Operation story: OD-2

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Sarkaz Mercenary B icon.png
Burly Townsfolk
Female Sargonian icon.png
Infected Woman
RI Operator icon.png
Sarkaz Mercenary A icon.png
Sarkaz Mercenary
Bounty Hunter A icon.png
Strange Townsfolk
Sarkaz Mercenary B icon.png
Strange Townsfolk (Sarkaz Mercenary)
Male Sargonian A icon.png
Male Sargonian B icon.png
Infected Girl
Sargon House
Sargon Village
Watchtower 33 Night

Before operation

Half a year has already passed since the members of Team Rainbow were unexpectedly transported to Terra. After recovering from their initial surprise, they gradually adjust to life in the new land.
[Ash is recording an operation log.]
Ash Mission log day 184.
Currently, we are still holding fast in this run-down house.
The 184th day of the mission and the 27th day of reaching the aforementioned run-down house.
Who would believe that we've already lived in this place for 184 days.
We still have no clues about this world.
Two weeks ago, based on instructions from the locals, we left this run-down house and headed to another town.
Before we left, the townspeople said that it was a "more developed place". I am unsure if our definitions of developed are the same.
What happened? Turns out it was a bandit den.
No batteries, no useful information, not even a single person we could communicate normally with.
Of course, we didn't leave empty-handed. Tina "acquired" a car.
The process was long and arduous, and used up much of what little supplies and ammunition we still had.
However, the car was heavily damaged during the conflict, and broke down soon after we returned to the house.
Alexsandr tried to repair the car, but this car didn't have an obvious fuel intake point, and on further inspection even the fuel tank was absent.
The engine's structure was completely incomprehensible to him, to the point he wasn't even sure if it was actually an engine.
The only good news was that it was a left-hand drive car.
Having been in this world for half a year by now, we are very certain that this place is not Earth.
Stealing cars and getting into gunfights, it's like we're fugitives in a post-apocalyptic film.
Those bandits with long lizard tails didn't even need to use guns, as they were able to throw javelins weighing up to 10 kilograms to a distance tens of meters away. The term gunfight may not be accurate here.
Some of them could even create huge fireballs from thin air and launch them, with the effect somewhere in between a grenade and an RPG.
This world is far too abnormal, to the point where I'm no longer surprised by anything.
The adaptability of humans often exceeds my expectations. It seems that we will continue to struggle to survive here.
Today will be the last day I'm recording. I don't plan on recording anymore.
The storage for this recorder is almost full, and the battery will not last much longer.
Our only source of power on this world is Tina's solar charger. Thank goodness this world has a sun as well.
What would happen if this charger broke, or if we used up all our supplies and ammunition?
To be frank, I don't know.
This situation still feels unreal to me, with everything being so weird......yet so natural.
Which way is the path back home?
<Background 1>
Tachanka Come on, Uman, look at this.
Hey, you don't eat vegetables?
Let me see what else I have here......
[Ash approaches Tachanka.]
Ash What are you doing?
Tachanka Haa! Come and look at Uman, my little buddy.
Ash You're raising a......what's this called again?
Tachanka Originium slug, that's what the locals call these things.
Ash ......
You still have the mood to raise this?
Tachanka Why not? I'm spending all day sitting on the roof after all, might as well find something to do. Can't be talking to my machine gun all the time.
Ash Your job is to keep aware of the surrounding area's safety, not play around with this snail thing.
Tachanka What you've said makes sense, but what are we guarding against? Those quivering Infected, or the townsfolk living a kilometer away who never come here anyway?
The only living thing that's come close to this dump of a house is a flying lizard, which I suppose helped out with the ration issue.
Ash ......Where's Tina and Kötz?
Tachanka They went to exchange supplies with those Infected people.
Tina managed to hunt some stuff again yesterday. She's becoming pretty experienced at it.
Ash Tina went out to hunt by herself again?
Tachanka Of course, she's even enjoying it. She's been trying to capture a wild burdenbeast.
By the way, Kötz went to the town.
Remember that thing I dismantled from the car? Kötz said he knows a mechanic in town and wanted to ask about it.
Ash Fine.
Tachanka You're too anxious, Cohen.
Just relax, we can't return anytime soon anyway.
Learn from Kötz and go talk with those people. They're somewhat friendly, at least.
I still haven't learned the local language. Man, Kötz really knows his stuff.
Ash That's what I'm afraid of.
Tachanka Afraid of what?
