Event intro: Interlocking Competition Hymnoi Wisdom

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This interlude is played when the player enters the Interlocking Competition: Hymnoi Wisdom menu for the first time and cannot be replayed once ended.
RI Command Center
RI Corridor

Part 1

<Background 1>
??? This proposal... I can't figure out whether this is meant to be trust... or something more sinister.
I can't say for sure, but this is undoubtedly... an opportunity.
In that case, we'll have this person lead the charge this time...
Doctor (Whose voice is that?)
[The Doctor enters the room to see Amiya, Dobermann, and Kal'tsit.]
Amiya Ah, Doctor, there you are.
Dobermann Doctor.
Kal'tsit Just the person we're looking for. Dr. {nickname}.
Doctor Am I late?
Kal'tsit At least you're aware of how lax of a person you are.
Doctor ...... / You are the one who didn't tell me we had something to discuss.
Amiya Don't worry, Doctor. You're on time today.
Dr. Kal'tsit, Instructor Dobermann, and I are actually talking about the "Interlocking Competition."
Doctor Interlocking... Competition?
Dobermann That's right. More accurately, that's the "Interlocking Security Competition."
The competition originated in ancient Minos. The people of Minos love their competitions and events, and this is what they came up with for the cities to conduct security drills together while learning from one another.
In modern times, the competition is more like a "military exercise," though there is nothing official about the Interlocking Competitions anymore.
Ever since they restarted the competition, it has become a commercial contest run by unofficial organizations.
To ensure the Interlocking Security Competition will be held regularly in different regions and to liaison with the territories' officials, a committee was formed by the private security companies that participate in the competition.
Amiya And Rhodes Island got an invitation to the next Interlocking Competition. Perhaps one of our collaborators recommended us.
Doctor Let's do it! / What do we get out of the competition?
Amiya The most crucial thing is that the organizers are giving out lots of wonderful prizes and resources!
To Rhodes Island, that's also the most important part.
Dobermann Aside from that, the organizing territory and committee think that the competitions can improve the sway that the region has and create opportunities for collaborations and business, so they're always willing to provide the most advanced and complete training facilities and competition venues.
The way that the Interlocking Competition works requires each participating team to know how to both divide its squads and mount concerted assaults properly. If we want a better score and place higher in the rankings, we need to have our tactics and battle plan thought out down to the last detail.
If we want to work on our operators' strength as a team, then this competition is an opportunity we cannot afford to miss.
Doctor Well, we can't miss out on the fun, then.
Amiya Hehe, see, Dr. Kal'tsit? I knew the Doctor would say yes.
Kal'tsit Very well, Dr. {nickname}, but before you come crying to me, know that you are the one who got yourself into this mess.
Doctor Huh? / ......
Amiya Actually, Doctor, if we want to place higher in the rankings and get better rewards, we need a highly competent commander.
If we are to join the competition, then you need to lead the charge.
Doctor You're making me the commander? / ......
Dobermann That's right, Doctor. Your command and judgment are essential to our participation in the Interlocking Competition.
Doctor Alright, guess that's more work on my plate... / Anything I need to look out for?
Dobermann During the Interlocking Security Competition, we will be facing several OpFor squads from whom we'll be taking competition medals and resources.
If you want to obtain even more medals within the time limit to exchange for resources and prizes, you'll need to station squads to garrison different Posts.
If the judges determine that you have successfully garrisoned the Posts, you will then get to face even stronger foes in the final challenge. Defeating these enemies will earn you even more medals.
However, facing these stronger OpFor units will drain even more of your Sanity. If you don't think you can manage, you can also go for your medals via easier means.
You'll have to figure out the specifics during the real thing.
Amiya Be sure not to get so focused on your command that you end up making irrecoverable mistakes, though I know you'll come up with the best tactics for the situation, Doctor!
Doctor I'll do my best.
Dobermann Aside from that, to make sure we can adjust to each Interlocking Competition's theme and the OpFor adversaries that may appear, we will be sending a special deputy to accompany you.
Amiya Don't worry, Doctor! Dr. Kal'tsit, Instructor Dobermann, and I tested and selected this deputy ourselves. I guarantee you they will really distinguish themselves on the battlefield.
Doctor You won't be coming?
Amiya ......
Kal'tsit ......
Dobermann ......
Kal'tsit Leave me out of your problems.
Amiya A-Actually, I still have a lot of work left to do...
Dobermann It's my mission to train our operators, but I can't keep my eye on them forever. Doctor, it is up to you to command our operators and make sure they work with each other to bring out their best.
Doctor Alright then... / Feels like y'all are giving me any work that sounds like a pain in the neck.
Amiya If we are participating, we'll need to have several squads ready to join the fray. Doctor, perhaps you should take the time now to think about how you will command the operators and put together a roster of those who will be competing...
Oh, perfect timing!
Doctor, here's the deputy we designated for this contest.
Doctor Already?! / Y'all had all this planned, didn't you? /......
Amiya Hehe, now why don't you two talk about the contest?
Kal'tsit Dr. {nickname}, remember.
Doctor R-Remember what...? / Okay. / ......
Kal'tsit If you're joining the competition, you must do your very best.
Each organizing committee will put on a competition with different requirements, and the OpFor adversaries you will be facing will act in entirely different ways.
Find their weaknesses. Ascertain their objectives. Do not fall into the traps.
–Then, victory will be within your reach.

