Event outro: Interlocking Competition Hymnoi Wisdom

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This interlude is played once the player redeemed all items in Interlocking Competition: Hymnoi Wisdom's Competition Rewards after collecting 320 Competition Medal.png Competition Medal and cannot be replayed once ended.
RI Bridge
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"The trumpets of victory have sounded–"
"The wills of heroes will be carried on by each and every brave soul here!"
[Cheers are heard.]
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Sideroca Sounds like they're having a huge celebration outside, Pallas.
Look at you pulling such a long face like we lost this competition miserably. We are on the winning side, and we actually won medals, you know?
Pallas Warrior of Corinia... *Sobs*... I'm not saddened for myself.
Sideroca Yeah, I know... With the way you are, you can't show yourself in public yet.
Pallas clenches her fist a little. After pondering a little, she sighs and nods in admission.
Sideroca To be honest, when they first asked me to take on this mission, I didn't really understand at all.
I didn't get why they had me keep an eye on you, to prevent any "accidents" from happening around you... and even to prevent you from causing any "accidents" yourself.
Pallas Warrior Sideroca, certainly you have already come to understand the meaning hidden therein?
Sideroca Right. That's because... There are a lot of Infected among Rhodes Island's participants.
Out of all the participating organizations, we're the only ones who hire Infected as regular operators.
Not only was our movement greatly limited, they basically kept us confined in the competition venue almost all of the time.
For the Infected operators who are visiting Minos for the first time, that is also the only part of the place they were allowed to see.
Pallas Right... The unbendable rules and the prejudice of the people here. They are so painfully vexing.
Sideroca So you did all you could to get Rhodes Island to join this competition because you wanted... change?
Pallas *Sobs*...
Warrior, I may have personally participated in situations big and small, but there are still words that make me feel ashamed if I am to say them.
Sideroca What is there to be ashamed of?
Pallas I-I am sure you know, but even though I came back to my homeland with high hopes, inevitably I had moments when I felt sentimental and my emotions overwhelmed.
Neither Minos nor Rhodes Island shall tolerate me stepping out of line too much.
Therefore... Just as you said, I have long come to the realization deep in my heart that I have reached the deepest parts that Minos permits me to.
Though we are in Hymnoi, one of its most remote regions, the souls and will of the fabled heroes rest in this mountain still. To be able to fight unrestrained here holds deep significance for me.
Sideroca Are you sure you really don't have any other ways...?
Pallas Just as you managed to wake yourself from the capitalistic dreams forged by Corinia, when I look back at Minos now, perhaps what I see is a beautiful yet absurd dream.
Did you enjoy this competition?
Sideroca Of course. I am a Minoan too. You can't snuff out that competitive spirit in me.
Pallas Haha... Brave warrior, there are no words that gratify me more than those you just spoke.