Ash Kötz is getting too close to those people. It isn't a good thing, the atmosphere around here is very abnormal.
That town is too full of contradictions. We've been here for nearly a month, don't tell me you haven't picked up on that.
A local government official who stays in his manor all day and never leaves......Oh, I guess the proper term is "lord"? There's those fully-armed private soldiers of his as well.
And this "infected zone".
The entire region is governed by the same lord, yet these Infected are not allowed to live in the town. Even the other townsfolk are unwilling to approach this place.
They were driven here.
Tachanka That's because these friends "got a strange sickness".
The act of separating the sick when an infectious disease is raging about is not uncommon after all, even in the past. At least the lord did not just lock them all up in prison.
Ash Originium sickness......or was it Oripathy? I don't remember the exact term.
All we know about this sickness is that it is related to Originium, it is infectious and it is incurable.
But how does it actually spread between people? What does it being incurable actually mean?
No one's answered our questions, and assume that we should know the basic situation.
This disease is either common sense in this town, or it is common sense in this world.
If it is only contact with Originium ore that will cause problems, then I don't think that it is necessary to carry out quarantine measures.
Besides, the doctor also thinks that there is no risk of infection from our frequency and distance of interaction with these Infected.
This infected zone is just a wall-less prison, breeding hate between the Infected and the townsfolk. You can feel it even without seeing it for yourself.
The word I'm using is "hate", not just exclusion and discrimination. Hate is carved into every word they speak, every action they do. It's become part of their culture.
Hate. You understand what I mean? This isn't just a problem about an unknown disease anymore. We shouldn't get involved in any local conflicts.
Just imagine this scenario. If the townsfolk began grabbing torches, raising pitchforks and rushing into these Infected's homes, what would you do then? Shoot them down?
Tachanka Hard to say.
We have them to thank for our food, water and medicine for the past few months.
Before this, we've been trudging back and forth across this treacherous wasteland, being attacked by anything that moves and not getting even a single glimpse of civilization......until we got their help.
Do you really think we can just "mind our own business", Cohen?
If they grabbed weapons and broke into Doctor Miarow's clinic, do you really want to just stand aside and watch?
Ash ......
Tachanka As for the problem you mentioned earlier, I don't think the infectiousness can be ignored.
It's as if everyone in this world has undergone professional chemical warfare training. They are always covering up their nose and mouth, and being extremely sensitive about protecting their respiratory systems, no matter their age or gender.
I've repeated this point before as well, that we must prepare similar protections for ourselves......
The doctor also approved of us keeping our distance. Thankfully the Infected don't have any complaints towards this. Perhaps this is normal to them.
Ash What did the doctor say about this?
Tachanka I didn't ask him. None of us asked him.
Every time we mention this topic, he always looks as though he would rather avoid it completely. As long as he thinks our defensive measures are fine, I won't bother him about it.
[Someone knocks the door.]
Ash (Shhh...)
"I did not order pizza."
??? There's no need to match passwords, Miss Cohen.
It's me, Miarow.
Tachanka Right on cue.
Ash Hold on, let me open the door.
[Ash opens the door, allowing Miarow, the Infected doctor mentioned by Tachanka earlier, to enter.]
Ash Good morning, doctor.
Miarow Good morning, Miss Cohen.
Good morning, Mister Alexsandr.
Tachanka Heh, we were just talking about you.
Miarow You do realize you're raising an Originium Slug, Mister Alexsandr?
Tachanka Yeah, this little thing is actually pretty fun to play with. Tina caught some earlier and this one was too small, so I kept it.
So you came to look for Tina?
Miarow No, I'm here to deliver stuff.
These are medical supplies, there were more leftovers this time.
Ash Thank you very much, doctor. We're always imposing on you.
Miarow I should be the one thanking you. It's all thanks to those Originium Slugs Miss Tina caught that we have enough painkillers for the next few months.
Tachanka So, these "Originium Slugs" really can cure diseases?
Miarow How do I put it...
Oripathy is incurable......This remedy made by fermenting the body fluids of Originium Slugs can only help to relieve the pain, it cannot actually cure the disease.
However, being able to relieve the pain is already a great blessing to the Infected. Crystallization on the skin will affect normal life, and the pain is so unbearable for some that they cannot even move.
Ash It's great that we can be of help.
Miarow This is the book that you asked me to look for you last time. I specifically looked for one in the Ursus language.
Tachanka Oh, great. Let me take a look.
Ash Can you understand it?
Tachanka ......With some difficulty.
At a glance, it looks like Cyrillic.
