Operation story: MB-8

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Mansfield Inmate B icon.png
Prisoner A
Mansfield Inmate A icon.png
Prisoner B
Mansfield Morgue

Before operation

Jesselton has been waiting in the morgue, where he takes Domma hostage, threatens Anthony, and demands Robin make a choice. Robin chooses Anthony.
<Background 1>
[Anthony, Kafka, and Robin arrived at the morgue only to encounter the jailer who wears different uniform than others, who turned out to be Jesselton Williams, the hitman sent to kill Anthony.]
Jesselton Mighty big ruckus you've caused, Mr. Anthony.
Had I not known all about your plan in advance, I'm afraid not even I could've stopped you.
Anthony You're Jesselton?
Jesselton That's right. I'm Jesselton.
I'm sure you've noticed we've passed by each other in the prison a couple times, but allow me to introduce myself again.
My name is Jesselton Williams, the very last obstacle to your prison break charade.
Anthony Where's Domma?
Jesselton Right here.
[Jesselton signals a prisoner to bring Domma with him, essentially taking her hostage.]
Prisoner A ......
Domma Anthony, I'm sorry.
I was waitin' here for you. I didn't expect this guy to barge into the clinic with the prisoners...
Kafka Domma...
Jesselton This is such a gloomy place. It would be unbecoming of me to let a beautiful lady wait here all by herself.
That's why I figured I'd offer her my protection.
Robin Mr. Jesselton...
Jesselton Oh, Ms. Robin, it looks like I was expecting a little too much from you. What a disappointment.
Or perhaps you never tried to kill him in the first place?
Robin I...
Anthony She failed, and your lackeys couldn't hurt me.
Jesselton Yet you spared her life. I must say, you are a fine gentleman, Mr. Anthony.
Anthony Save it.
Jesselton Very well. Let us get straight to the point.
Mr. Anthony, if you don't want this young lady to die, please step over here.
[Kafka glares at Jesselton.]
Kafka ......
Jesselton Ms. Kafka, I would appreciate it if you would stay right there.
I can tell you're the opportunistic kind. Please try not to do anything that would put Ms. Domma in harm's way.
Kafka Hmph.
Anthony ......
[Anthony backs down.]
Jesselton Yes, just stand right there.
All of you, surround him.
[A gang of prisoners surround Anthony, Kafka, and Robin while Domma resists.]
Domma Anthony, don't listen to him!
Anthony It's okay, Domma. We are going to save you.
Jesselton I have to hand it to you, Mr. Anthony. It's admirable that you are able to stay calm even in such a precarious situation.
I'm sure you know what it is that I want, and you also know that I won't spare you out of compassion.
Here's my suggestion. Abandon the lady, abandon your affectations, and come fight me.
Anthony You're wasting your breath.
Jesselton I wonder how long you can keep this up.
And you, Ms. Robin.
Robin Eh?
Jesselton I would like you to kill Mr. Anthony. After all, you still have a job to do.
It doesn't matter what kind of agreement you've made with Mr. Anthony or if you've had a change of heart, for whatever reason.
If you want the money, and if you want to save your father, then this is your last, best hope.
Robin ......
Jesselton Why the hesitation? Did Anthony promise you a blank check? Or have you grown soft on him after all this time?
Last chance, Ms. Robin.
Robin I... I...
Jesselton Think of your father. Think of how your life is in tatters. Think of your future, your wish.
If I were you, I wouldn't hesitate.
Anthony What are you trying to do?
Jesselton What am I trying to do?
Isn't it obvious? If all I wanted was to kill you, I've had plenty of chances here.
But that would be a li'l bit boring, wouldn't it?
I've never found killing someone all that much fun, Mr. Anthony.
But I really enjoy those moments when a person is faced with no choice but to abandon their past.
That is why I lured Ms. Robin here. I long to see her change. I crave for her fall.
And I thirst for your change as well. I thirst for the moment you finally lose your cool and bare your fangs, all for the sake of your family, your goals!
I mean it, Mr. Anthony. Take off your gentleman's facade.
Think of your family. Think of all you've been through, the humiliations you've faced. Think of the reason you're breaking out of this prison.
Do you really want to die here?
Do you really want to throw your life away for a woman you've only known a few years?
Stand up, Mr. Anthony. Push Ms. Robin aside, forget Ms. Domma, come at me and kill me!
Anthony Not everyone out there is like you, Jesselton.
Jesselton You should know that you aren't all that special either, Anthony.
I'll give you five seconds, Ms. Robin. If you don't act, I'll do it myself, and you'll die here with him.
Ms. Robin, you have yet to pay off your father's medical bills, and Mr. Anthony is penniless.
