Operation story: MB-7

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Barton icon.png
Mansfield Inmate A icon.png
A-Zone Prisoner
Mansfield Inmate B icon.png
B-Zone Prisoner
Mansfield Jailer icon.png
Mansfield Cell
Prison Block
Control Room

Before operation

The prison break is underway, but Robin fails to show. When Kafka and Anthony arrive at the control room, they find her waiting there for them.
<Background 1>
Muelsyse Oh, so we're finally at the part where the actual jailbreak happens.
It feels like we skipped over some details, but this sounds a lot more complicated than I imagined.
Haghhh... I'm getting a bit sleepy.
Mayer Oh, me too.
How about I make everyone some coffee~?
Silence We're almost to the end.
Muelsyse I know, I know.
But I already have a pretty good idea of what happened after that.
All the groundwork was laid, so they just had to wait for the day of the actual breakout.
But on the day of the jailbreak, someone was missing, am I right?
Silence That's right.
In the end, they decided they would escape during cleaning duty at C-Zone, while the prison is docked at Nulaiteburgh.
But Robin didn't show up at the appointed time.
After all, they didn't know that Jesselton, the puppetmaster here, already knew all about their plans.
As for Robin, she was waiting for them up ahead...
<Background 2>
[On the day of the planned jailbreak, Anthony and Kafka rushes into Mansfield's control center, taking down prisoners who stand in their way.]
Kafka Well, things are just a li'l bit wonky right now, but why don't we go over the plan?
Just like what we're doing right now, we'll give the prisoners and jailers what for while we're here to clean up the cells...
[A jailer attempts to stop the duo, but Anthony effortlessly beats him down.]
Anthony Yes.
Kafka Then, before the guards even have time to react, the two of us are gonna head to the top of the tower, sink this bad boy to the ground, and cut the power.
[Another jailer shows up and attacks Kafka, but she dodged it and sneakily knocks him down from behind.]
Kafka Domma's already waiting for us down in the basement. We just gotta regroup with her and head inside that tunnel we dug.
After that, all that's left is to change into those work outfits that Mina got us.
Anthony I've been wondering about this, and I somewhat doubt it, but do we really have clothes that actually fit me?
[Yet another jailer appears...]
Kafka Relax, Domma actually sewed something up special for you!
If one outfit's not big enough, just sew two of 'em together.
Be sure to thank her.
Anthony Of course.
[...but Kafka outmatches him...]
Jailer Nng!
[...and knocks the jailer out cold.]
Kafka Smell! Ya! Later!
Anthony You seem rather excited, Ms. Kafka.
Kafka Hehe, breaking out of a prison is so much fun! 'f course I'm excited
It's just...
Anthony Right, how come I haven't seen Ms. Robin around?
Kafka ......
[Anthony and Kafka keeps moving as Kafka was reminded of something that happens earlier.]
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 3>
Jailer A Look what we have here, all old faces on today's cleanup crew. Saves me the headache of having to go over this again.
Kafka Right~
A-Zone Prisoner A Officer, what should we do if one of us tries to off Anthony again?
Jailer A What, you get dropped on the head?
What do you think you just got frisked for?
None of you can take on Mr. Anthony barehanded, not by a long shot.
B-Zone Prisoner A Heh, I sure want to see you take on Mr. Anthony. Give me a holler when the fight gets started. I'll be rooting for ya.
A-Zone Prisoner A Piss off, I ain't talking to you.
[Amidst the tension, Kafka seems to be worried.]
Kafka ......
(What's going on? Why isn't Robin here?)
Hey, A-Zone buddy, where's Robin?
A-Zone Prisoner B You B-Zoners can kiss my... Oh, it's you, Kafka.
No idea, ain't seen her around. I'm here to do her work.
Kafka ......
Jailer B Enough talking.
A-Zoners, with him. B-Zoners, come with me.
Kafka Tsk, ain't got time left.
Sorry, Robin, you're just gonna have to blame yourself for not showing up at the most important moment.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 2>
Anthony We've come too far to turn back.
We'll apologize to her if we ever see her again, but we need to go now.
Kafka Yes.
[Anthony and Kafka keeps moving...]
<Background 4>
[...and finally reaches the control room.]
Kafka So this is the main control room...
Whoa, all this dust!
Anthony ......
Watch out!
Kafka Eh?
[An explosion suddenly occurs right before Kafka, but Anthony shields her from its blast just as Robin showed up.]
Robin ......
Kafka Robin?! What are you doing here?
Robin I have a backup card.
Kafka A backup? When did you...
Robin ......
B-Zone Prisoner A ......
B-Zone Prisoner B ......
Anthony Stand back.
[Anthony tries to convince Robin to stick to the plan...]
Anthony ...We're in a hurry. We don't have the time to talk.
[...but to no avail...]
Anthony Let's get this over with quickly.
[...and a fight ensues.]