But when I look closer at it, there are many differences.
Ash At least you have something to do now, just treat it as learning a foreign language.
It should be more interesting than playing with a snail.
Tachanka Speaking of language, what do you call the language we're speaking now?
Miarow Your accents are a little weird......
But it is undoubtedly the Victorian language.
Ash Victoria......
Tachanka What about the locals, what do they speak?
Miarow The people here speak Sargonian, though Sargonian itself has a lot of dialects.
For example, most Sargons can't understand the Sargonian spoken by the tribes from the rainforest in east Sargon.
Ash That's complicated.
Tachanka Ursus.......Ursus.
What kind of place is Ursus?
Miarow Right......
I'm not too sure myself......
Back in school, they used to say that Ursus was in the far north and covered in snow year-round. It's ruled by a Tsar.
But I don't know anyone who's ever been to Ursus, haha.
Tachanka Tsar? ...Tch.
Ash What's wrong, you seem disappointed.
Tachanka A little.
If I have the chance, I'd really like to take a look at this place called Ursus.
Miarow Travelling to faraway places......that sounds nice.
Perhaps only great people like you are able to do it.
If possible, I also hope to travel to Columbia to complete my studies and become a real doctor.
Alas, I don't have that much money, and the patients here still need me.
Ash You're still young, there's always a chance in the future.
Miarow ......
Oh right, there's one other thing.
Please don't go outside for a while, and hide that car of yours as well.
Ash What happened?
Tachanka Did something happen in town?
Miarow Yes......
Ash How did you know?
Tachanka Last night, I saw the lord's soldiers patrolling by the wall. That was unusual.
Miarow Actually, the lord's soldiers have been doing night patrols in the infected zone for a week now......
Recently, monsters have been appearing in town. They've attacked many people.
Ash Monsters?
Tachanka Man, all the animals in this world are already so strange, I don't dare imagine what a monster would be like.
Miarow The townsfolk have been complaining about the Infected lately. Do you want to move to the second floor of my clinic for a few days? The lord's soldiers will come to inspect this ruined house sooner or later.
Ash Will it be fine, doctor? It might bring you trouble.
Miarow You've helped me out so much, I don't think it's a big deal.
Tachanka I agree with the doctor. Clashing with the lord's soldiers will just get us involved in the local issues and bring more trouble upon us.
I don't want to get into a fight with those two-meter tall dog-head people.
Miarow ......Dog......what?
Tachanka (Cough) Err, I'll tell you about that next time.
[Someone knocks the door again.]
Ash Someone's coming.
Tachanka "I did not order pizza."
Frost Alexsandr! Open the door!
Tachanka It's Tina.
Ash Hold on.
[Ash runs to the door and opens it, allowing Frost, who are in a hurry, to enter.]
Ash Calm down, what happened?
Frost Cohen! Trouble.
A group of armed townsfolk are blocking the road to the infected zone, and the Infected are confronting them.
Those people are acting very aggressively, demanding that someone be handed over to them.
Tachanka You see, what did I say earlier?
Ash ......Speak of the devil......
Miarow Townsfolk? Armed?
Why? The lord's soldiers do not allow normal townsfolk to approach the infected zone.
Tachanka That just means the lord's soldiers no longer have the time to care about this place anymore.
Ash Wait! What about Kötz? Didn't Kötz go to the town this morning?
Frost Kötz said he was going to look for a mechanic in town this morning, but he hasn't returned yet.
Ash Oh no.
Frost What do we do?
Ash Go check it out first. At least make sure if Kötz is there.
Tachanka Should we bring weapons?
Ash ......Bring them just in case, but don't attack unless absolutely necessary.
Tachanka Alright.
Miarow No! Wait.
Don't worry, let me handle it first. I'm more familiar with the townsfolk, let me negotiate with them.
Ash ......Alright, doctor. Please be careful.
Miarow It's fine, the townsfolk......They're reasonable.
<Background 2>
Townsfolk Hand that person over!
Give us that suspicious person! All of us saw it!
Infected Townsfolk What the hell are you talking about!
Townsfolk Don't lie to us, you damn pollutants! I know all the recent happenings were you guys' doings!
You ungrateful maggots, the lord should never have allowed you to stay!!
I saw a large and heavily wrapped up person leave town and sneak over here earlier! Hand him over!
Infected Townsfolk I don't know what you're talking about!
Townsfolk Fine, since you refuse to give up this false pretense, we don't need to be courteous anymore.
Everyone! Get them!
