
So, Schwarz, would you help me right now?
You asked me before why I'm doing this. And this is my answer...
So, would you give me your response, Schwarz? If what happened in the past is truly in the past, could you be my friend again, just like before?
Schwarz Milady... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I've done and said. My actions have caused a misunderstanding between us that never should have happened...
Ceylon Ah...
Schwarz Milady, you are my friend. And you always have been.
Cronin's Henchman ...
Are you two still chit-chatting? What's the verdict? What's going on over there?
Schwarz Milady, please tell me, what are we going to do next?
Ceylon Huh? I, um... I'd like to spread the news about the impending Catastrophe through official channels.
Rhodes Island should be collecting evidence against Cronin as we speak, and he'll soon be kicked out of the City Council...
However, after the news gets out, the Obsidian Festival will have to be canceled, and Siesta will have to move...
Schwarz Don't worry, milady.
Ceylon R-really?
Schwarz If that's what you desire, then I will support you.
Ceylon Schwarz...
Schwarz Milady, do you need me to protect you?
Ceylon Mm, yes.
Schwarz In that case, please take cover. It'll be over soon.
Cronin's Henchman Schwarz, what are you doing? Are you disobeying Cronin's orders?
Schwarz Orders? Support Cronin? That's just a disguise. Since the very beginning, I've only had two orders.
First, Master Doykos asked me to collect evidence against Cronin, including his secret manipulation of V3 Industries and his unauthorized harvesting of obsidian.
Now that the truth has come to light, the gig is up.
Cronin's Henchman G-get them, quickly! Seize both of them, now!
Schwarz As for the second order, you just heard it.
...Milady asked me to protect her.

After operation

Vigna and the Doctor's raid hits the mark, and Cronin changes his tune as he desperately tries to flee.
<Background 1>
Ceylon Th-they've all been knocked out? I... never knew you were so powerful.
I've thought about it before, but...
Schwarz That's why I didn't want you to know.
Ceylon But that was amazing! You're really cool, Schwarz!
Schwarz Ugh...
Ceylon How'd you jump that high?! You ran up the wall and did a somersault!
Then you spun around in midair and dodged all their shots!
Then you turned around, and bang bang! You took them all out just like that! My goodness!
Schwarz Milady... You're making me blush.
Ceylon But Schwarz, there is one thing I have to correct. I wasn't giving you an order. That was just a request from a friend.
If you ever need anything from me, just tell me.
Schwarz Understood.
Ceylon Hmm? What did I just say?
Schwarz ...Huh?
Ceylon There's no need to talk like that! We're friends, friends!
Schwarz Um... sure then.
Ceylon Haha! Let's head to the City Hall now. I wonder how Rhodes Island is doing...
<Background 2>
Cronin These imbeciles... They can't even stop a little girl?!
Cronin's Bodyguard But she's a Sarkazian! Plus, there are several others with her!
Cronin It's only a handful of them!
D-damn it! What is Rhodes Island doing here?!
Vigna Huh... Feels like these guys are even weaker than Originium slugs...
Cronin Call everyone over here right now!
Cronin's Bodyguard But, Mister Cronin...
I don't think numbers are going to help!
Cronin No such thing! Don't you dare take a step back!
Vigna *yawn*... Hey Doctor, did you find it yet? I still want to go see that concert. We're going to miss it if we take too long here.
Doctor I've got it! / ...... / Mhm. I've already found the logbooks and bonds.
Vigna Huh? You found it? See, beating some sense into them works after all. Meteorite was right. Sometimes, violence solves everything!
Cronin D-Damn it all!
Whatever. As long as I can get out of here, it's easy enough to forge a registration.
Vigna Ah, Doctor, he jumped out from the window!
Doctor Let's take everything with us!
Vigna Okay~
Hmm, the General is still out there, right? I feel like this Cronin is going to have a tragic end... It would've been better for him to stay inside.
C'mon, Doctor, I'll help you out!
<Background 4>
Cronin *gasp* *gasp*... Damn it...
I've got... to call the others back right now!
Hellagur Last time, it was Miss Ceylon and the Doctor of Rhodes Island jumping out from that window.
This time, it's you. Karma is poetic, isn't it, Mister Cronin?
These things happen in life, sir.
Cronin You... You! What'd you do to them? What'd you do to them?!
Hellagur They'd be an eyesore to the beautiful view here.
By the way, you've kept these young ladies waiting for quite some time.
[Schwarz and Ceylon appears.]
Cronin Schwarz...
You two are standing together, which means...
Doctor In other words, you're toast. / ...... / You can't escape the law. We have all the evidence.
Hellagur Doctor, please be careful. He may make one last desperate attempt.
Cronin Damn you... All of you...!
Ceylon Your plot has been exposed, Cronin!