After operation

Robin's ambush fails, but the tower is ultimately activated. With a roar, it sinks into the ground. And in the darkness, Robin and Anthony have a talk.
<Background 3>
Barton Urgh, god dammit, where in the world did my card key go...
Did I flush it while taking a dump?
[A jailer rushes into Barton's side, spooking him.]
Jailer A Chief Barton, what's wrong?
Barton Mind your own business!
[The jailer backed out...]
Jailer A Y-Yes, sir!
[...and quickly leaves, returning to the side of a female Vouivre jailer.]
Jailer A Tsk, stuck-up asshole...
Jailer B I'm guessing... someone probably pissed him off.
Jailer A Heh, probably Anthony.
I don't really know what's going on, but it seems like someone's trying to kill him.
Barton likes to brag about how perfect the prison is. This is gonna keep him on tenterhooks.
Jailer B We're prison guards, you know.
Jailer A Eh, it's not someone getting killed that I'm happy about. I just like seeing him so peeved.
Besides, let's be honest. We've seen Randal and Barton do so much dirty work over the years.
If you ask me, I think Randal knows who sent these hitmen in here. He's just turning a blind eye because he's in their pocket.
Jailer B Maybe.
<Background 4>
[Anthony managed to beat the prisoners brought by Robin before striking at the Anaty...]
Robin Gah...
[...knocking her down.]
Anthony Don't move, Robin.
Don't make me kill you.
Robin ......
Kafka Well, damn, Robin. You're good. Even I didn't have you pegged for a spy.
I think you just might have a gift for this gig.
Anthony Wait a minute. What are you holding?
Kafka Whoa, that a bomb switch?!
Anthony Kafka, lower the tower right now!
[In a last-ditch attempt to stop Anthony and Kafka, Robin detonates an explosive charge that started fires around the control panels.]
Kafka Whoa! It's burning!
Anthony Hurry!
Kafka I forgot which one's which!
And I kinda get the feeling these probably aren't gonna work anymore!
Oh, there we go! Should be this one!
Please! Please work!
Mansfield Tower Stands.png
Kafka It's not moving! Is the thing broken?!
Anthony Robin, why are you doing this?
Robin I...
[After some tries, Kafka managed to push the correct switch and the central tower starts to retract underground.]
Kafka It's going down!
<Background 3>
[Barton is still annoyed as he climbs the stairs...]
Barton Dagnabbit!
Whatever, I don't even remember when was the last time I was up there.
Just need to have Randal make me a new one.
[...just as a jailer rushes to his side.]
Jailer A Chief Barton, you...
Barton What?
Jailer A What are you doing?
Barton I'm heading upstairs to see how those damned fools are doing with the clean-up work!
[Suddenly the ground rumbles as an alarm blares all over the prison complex.]
Jailer A What... What happened here?!
Barton What in the name of... What's going on here?!
Mansfield Tower Sinks.png
Anthony Hold onto something, Kafka!
Kafka Anthony, over there! Robin's gonna get thrown into the elevator!
Anthony ......
Hold on tight, Robin!
Robin Why...
Anthony Save it for later!
Get ready!
[The control tower's retraction cuts off the power to the whole prison complex, turning off the lights.]
<Background black>
[Amidst the darkness...]
Kafka Anthony, you and Robin okay?
Anthony I'm fine. I got Robin.
Seems like the whole prison's power went out. It's pitch dark here.
This is an opportunity for us.
Kafka Yes.
It feels like the tower crashed straight through the floor.
We're probably at the second floor basement. Still some distance away from the clinic.
Anthony Right, we should get going before the jailers get here.
Robin, are you okay?
Robin ......
I-Is it really a good thing that I'm okay?
Anthony It is.
Don't let it get to you.
I did tell you before you could keep trying to kill me.
If you think you betrayed me for what you did, let me tell you this—
I'm afraid none of us are close enough to talk about trust just yet.