Infected Townsfolk Don't you dare! Do you really think we're pushovers!
Everyone! They want a fight!
[Blitz rushes into the crowd to defuse the tension.]
Blitz Hey, stop! Don't fight! Let's talk first, alright?
Infected Townsfolk Wah! Mister Kötz, didn't I ask you to hide......
Blitz It's fine, don't worry. Let me talk with them.
Townsfolk This accent, you're not from here!
Who are you!
Blitz (Sigh......What do I do now. )
Blitz: I'm a merchant, one that collects trash.
Townsfolk Merchant? If you're a merchant, why do you have to sneak around?
What do you have under that bulging robe of yours? Come on, show us!
Capture him! Bring him to the lord!
Blitz Fine fine fine, I'll listen to you. I'll go with you guys.
There's no reason for us to fight, right? I'll explain clearly to your "lord".
Infected Townsfolk Mister Kötz......
Townsfolk Capture these guys as well. I suspect they're all accomplices!
Infected Townsfolk You! Don't go too far! What right do you have to capture others!
Blitz Oh, come on.
Bro, that's pretty unreasonable of you.
These friends just bought some Originium Slugs that I hunted. Surely it's not a crime to sell Originium Slugs?
Townsfolk Who knows if you people are colluding together to plan something sinister.
Capture them......capture all of them!
[Miarow arrived on the scene, urging the townsfolk to stand down.]
Miarow Stop! Are you all planning to go against Lord Tulla's will!
Infected Townsfolk Doctor! You've finally come!
Blitz Ah......apologies, Doctor Miarow.
Miarow Lord Tulla ruled that no one is allowed to approach this zone, unless you are an Infected as well.
What, are all of you Infected?
Burly Townsfolk Don't bother trying to smooth-talk us. What kind of relationship do you have with this outsider? Spit it out!
Otherwise, we'll capture you as well.
Miarow He's a patient of mine. There's no rule that my clinic cannot accept outsiders as patients.
Burly Townsfolk Well then, since you want to stop me, why don't you try and see?
Miarow ......What are you planning to do?
Strange Townsfolk Don't waste time here, bring them away.
Miarow ......
......Hold on!
You......you're not from this town!
[Ash and Tachanka rushes into Frost's side as she observes the commotion.]
Tachanka What do you think of it?
Frost The doctor is trying to reason with them, but the other side are stubborn as bulls.
Tachanka Doesn't seem like it can be resolved peacefully.
Ash Don't be rash, let the doctor handle it.
Frost ......
Cohen, something's wrong.
Ash Huh?
Frost Do you see those big guys at the back there?
Ash I see them.
What are those things they're carrying? They're wrapped in cloth.
With that size, it doesn't seem like they're farming tools.
Frost Would normal farmers carry these kinds of heavy weapons?
Tachanka ......Even in this world, I don't think farmers would till the fields while carrying huge swords.
They're not here to talk, Cohen.
[Ash cocks and loads her R4-C rifle.]
Ash Don't do anything stupid!
......Both of you cover me.
Tachanka Understood.
[A Sarkaz mercenary disguised as a townsfolk, with their stature and horns being a dead giveaway, threatens Miarow.]
Strange Townsfolk Brat, shut your mouth if you don't want to die.
Miarow You're not from here.
I've never seen you before. Who are you people!
What are you planning to do here!
Infected Townsfolk Huh, you guys are just like thieves crying "stop thief"!
Guards! There are intruders here! Guards!
Everyone! There are intruders!
Strange Townsfolk Tch.
You talk too much.
[The disguised Sarkaz merc reveals himself...]
Sarkaz Mercenary Time to shut up.
[...and strikes Miarow, which narrowly misses him.]
Miarow Huh...?!
Blitz Doctor, get down!
[Before the Sarkaz merc can land another strike at Miarow, Blitz pushes him out of the way and retaliates with his P12 handgun.]
Sarkaz Mercenary Guns!
Sarkaz Mercenary They're mercenaries!
Sarkaz Mercenary Why are there mercenaries in the infected zone?
Sarkaz Mercenary Don't worry about it. We have to bring them all back, dead or alive.
Do it.
[Ash engages the Sarkaz mercs.]
Ash Don't even think about it!
Lord! Cover fire!
Tachanka Should have done so from the start.
Taste this (Russian profanity)!
[Tachanka unloads his DP27 machine gun at the Sarkaz mercs.]