Robin Anthony, I...
Jesselton Four.
Mr. Anthony, your parents are having a miserable time in prison. They're being ostracized.
Anthony Father, mother...
Jesselton Three.
Domma Anthony, don't worry about me! You can't die here!
[Domma tries to bit her own tongue, but was stopped by the prisoner holding her.]
Prisoner A Hmph!
Domma Gah...
Prisoner A Guess what, bitch? You ain't killing yourself on my watch.
Domma Ro...bin... don't...
Jesselton Well, Ms. Domma is quite a bit more fiery than I expected. How admirable.
Alas, it didn't go as she planned.
Anthony Jes-sel-ton.
Jesselton Now that's the face I want to see, Mr. Anthony. Wonderful.
Anthony ......
Jesselton I'm curious. What is it that fuels your conviction?
Do you think your death can buy my sympathy for everyone else here?
Are your principles worth that much to you?
Perhaps you still have a card up your sleeve?
Anthony I've done much to betray my principles in this prison.
I sweet-talked the jailers, stuck up for Barton, fought those I didn't want to fight, and lived a life I didn't want to live.
This has nothing to do with principles.
This only has to do with me.
I won't sacrifice Domma for my own ends. That's all there is to it.
Jesselton Even though your family is still waiting for you?
Anthony You have no right to talk about my family.
Jesselton Even though you have revenge to take and questions you need answered?
Anthony None of that is more important than the life of a friend.
Jesselton Even if it ends up killing you?
Anthony Even if it ends up killing me.
Robin Anthony...
<Flashback starts here>
<Background black>
Anthony You have to think everything through and make your own choices. Then, you need to take responsibility for each of those choices.
Otherwise, you'll never be able to take your fate into your own hands.
You must scrutinize yourself and think about what it is that you want to do.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Robin Anthony...
Jesselton How regrettable.
Well then. Two.
Robin finally takes a step forward.
She slowly walks towards Anthony.
Jesselton One.
Ms. Robin, I understand your struggle, but you have a decision to make.
Robin Anthony.
Anthony No matter what you end up doing, don't regret your decision, Robin.
Robin Right.
She swings the knife in her hand.
Which then flies toward its target.
But that target isn't Anthony!
Prisoner A Gurghh!
[Robin turns out to have thrown the knife on the prisoner holding Domma hostage, killing him and freeing her.]
Robin Anthony, leave Domma to me!
Prisoner B Tsk! You prick!
Kafka Heh, you two sure kept me waiting!
Prisoner B When did you...?!
[Before the prisoner could react, Kafka stabbed him on the back...]
Prisoner B ...Euggh...
[...killing him.]
Robin Anthony!
Anthony *Roars*!!!
[Anthony charges at Jesselton, causing both to enter a deadlock.]
Jesselton So this is the trick you had up your sleeve.
You knew Ms. Robin was on your side?
Anthony Perhaps your offer wasn't enticing enough.
[Both Anthony and Jesselton backs out, ending the deadlock.]
Jesselton Are you sure about this, Ms. Robin?
From where I'm standing, you have chosen a path that has no future.
Robin It's true that if it wasn't for the Simons, my father wouldn't have turned out like that, but it's his fault for not getting back up on his feet.
I knew that. I just didn't want to accept it.
And I... really don't want to do that either.
Anthony promised to come up with something to raise money for my father's medical bills.
But that doesn't actually matter.
I've decided I'm not going to kill Anthony, and even if he doesn't help me, I'll come up with something else myself.
And if my father dies before I get the money, then I...
Then I'll kill myself and apologize to him in hell.
That's my decision.
Jesselton ......
Beautiful. Beautiful indeed.
What a beautiful resolve, Ms. Robin.
I suppose you've made your decision. You want to turn your back on our agreement because of that resolve.
Very well. Who am I to blame you for that? I should applaud you for making that decision, even.
That said, I still have to point out one thing.
When I said this path had no future, I didn't mean you won't have much of a future after your little jailbreak.
I mean it all ends right here and now.
There isn't a future where you make it out of this prison alive.
Anthony I guess we'll have to see about that.
[Anthony strikes Jesselton, who withstood the attack.]
That All You Got.png
Jesselton No, no, no.
I have to admit. You are very strong, Mr. Anthony.
As for me, killing and violence aren't exactly my thing.
That's why Ms. Domma was only the first step in my attempt to stop you from "seeing about that".
As for the second step—
That All You Got 2.png
[Suddenly both Anthony and Kafka are paralyzed by the imprisonment collars they wore.]
Anthony Ugh... agh...
Kafka Waagh!
Domma Anthony, Kafka, are you two okay?