Part 2

<Background 1>
[Someone knocks the door.]
Kal'tsit Come in.
[Pallas, the Minoan priestess first seen in Flickering Sparks, enters the room.]
Pallas Oh, Dame Kal'tsit. You're here too, Doctor.
We said hello to each other several times in the hallway, though we didn't know each other well yet at the time. Since I have been summoned here, I suppose news of our invitation to the celebration has made it to your ears.
Doctor "Invitation to the celebration...?"
Kal'tsit This Interlocking Security Competition is the first one to be held in Minos.
Actually, it was Priestess Pallas who helped with the invitation and liaised with the competition committee and the Minos officials.
Pallas Rhodes Island has embraced me with open arms and given me treatment. It has already bestowed on me far too many acts of kindness.
To participate in the different ceremonies, to enjoy the festivities, and to compete against one another with their raw might. All of this is the joy that all warriors strive for. They are the manifestation of their thirst for glory.
I have been blessed with such generosity by my friends here. Naturally, I will return the favor by sharing news of a celebration equally excitable and beneficial.
Kal'tsit That's the size of it, Dr. {nickname}. I will leave it to our special deputy for this competition, Pallas, to explain to you the details. I have more important things to attend to.
Pallas I wish you a pleasant day too, Dame Kal'tsit.
<Background 2>
[While walking at the halls...]
Pallas ......
Doctor ......
Pallas Eh... I've talked to Dame Kal'tsit many a time, but the pressure never ceases to wear me out.
I only hope that you are a more proactive and approachable person than her.
Let us take to the festivities and amaze the world with Rhodes Island's excellent talents and prowess! Come, Doctor, let us now...
[Sideroca rushes to Pallas.]
Sideroca *Pant*... Before that... Stop... right there!
Pallas Hmm?
Ah, the warrior from Corinia. You come before me yet again.
I have looked for you several times ever since we left contact with each other when we left the bridge for this office. Why did you leave me?
Sideroca Stop stretching the truth when the Doctor's here! You were looking everywhere the whole time you were walking, trying to make small talk, and then you even disappeared from the bridge while I wasn't paying attention.
Pallas Of course. We mustn't miss any opportunity to meet another warrior.
Humans are always going on with our lives at a breakneck pace. If language could help us connect with one another's souls, then even if the connection we make is brief and momentary, I find it much better than to regret not taking the initiative to form the relationships we could have had.
Doctor (What is Pallas even saying?) / I don't think you two are quite on the same page. / ......
Sideroca Anyway... I have no idea what kind of scenic route you took, but since you've found the Doctor, please finish your mission.
Ahem, the things you gotta do. First, you need to explain to the Doctor all the relevant information about the main theme of this Interlocking Competition, "Hymnoi Wisdom."
Secondly, turn in a list of recommended personnel for the competition and to look up whether they will have the time to train and participate in the competition...
Pallas My poor, powerless Priestess Pallas. Before, you were shackled by a life of formalities, destined to ever follow the rules as you spend your days away at the temple. Is fate so cruel that you must live your life this way once more?
No, my brave Pallas. Resist! You must be fearless and defy those most tedious rules!
Sideroca Priestess Pallas... This is serious. Please try to say something that makes sense to the Doctor and me.
Pallas *Sobs*... In that case, I must bear with this life, no matter how unwilling I am.
Doctor, if you have any questions about this competition, please ask away without reserve. My words will turn into fowlbeasts of the soul and reach your ears so that your wisdom will be shrouded no more.
Doctor Maybe tell me more about the Interlocking Competition. / Thanks.
Pallas Yes. Where should we start...? This Interlocking Security Competition takes place in Minos's Hymnoi region.
After all, the concept of the Interlocking Competitions originated in Minos. Since the military training bases in Hymnoi have just received new renovations and refurbishments, the region fulfilled all the requirements to host the competition.
Not only does the competition have a generous prize pool, we can also boost our power. Most importantly...
This competition is limited to private, commercial organizations only, so we needn't worry about the governmental organizations interfering.
Doctor Really?
Pallas Relax, my wise and cautious Doctor. You will never find any conspiracies in the land of Minos. Those lands are blessed only by noble heroes.
Once you pay it a visit, you will experience how the people of Minos hold such competitive spirit in high regard, as opposed to the cruel wars of profit fought elsewhere.
With Minos returning to its greatest, there is no greatest spirit that for us to spread across the leads, no peace to further stabilize amidst such turmoil.
Sideroca All... except Corinia.
Pallas Of course, there are those who make compromises for commercial trade.
That being said, warrior from Corinia. Haven't you already put your innocent heart to good use here in Rhodes Island?
Sideroca Yeah.
Pallas Let us waste no more time, Doctor. We have much to prepare.
Whether it is the planning and preparations of our personnel and our tactics or the maintenance and allocations of our equipment, they must all be completed before we leave.
Doctor Pallas, how good do you think the odds are for Rhodes Island?
Pallas You needn't worry, Doctor.
The Priestess Pallas stands before you. I came here to Rhodes Island because of the guidance of heroes, and I am representing Rhodes Island in this competition–
I understand Rhodes Island's strength. We, the warriors of Rhodes Island, will obtain all that we desire.
Odds... Doctor, those numbers and statistics are illusory and meaningless.
After all, we determine the odds. We are the key to our success and victory.