After operation

Infected creatures and strange mercenaries attack the Infected community of Long Spring. Team Rainbow leaps into the fray to help them avert disaster, but the situation takes an unexpected turn for the worse.
<Background 2>
Ash Cease fire! Watch out for civilians!
Tachanka They're getting away, Cohen!
Ash Don't bother with them, protect the others!
Frost Someone come here, there are injured people here.
Blitz Let's bring them inside.
Ash Doctor! Are you ok?
Miarow I'm here! I'm fine!
Infected Townsfolk My leg! My leg is broken! My leg! ......
[Miarow rushes to treat the injured townsfolk...]
Miarow Calm down, your leg is still here, it's just dislocated. Grit your teeth.
Infected Girl Mama... Mamaaa...
[...and look for the girl's mother...]
Miarow Has anyone seen Algar's mother?
Wounded Townsfolk Help me......please......
[...and tend to the wounded.]
Miarow We're running out of bandages......
Ash Those... (profanity)!
Blitz Is there a fire over there?
Ash Isn't the town center in that direction?
Tachanka Looks like this isn't the only place that was attacked.
Miarow Why? Where did the lord's guards go?
Tachanka Don't care about those guards or whatever anymore.There are sounds of fighting everywhere now, and it's only getting worse. We can't stay here, it's too wide open.
Let's move those wounded behind this building for now!
Infected Townsfolk Monsters! The monsters have come again!
Infected Woman Help!
Ash This is endless!
Alexsandr! Get on the roof and cover us!
Tachanka Understood.
Ash There's no time, doctor. We need to leave this place.
Miarow But, where can we go?
Ash Let's go to your clinic.
Miarow These Infected......
Ash Don't worry too much about it, let's get everyone to go to your clinic first.
Miarow ......Alright.
[Miarow noticed a townsfolk lying on the ground and rushes to his side...]
Miarow Someone lend a hand! He can't walk anymore!
[...before helping up the townsfolk.]
Ash Kötz, can you go and check if there's anyone else hiding in these houses? Let's get everyone here to the clinic.
Stay safe!
Blitz Understood.
Ash ......
[Ash looks at the messy situation.]
Ash ......This is really a disaster.
<Background 1>
[Ash rushes into Miarow's clinic.]
Ash Forty plus people......Is everyone here?
Miarow Yes......
Everyone we've rescued......is here.
Ash How many are we missing?
Miarow Quite a number, maybe they went to the other side of the town.
But some old ones......they didn't make it......
Blitz Don't beat yourself up, it's not your fault.
These monsters, where are they from? Are they trained beasts?
Miarow I don't know......I've never seen anything like them before.
Ash When those thugs drew their weapons, these monsters began burrowing out of the ground.
[Tachanka rushes into the clinic after gunning down some of the hostile creatures.]
Tachanka Who cares where they came from. How can there be so many of them?!
Ash How's the surrounding situation?
Tachanka A big mess.
There's sounds of combat from the other side of the town. I don't know what happened there.
Ash How much ammo do we have left?
Frost Not much, I only have four magazines left. If Alexsandr runs out of ammo then we're in big trouble.
Ammo isn't the biggest problem right now. This house isn't going to last much longer.
Judging by those monsters' size, if we let even one or two escape, they will definitely smash through this wall and it'll be impossible to stop them then. We need a plan.
Ash Doctor, how are the patients doing?
Miarow Many of them are wounded, I'm only able to do some simple treatment.
We're lacking bandages and disinfectants.
Frost Is there any way to leave the town for now?
Tachanka Where would we go after leaving town? While bringing so many with us?
Ash Without food and water, going onto the wasteland means certain death.
I don't think these monsters will give up on attacking us. If we get to the wastelands, we'll just be in a worse position without any cover or means of hiding ourselves. Besides, we've all witnessed their burrowing abilities......
Miarow I know a place......It might be safe.
There's a special building at the south side of town. It might be the safest place in town, barring the lord's residence.
Ash Do elaborate.
Miarow There was this medical organization called Rhodes Island which rented a piece of land at the edge of town.
Later they hired workers to dig a fair amount of soil and stone and built a very solid house there.
......It could be the strongest building around here? It looks just like a fortress.
Ash How do you know that this "Rhodes Island" would be willing to help us?
Miarow There's only one watchman at that building, and I know him. I've purchased some medical supplies from him before.
Tachanka There's a lot of soil, most likely they dug out a basement.
Sounds like a safe house used by mercenaries.
Ash Doesn't sound reliable.
Tachanka Unless we have a better option, I suggest we take a look.
