Operation guide: Destitute Knights

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One of the (Emergency) Operations in the 2nd floor of Phantom & Crimson Solitaire, Destitute Knights is identical in all but name and tileset to Wandering Evil in Ceobe's Fungimist, but most of the enemies are replaced by those from Maria Nearl including Bloodboil Knightclub Trainee/Elite in place of (Veteran) Junkmen, which gains increased ATK and ASPD every time an enemy dies, which allows them to crush through the defense line if left unchecked, and are accompanied by (Shielded) Senior Casters which deals AOE Arts damage and can cause pressure to tight formation.

  • To deal with (Shielded) Senior Casters:
    • Their DEF are relatively low, so using Guards, preferably Dreadnought Guards, to dispatch them before they can reach the defense line.
      • One may pair the Guards with a Medic when against Shielded Senior Casters to ensure their survival.
    • Try to separate the Operators to decrease the healing pressure of the defense line.
  • To deal with Bloodboil Knightclub Trainee/Elite:
    • They have low RES, so it's recommended to use Casters to weaken, if not, defeat them.
      • If enemy Casters targeted them, pair them with a Medic or use an Executor Specialist to draw enemy fire.
    • They will start to move when their ATK and ASPD buff reached the maximum. In that case, use a Decel Binder Supporter to slow them down.
      • If they reached the defense line, use Defenders to tank their attacks with Medics as support. If they're weakened by then, one may also using Executor Specialist to stall them for a few more attacks.

For the Emergency Operation version, it is recommended to use detectors or block the Bloodboil K.C. Trainee/Elite to remove their invisibility so that they can be dispatched with Casters before they started to move.