Kafka Heh, not even me?
Anthony Not even you.
Kafka Oh, come on, that's cold.
Anthony Wouldn't you say it's more problematic to completely trust a person after just a few months?
Of course, I am a little disappointed, but that's all.
Nonetheless, I'm curious. I can tell you weren't acting when we were working together. You can't fake those emotions.
Why did you do this, Robin?
Robin ......
My father. He made lots of money, and he was nice to me. I'm proud of him.
But one day, his company went bankrupt.
And he's been a failure ever since.
So he changed. He started drinking a lot, and he got angry. He hated everything around him.
My mother left him. He was heavily in debt, and in the end, went into the hospital with liver problems, and so many other complications I don't even get the details of.
My mother tried to talk me into moving in with her.
But I never forgot how well my father used to treat me.
I wanted to do something for him. So I gave up my hobbies. I tried taking on all kinds of jobs, but the medical bills kept coming.
Then, one day, someone came to me. He said he could give me lots of money. I just had to kill someone for him.
Anthony And I'm the target.
I see. I can't offer you anything, and that's why you made this choice.
Robin No, he's been watching you here, dressed as a jailer. His name is Jesselton.
After you made me the offer, he found me and told me—
The very last thing that the Simons did was destroy my father's company.
Anthony My goodness.
In that case, not only should I not hold this against you, I must apologize.
Robin No, don't apologize. That isn't what I'm trying to say.
It's not like that, Anthony.
I knew I was doin' wrong. I knew I shouldn't do it.
But I gave up.
I didn't know what I was supposed to do, otherwise. I just didn't know.
I'm tired. My mother wanted me to make a choice, my father wanted me to make a choice, life wanted me to make a choice, Jesselton wanted me to make a choice, and even you wanted me to make a choice.
I don't wanna make any choices. I don't wanna judge what's right or what's wrong, good or bad. I just don't want to.
I'm sick of it! Why do I have to choose?!
Anthony But, you know, Robin, you can't just hand off your decisions.
You have to think everything through and make your own choices. Then, you need to take responsibility for each of those choices.
Otherwise, you'll never be able to take your fate into your own hands.
This is the most important thing I've learned during my years here in prison.
Strength is important, and so is intelligence, but the most important trait of all is courage. The courage to make your own decisions and pay the price for them.
I'm afraid of making wrong decisions myself, but I can't let that get in the way of making decisions at all.
I used to think I had no one to rely on because I hadn't found anyone reliable, but I've come to realize there is no one we can truly rely on anywhere in this world.
No one but ourselves.
Robin ......
Anthony I'm sorry I didn't notice your pain in time, Robin.
I must reiterate. What you've done almost ruined my escape plan. That's why I won't forgive you so easily.
Nonetheless, as someone who has suffered a similar situation, I hope you can forget about all this for the time being.
You must scrutinize yourself and think about what it is that you want to do.
Robin What it is... that I want to do...
Anthony Domma's room is right up ahead. You have all the time you need to think.
Robin I understand if you don't completely trust me, but I told Jesselton everything about your plan. He's definitely waiting for you somewhere up ahead.
Anthony I know.
??? Oh, you don't hafta worry about finding me. I've been waiting for you right here.
Anthony ?!
Robin It's coming from Domma's room!
Anthony You don't mean...?!
[Anthony, Kafka, and Robin rushes to the morgue...]