Without food nor water, staying in this place is no different than waiting for death.
Miarow That building is at the edge of town. We can head over from outside town to avoid being seen by others.
Ash ......Hmm......
Kötz, is your shield still usable?
Blitz Half of it. I can use it to bash someone......probably.
Ash I need someone to go with me, to help protect the doctor.
Blitz I'll go. Worse comes to worst I can always shield the doctor with my body.
Ash Don't talk crap.
Kötz and I will go with the doctor to check out that "safe house". Tina, you stay here with Alexsandr.
Frost Understood.
Ash Doctor, no matter what happens next, please follow my orders.
Miarow Understood.
Ash Kötz, protect the doctor well.
Blitz I'll keep him safe.
[Ash and Blitz escorts Miarow into the R.I. safehouse.]
<Background 3>
[Blitz takes point...]
Blitz I don't see any lights, is there no one there?
[...with Ash following him.]
Ash Keep your distance. This building's door has been smashed.
Miarow Even here......
Blitz What are these thugs' goals? To rob and plunder like common bandits?
[Someone cries for help...]
Occphen H......help......
Help! Anyone! Help me!
I......I don't want to die......Damn it......
[...which spooks Miarow.]
Miarow It's the watchman!
Ash Don't move and stay here.
I'll go have a look.
[Ash goes to check the one calling for help.]
<Background fades out and in>
[The one calling for help is revealed to be the R.I. watchman named Occphen, injured during the attacks earlier.]
Occphen ......If only I didn't take this job......
I don't want to die here......
[Ash approaches Occphen.]
Occphen Who are you!
Ash Don't move, your leg's broken.
Occphen M......mercenaries......
Don't kill me! I beg you! Don't kill me! I really don't know where the key is! I'm just a simple watchman!
Please believe me! I really don't know!
Ash Calm down! I'm here to help.
Occphen You......you're not together with those guys......
Help me! Help me!
Ash I! Said! Calm down!
Kötz! Bring the doctor!
[After a while, Miarow appears alongside Blitz.]
Miarow Mister Occphen, your leg......
Occphen You......you're that Infected doctor!
Oh, thank heavens!
Miarow Don't worry, let me look at your leg.
Blitz Man, this place has been turned upside down.
Ash The inside looks a lot smaller than the outside.
Blitz Secret doors, hidden rooms and fortified walls. Aren't all safe houses like that?
Ash What's this?
Blitz Radio equipment? It's completely destroyed though.
Such a large machine, looks very retro. Turns out this world also had communications equipment like this.
Ash They even have cars after all, it's not strange for them to have radio.
There were other "broken electronics" back at the run-down house we stayed at before, like the fridge, fans, a kettle......Though none of them actually used electricity.
Just like this wireless radio, and that car we got.
Blitz All these machines have a device filled with black crystals. I suppose that is the energy source for these devices.
Occphen Ouch ouch ouch! Please be gentler, doctor!
Miarow Please bear with it!
......Luckily it's not very serious, the bone isn't broken.
Ash You're the person in charge of this place?
Occphen This is......Rhodes Island's branch office. I'm actually just a simple watchman.
Blitz Let me guess, those thugs came here and forced you to open the basement door, but you persisted in your duty and kept playing dumb, which resulted in you getting beaten up and left here to die?
Occphen ......Something like that.
Wait, how did you know there's a basement?
Blitz You've been tricked. We're actually the thugs' backup, here to get you to confess everything.
Occphen What??
Ash Kötz!
Blitz Don't get angry, I'm just trying to liven up the atmosphere.
Occphen You......What are you actually planning to do?
Miarow Don't worry, they're good people. They've been protecting the inhabitants of the infected zone all this while.
Occphen The infected zone was attacked as well??
This......It's messed up.
What about the lord's soldiers? Where are Lord Tulla's soldiers?
Miarow The lord's soldiers still haven't appeared. They might be in trouble as well.
Ash Mister Watchman, we need your help.
Occphen But, what can I do to help? I can't even stand up right now.
Ash The Infected townsfolk have also been attacked, with many of them being injured and the buildings of the infected zone suffering heavy damages.
We need you to open up the safe house and let them hide in here.
Occphen That...
Blitz In return, we will guarantee your safety. You can trust us.
Occphen But, but I...
Based on the contract I signed with Rhodes Island, the entire safe house is the property of Rhodes Island.
......I don't have the authority......
Alright, let them come. Losing my job is better than losing my life.
Miarow Thank you!