Anthony I'm... fine.
Jesselton You haven't forgotten the shackles on you, have you?
<Background 1>
Kafka Dammit, this guy's thought everything through.
Jesselton I appreciate your compliment, Ms. Kafka.
Kafka You asshole, you've been lying to Robin from the start!
Jesselton No, no, no. I just like to have more than one option.
Had Ms. Robin gone through with the deal and succeeded, it would've saved me quite a bit of trouble.
And if she failed, as you can see, I've prepared a fall-back for her.
You can't say I planned for all this without putting myself in her shoes.
Kafka Easy for you to say, but you dragged her into this mess.
Jesselton Haha, I never denied I wanted to see her struggle, did I?
However, Ms. Kafka, you are very much in the know yourself. Think about it. Do you think she could've raised enough money for her father's surgery, had I not dragged her into this mess?
I think it's extraordinarily unlikely.
Kafka Hmph.
Jesselton See? You can't argue with me on that.
Anthony Hmph... I have to admit. She has a lot more to gain... by helping you out.
But she didn't help you.
And that's more than enough for me!
Jesselton Still trying to fight despite the circumstances?
Very well, then allow me to personally tear apart that last delusion.
Robin Anthony, I'll back you up!
Kafka Tsk, I ain't quite as strong as Anthony, y'know...
Huh... You guys watch out! His hand...
His hand turned black!
[Jesselton smirks...]
Jesselton Ahh, how heartwarming.
[...as he defended himself from the attacks by Anthony, Kafka, and Robin...]
Jesselton To think I get to crush this emotional get-together...
[...and counters them...]
Jesselton It just fills me with delight, Anthony!
[...before dropping his jailer disguise to reveal an assortment of weapons and protective equipment, true to his job as a hitman.]

After operation

After Jesselton's meticulous planning, Anthony is slowly beaten. And as the prison break looks doomed to fail, Saria arrives in the nick of time.
<Background 1>
Anthony Son of a...!
[Jesselton shrugs off an attack from Anthony.]
Jesselton It's no use, Anthony.
Ms. Robin, I'm afraid I've underestimated your fighting prowess. I must say, I'm taking a liking to you more and more by the minute.
How about it? Help me now, and I will forgive all that you've done.
Robin How about no?!
[Robin strikes at Jesselton, but it had no effect on his hardened arms.]
Kafka What's with this guy's hand? It's got so hard after it turned black!
Jesselton Oh, let me introduce you to my Originium Arts. I can control iron. And I've also received a few modifications to my body.
When you attacked just now, it felt as though you hit an iron plate, didn't it?
That isn't just my Originium Arts at work.
Beneath my skin, I have what I suppose you can aptly call the crystallization of technology, courtesy of Rhine Lab—a tiny metal plating.
Well, I'm afraid I don't know what its proper name is, but it's strong enough to greatly reduce the impact of your attacks.
Kafka Hold on, you're from Rhine Lab?!
Jesselton Unfortunately, I'm not.
In any case, I'm surprised you're able to put up such a fight despite those shackles.
Looks like it's time to get serious.
Robin His hand... turned into a blade...
Jesselton Did you know, Mr. Anthony?
Ever since I arrived at the prison, ever since I first laid my eyes on you, I've felt a sort of mismatch.
You are doing your damnedest to control yourself, to make yourself seem harmless, and to make yourself look well-mannered.
But you're strength incarnate.
From that moment onward, I've been waiting for this to happen.
So that I can tear off that well-mannered facade of yours and unleash the violence hidden underneath—
Anthony I'm sure I didn't disappoint.
Jesselton Not at all. You opened my eyes.
Anthony You have no right to judge who I am!!! *Roar*!!!
Jesselton I'm not here to judge. What I'm trying to say is you're much less of an eyesore now.
[Anthony and Jesselton entered a vicious fight between each other, but even though the former bit the latter, it had no effect and they are evenly matched...]
Jesselton Using your teeth too, huh? Tsk, tsk.
I'm sorry to say your teeth won't be able to tear into me.
[...before both sides backed out.]
Anthony ...Dammit! Dammit!
Jesselton Anthony, my friend, is there really all that much you can accomplish outside?
Will you be able to save your parents? Your family?
Let me tell you. You'll have nothing once you step out there.
You're living quite the life here in prison. Even the warden has to kowtow to you.
I may have said I could've killed you long ago, but it wouldn't have been a walk in the park if you didn't go on this little excursion.
Why go through all that trouble? Isn't life in prison plenty comfortable?
Anthony On July 24th six years ago, I was heading to a dinner party when, all of a sudden, a bodyguard told me something had happened back home and my father told me to run.
