Operator dialogue: Lunacub

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Appointed as Assistant Assistant? File Work? Not sure I followed. Anyway, I found a nice-looking mountain with a great view the other day. Want to see it?
Talk 1 This makes no sense. Why did you build so many walls and corridors? They block your vision. A mad burdenbeast could crash into this little room without any warning, and you don't seem to be a bit conerned. Danger can be prowling at any corner and you must stay on your guard. That's what Agnese taught me.
Talk 2 You call the outside "the wilds", but you can find everything out there. Put in a little effort and you'll find food and water just fine. But in the city, there are no places to hunt. How do you even survive?
Talk 3 Um, Doctor, have you ever been to one of those "parties" Exusiai talks about? They're scary! Those little balls of exploded plant seeds, those sweet, smooth milk puffs! Listen, this is not how you should live... What? They're having another party today? I wanna go.
Talk after Promotion 1 Agnese told about a dangerous scent on Rhodes Island, but she and the pack would stay with me. Hmm? You can't see her? But she was just here a moment ago... Maybe she went to go get food?
Talk after Promotion 2 The man named Bernardo died, and Zaaro ran back to his territory with his tail between his legs... Seems like the hunt Agnese told us about is in the bag. But still she doesn't look happy. Why? The pack has more than enough food.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Can I get a couple extra sets of Rhodes Island clothes? They're well-made, very warm, make good tents, and you can tear them up for bandages. No? Awww... Then how about the storage depot? I'd like to go and... uhh, take a look around.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Doctor, Agnese spoke highly of you, and told me to learn from your "cunning." What does cunning mean? Oh! Is it cunning when you hide here by yourself, eating in secret, not sharing with anyone else? I don't think that's hard to do.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Recently, I've started thinking that maybe life under a roof isn't so bad. Here, you are not a pack, you don't group up and subject yourself to one another. You're, well, something strange... Ugh! It doesn't make any sense! Anyways, I'll stay here a few more days! So get me something good to eat!
Idle Asleep? That means nothing for me to do? Agnese, let's go play outside.
Onboard Agnese called me Lunacub, so you can call me that too. I heard there's a "canteen" place here, where you can eat whatever you want. Is that true? Where is it? Can I go there right now?
Watching Battle Record Too much trouble! Hunting really isn't that complicated.
Promotion 1 A promotion? Does that mean you'll listen to me? How many of these shiny... "medals" does it take for you to obey me?
Promotion 2 Agnese always tells me that humans are dangerous and cunning, their bellies full and hearts wicked, but you've proved you are different. You are allowed to join my pack.
Added to Squad I still prefer hunting with my pack. They are much more open than humans.
Appointed as Squad Leader Since I'm the luna wolf, you all must listen to me. I'll make it clear first: if I don't see your fangs bared in the hunt, you won't get a share of the kill.
Depart How much will we bring back today?
Begin Operation The hunt begins.
Selecting Operator 1 My fangs are sharp.
Selecting Operator 2 Where are the idiots who came to die?
Deployment 1 Hurry, the pack and I are waiting.
Deployment 2 Patience is key.
In Battle 1 Pipe down already! I'm not going to miss!
In Battle 2 Take down their packleader!
In Battle 3 Drive them into a corner!
In Battle 4 Stupid burdenbeast, you're not getting away!
4-star Result Good hunt. If you lived in the wild, I'm sure you would survive for long.
3-star Result Tired. Already did what you asked me. Can I go eat now? What's on the menu today?
Sub 3-star Result Hey! Some of them just got away! Do you even know how to keep the prey surrounded? I'm gonna teach you next time!
Operation Failure Grr... Agnese, the hunt failed. Come help us! Don't let this idiot die here!
Assigned to Facility I don't like roofs.
Tap Don't scare me like that! You wanna die?
Trust Tap Hey, Doctor, don't you get tired of staying in these little cubes every day?
Greeting What took you so long? Next time you make me wait for you in a stuffy little box, don't blame me if I get a little rude.
Title Arknights.