Operator overview: Lunacub

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Lunacub is a 5★ Deadeye Sniper who specializes in DPS and Survival. As a Deadeye Sniper, Lunacub has high ATK and long range of 3×4 tiles with a 1-tile extension to the front and 3-tile extension to the sides when promoted to Elite 1, and target enemies with the lowest DEF over the others when attacking (e.g. if a Butcher, a Caster, and a Crossbowman are in Lunacub's range, she will attack the Crossbowman first over the Caster and the Butcher, in that order) in return for high attack interval and DP cost — between Marksman and Artilleryman Snipers.


Wilderness Instinct camouflages Lunacub while her skill is not active. At Elite 2, Wilderness Instinct also reduces Lunacub's attack interval while her skill is active.


  1. Time to Hunt buffs Lunacub's ATK while active.
  2. Umbral Ambush buffs Lunacub's ASPD while active and camouflages her for a short time; if she defeats an enemy for the first time while Umbral Ambush is active, she will be camouflaged for a longer duration.

Operator Module

The DEA-Y Module, "A Hidey-Hole That Moves", restores 1 SP whenever Lunacub attacks so long as it would not defeat/destroy the target in addition to increasing her maximum HP and ATK. Once upgraded, Wilderness Instinct's attack interval reduction is increased.

Base skills

  1. Lazy Cub increases Lunacub's morale recovery rate by 0.7 per hour while she is resting in a Dormitory.
  2. Wilderness Survival increases the byproduct rate of Skill Summary processing by 80% while Lunacub is assigned to the Workshop.


Despite of the difficulties in using her effectively due to the quirks related to her attacks and skills, Lunacub is a solid Deadeye Snipers who can snipe targets without her enemies realizing it. It really fits her as a "Wolf Fang," a daughter of a True Wolf.