I had no idea what had happened. I didn't even had the chance to say goodbye to my parents before I went on the run.
I was arrested when I made it to Ironforge.
I thought that was all there was to it, but it didn't take long after I was put in prison for me to find out that wasn't the case.
The way I'm treated here is not how criminals are usually treated. I realized right away that my father probably arranged for my imprisonment.
Jesselton Well, what a coincidence. I think so too. But if that's what you think, wouldn't you say that's all the more reason not to betray your father's wishes?
Anthony My father's wishes?
Looks like you really enjoy looking down on people and trying to plot them out, Jesselton.
Has anyone ever told you how petty you are?
Jesselton I've been told that before, indeed.
But I'm afraid how petty I am has nothing to do with your prison break.
Anthony I could live a comfortable life here. I could even turn it into my own little kingdom.
But what would that get me? It would only make me the prisoner with the most freedom.
I've lived here for six years, and there was nary a moment when I didn't want to step outside.
I want to leave not because I want to prove how amazing I am. I want to leave because I need to figure out just what had happened back home. I need to tell the ones responsible for my family's downfall that we're not done yet!
Jesselton To tell the truth, that impassioned speech is really rubbing me the wrong way.
But no big deal. Whatever the case may be, you aren't getting out of this place alive.
I may not be able to take you down, but I've stalled you long enough. The other guards should be here soon as the lockdown ends, too.
You did well. Your friends did, too. This isn't your fault.
It's just that most of life in this world ends up unsatisfactory.
Unfortunately, this is as far as you go.
[Someone enters the morgue.]
Jesselton Listen. Here comes the reaper.
Robin So this is it...?
Kafka Tsk, what should we do...?
??? Sorry to disappoint, but the reaper isn't coming just yet.
On a different note, Anthony, you are way too loud. I could hear you on my way here.
Jesselton Who... are you?
Hm? You...
[The one who entered turned out to be the female Vouivre jailer...]
??? I have to hand it to you. Even I was a little surprised by your plan.
It took me a good while to stop those other guards.
Kafka Huh? Where've I seen you before...?
Jesselton Hold on, you...
[...who reveals herself as none other than Saria, former chief of R.L.'s Defense Department.]
Jesselton Rhine Lab Defense Director, Saria!
Saria Right, I remember you, Jesselton.
Jesselton I'm honored to be remembered by someone as esteemed as you.
Saria Not a lot of resumes make it to my desk.
Jesselton I remember the moment you told me I didn't get the job too.
But first, I'm curious. What is Her Highness the Defense Director doing here in a prison?
Saria You needn't worry about that.
All you need to know is that this is where it all ends for you.
Jesselton Where it ends for me?
No, no, no. It seems you're mistaken about something, Director Saria, or should I say just Saria?
I heard your ability isn't all that dissimilar to mine, but before I even had the chance to find out, you'd already slammed the door in my face.
For all these years, I've wondered whether you're actually stronger than me.
Looks like we have the chance to find out now.
Saria Hmph.
Saria's Calcification.png
Kafka Her hand changed color too!
Robin It's so white... beautiful...
Saria's Calcification 2.png
Saria You're right. Your Arts are rather similar to mine.
Saria vs Jesselton.png
Their clashes echo through the morgue.
Saria's two knife hands may seem like no match for the black blades of Jesselton.
But that couldn't be further from the truth.
One step.
Another step.
And yet another step.
After each and every strike, Jesselton can't help but take a few steps back.
There isn't a single scratch on Saria's knives.
Saria I've told you before, Jesselton.
You're too fixated on the moment and you lack perseverance. I don't need anyone like that working for me.
Jesselton ......
Saria You're too small-minded.
—With Saria's side swipe, a crack appears on Jesselton's blade.
And a third time.
Jesselton has no room to attack. All he can do is to keep defending.
Jesselton Dammit...
Saria If this is how you are, there's no way I could accept your application.
Out of the way.
Jesselton Saria!!!
Saria vs Jesselton 2.png
Saria I told you to get out of the way.
Saria lands a final strike, breaking Jesselton's blade in two, leaving a narrow, deep cut across his body.
Jesselton Sa...ri...a...
[Jesselton falls before Saria's might.]
<Background 1>
Kafka S-So strong...
I heard the Defense Director was pretty badass, but this is on another level...
Thank God I've never crossed her.
Anthony Thank you very much, M-Ms. Saria.
Saria It's okay. If you can still walk, now's the time to do it.
Before that, I have a question I need to ask you, Anthony Simon.
Anthony Please. Go ahead.
Saria Have you heard the name Ferdinand before?
Anthony Ferdinand... I heard that name from my father.
Saria So it was you, Ferdinand.