Operation story: OF-5

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Bodyguard icon.png
Cronin's Bodyguard
Bodyguard icon.png
Cronin's Henchman
Siesta Downtown
OF Venue

Before operation

Schwarz had been waiting underneath the broadcast tower for a long time for Ceylon's arrival, but she quickly realizes that Ceylon is the bait.
On the other side, Vigna and the Doctor break through the doors of the City Hall.
<Background 1>
Broadcast Everyone, are you getting all fired up?!
In order to welcome the hottest concert in the Obsidian Festival...
Starting from 12 o'clock today, all the malls, recreational facilities, and even some of your favorite bars and restaurants will hold a variety of warm-up activities!
You do not want to miss out!
<Background 2>
Schwarz I knew you'd come here, milady.
Ceylon Schwarz...
Schwarz I knew you'd come here. After Cronin turned you down, you'd try to use the broadcast tower to spread the news so that the entire city would hear it.
This won't work, milady. It will only cause confusion and chaos.
Perhaps you hate your father and this city, but Master Doykos has already given enough. This will lead to the demise of the Obsidian Festival and Siesta as a whole.
Ceylon I know that the news will cause an uproar and maybe even have far-reaching consequences, but the truth needs to be heard.
Schwarz I know Master Doykos has made mistakes in the past. Though he has done a lot of wrong, Siesta would not exist were it not for his actions.
Ceylon This has nothing to do with that!
Schwarz Feel free to criticize me if you must, but please do not do something that is beyond redemption.
Ceylon Do you... do you really think I'm just some child throwing a temper tantrum?
Schwarz No, milady. I'll try to persuade Master Doykos, I promise you. But just for now, let's head back together.
Ceylon Schwarz... Don't talk to me like that.
Schwarz I know you and Master Doykos currently do not see eye to eye, but for the time being, you should head home first.
Ceylon I told you not to talk to me like that! I know that you're trying to mend our relationship, but could you not be like that?!
Why can't you treat me like you used to? Talk to me as a friend, Schwarz!
Schwarz I am simply a servant of the Doykos family.
Ceylon Don't say that, Schwarz. I don't want to hear you talk like that! What happened to you? Why would you treat me like this?
Schwarz ...
Cronin's Henchman What are you doing? Seize her this instant!
Schwarz ...She is the master's daughter. Watch your words.
Cronin's Henchman But the mayor told you to give your full support to Mister Cronin! Are you going to let her destroy Siesta with her poisonous rumors?
Schwarz ...Use your brain for a moment. She came here alone, without even the slightest show of anxiety...
Do you really think she's trying to enter the broadcast tower?
Cronin's Henchman What?!
Schwarz Forget it.
Milady, you're using yourself to distract me, right?
Ceylon ...You still know me well.
Schwarz I wouldn't say that, milady. But since you didn't deny it, I can surmise as much.
Ceylon Right now, Rhodes Island should already be at the City Hall.
Cronin's Henchman Wh-what?! That's not a part of the plan! What's going on at the City Hall?
Schwarz I'd assume the thugs over there are getting a good beating just about now.
<Background 3>
Cronin's Bodyguard Why's it so quiet out there? I told them to hurry up and carry the materials away. They dare slack off on such an urgent task?
Hmm? What was that noise? Did another fight break out? Whatever, I need to finish that task...
Girl's Voice Sir, please open the door! We have a package to deliver!
Cronin's Bodyguard (Huh? Did any of you order something?)
(No? That's weird...)
You've got the wrong address!
Girl's Voice But sir, the label on the parcel says it's right here...?
Cronin's Bodyguard Get lost! If you keep bothering us, I'm gonna teach you a lesson!
Girl's Voice ...
Cronin's Bodyguard Tsk... Sly little devil, trying to trick us again.
Girl's Voice Ah, screw it! Doctor, stand aside, I'm kicking the door down!
What?! Don't worry! I'm more than strong enough!
Cronin's Bodyguard Huh?
[The girl, who is revealed to be Vigna, breaks through the door.]
Vigna Hah!
Cronin's Bodyguard Whaaaat?! The main door...! My god, what kind of monster are you—
Doctor Goooaaaaaaaal! / ...... / Friends, you mustn’t be so rude to the courier.
Vigna Hehe, I've always wanted to give that a try. And now, there's this line...
Um, ahem!
"FBI! Open up!"
Doctor But you already kicked the door down...

After operation

The conversation between Schwarz and Ceylon continues.
But this time, Schwarz understands Ceylon's persistence, and realizes that she is the one who had been deceived.
<Background 1>
Ceylon Schwarz, the years I spent studying in Victoria weren't just for show.
There, I studied the most cutting-edge science and technology pertaining to Catastrophe and Originium research.
Things that seem to fall within the realm of the divine to you, may well be a fact of reality for me.
Everything that I've learned, as well as everything I believe in, tells me that I am right.
Schwarz Milady, you did not go to law school.
Ceylon Huh...?
Schwarz What is Rhodes Island trying to do at the City Hall?
Ceylon Searching for evidence to use against Cronin.
Schwarz Hmm?
Ceylon Cronin may be slimy, but he's not stupid.
He's a Catastrophe Messenger. There's no way he doesn't know about the volcano's situation.
I'm sure he's hiding the truth for his own benefit, and as long as we can gather the evidence secretly...
Schwarz I think Rhodes Island will confront him directly, so that whole secret search is unlikely to succeed.
Ceylon ...
It-it's fine! Since you're not there...
Schwarz Milady, I want to know why you're doing this. If you give me a reasonable answer, I won't go after Rhodes Island.
Ceylon ...This is something I have to do. I don't believe that my father is such a cold-blooded person. He would never stand by idly and let this happen.
My father loves this city more than anyone else. And I know that better than anyone else.
Schwarz Do you still hate him?
Ceylon Why would I? If anything, he should be the one who hates me, because my birth took my mother's life...
But he never resented me.
What I hate is how he arranges everything for me and never tells me what he's planning.
It may seem like he's protecting me, but the end result is that I only end up ignorant and helpless.
Just like right now! It must be Cronin's fault; he must have hidden the truth about the eruption from my father.
That's the only reason he ordered Cronin to stop me! Would you call that hate?
Schwarz Eruption?
What Cronin said was, you were going to reveal Master Doykos's secrets, so that he would be dismissed and put on trial.
Ceylon What?! No, what did my father even do in the past?
Schwarz Don't worry about it.
...Hmm, I see what is going on now.
Ceylon So Cronin wasn't even under my father's orders when he tried to capture me. Phew, that about clears things up.
Schwarz, if I really wanted to do something like that, I would have gone through legal channels.
Everything that I'm doing is also for the sake of this city, my hometown.
Schwarz I understand. Milady, you're not concerned about the past, or about social standings.
I feel the same was as you. As does your father.
Ceylon Phew... No matter what others think, I'll always trust you and my father.
Even if there's a conflict between our goals, I trust that we'll be able to resolve things between the two of us.
That's why I believed that you'd be here. We both understand this city well.
That's why you'd come to stop me.
Come to think of it, it doesn't really matter who the mayor is, right? I'm sure that's what my father would think. What he cares about is this city.
That's why I know he'll agree with me.
Schwarz... Wouldn't you agree?
Schwarz You've grown, milady.