Operation story: CV-1

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Davistown Bank Manager icon.png
Bank Manager
Blacksteel Operator icon.png
Blacksteel Mercenary
Salaryman A icon.png
Mayor's Secretary
Feline Worker icon.png
Pale Man
Ice Forest
Blacksteel Office
Davistown Diner
Davistown Streets
Davistown Bank

Before operation

In a mountain forest, an old hunter rescues Jessica from the jaws of a beast and takes her to Davistown, the designated site of her mission. At the same time, Jessica's teammates are heading towards the same place, harboring concerns for her safety.
<Background 1>
In a panic, Jessica reaches for the handgun at her waist. But fear keeps her fingers saddled atop the holster, unable to bend.
She smells something vaguely rank upon the wind.
??? Don't do anything rash, now.
[The mysterious person fires, which hits a wild beast on its vitals, killing it.]
From the thicket, a hunter walks into Jessica's line of sight, smoking gun in hand and with a wide-brimmed hat covering his eyes.
She turns and looks behind her to see the body of a wild beast lying in the snow, blood still flowing from the wound in its head.
Seasoned Hunter You ought to keep your wits about you here.
Jessica Thank you... for saving me.
Seasoned Hunter Just passing by.
The elderly man stows his gun and walks straight towards the beast's body.
He draws a knife and slices open its stomach. Clean and precise, to keep the blood from spilling out.
He then sticks both hands into its belly and lets out a long sigh.
Seasoned Hunter It's so damn cold around here.
Jessica ...Excuse me, sir, but are you a local hunter?
Seasoned Hunter Suppose so.
Jessica Do you know how to get to Davistown?
Seasoned Hunter ...The hell are you going there for?
Jessica I'm meeting up with my teammates.
Seasoned Hunter You ain't alone?
Jessica Well, my team split up to rescue a hostage from some bandits, but afterward, I broke my communicator and got lost in the woods.
Seasoned Hunter A hostage? Who?
Jessica An elderly Forte man.
Seasoned Hunter ...Didn't expect it'd be you people.
Alright then, follow me.
Jessica Wh-Where are we going?
Seasoned Hunter Didn't you say you were heading for Davistown?
Jessica Umm, but...
Seasoned Hunter Don't say I didn't offer.
The old man pays her no more heed. He stands up to sling the carcass over his shoulders and briskly walks deeper into the forest.
Jessica W-Wait up!
[Jessica runs after the old Sankta hunter.]
<Background fades out and in>
Franka Hrmm... You sure about leaving Jessica all alone out there?
Liskarm I know you're worried, and so am I. But after fighting by her side for so many years, I trust that she's perfectly capable of handling herself.
Franka I'm just worried there are more bandits out there. A couple of stragglers, sure, but what if they've got a whole band of reinforcements?
Liskarm Jessica's been through much worse than a bunch of thugs.
Franka ......
Liskarm Whether it's a rain of arrows whizzing past her scalp, blades nicking her throat...
Or surroundings choked with active Originium, where even a single crack in her protective gear would be immediately evident...
Each and every time, she completes the mission. Without our support, and without the company's supervision.
She may be on her own, but she never fails to deliver results.
Franka ...I can't deny that.
But I'm sure you also know that she comes back every time with red, swollen eyes. So before she returns, someone has to be there for her when she's bawling her eyes out, right?
Liskarm What do those puffy eyes mean? They mean that she's wiped her tears before coming to see us. She doesn't want anyone to see her crying.
Franka Yeah, she's only twenty-three...
Liskarm Yes, twenty-three. And two-and-a-half of those last three years have been spent on the battlefield.
<Background fades out and in>
[The sound of a tree bursting is heard as Jessica and the hunter walks through the forest.]
Jessica Excuse me, but did an explosion just go off nearby?
Seasoned Hunter Nope.
[Another tree is heard bursting.]
Jessica I could swear I heard something... Pretty sure I wasn't imagining it.
Seasoned Hunter It was a tree, not an explosion.
Jessica A tree?
Seasoned Hunter If it gets too cold in the forest, the sap inside expands as it freezes, causing the trunk to burst.
Jessica From a distance, it sounded... a bit like a firefight.
Seasoned Hunter What are you, anyway? Soldier? Merc?
Jessica I've been a mercenary for almost five years now.
Seasoned Hunter Family in debt or something?
Jessica No... I just... didn't want to always be sheltered by my family name. I don't want to follow the path that they laid out for me...
Seasoned Hunter So you went and became a merc?
Jessica Y-Yes...
Seasoned Hunter Hmph. So, what're you looking for on the battlefield? Fame? Fortune? Or glory?
Jessica None of the above. I want to eliminate crises, resolve conflicts, and protect those in dangerous situations...
Seasoned Hunter Huh... So there are mercs who do that kinda stuff. News to me.
[Another tree is heard bursting.]
Jessica Sir... We're no ordinary mercenary group. We're...
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 2>
"Clip" Cliff Let me remind you, Jessica. You're a mercenary. This is about business, not duty.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Jessica We...
Seasoned Hunter Alright, enough of that. Don't give me your whole spiel.
[Jessica and the hunter continues their trek.]
<Background fades out and in>
[Laura joins with Franka and Liskarm.]
Laura Sorry to bother you two, but are you talking about that "seasoned" mercenary with five years of combat experience?
Franka Yeah. Why, got anything to add, Laura?
Laura You two have worked with Jessica a lot longer than me, so you've got a much better grasp of her abilities and limitations than I do, right?
Franka What, so you think she can handle it on her own?
Laura Of course. Captain Liskarm is right – she's been to far more dangerous places over the last three years.
While I can't help but worry when I think about that crybaby side of her, we all know she's going to be perfectly fine. Am I wrong?
Liskarm She doesn't know that.
Laura Yeah, she's the only one...
But maybe she just needs a chance. Just one chance to see her own worth.
Franka And you're saying that this is her opportunity?
Laura Uh... I wouldn't go that far...
<Background fades out and in>
[As Jessica and the hunter walks through the forest...]
Jessica S-Sir... Excuse me, sir!
Seasoned Hunter You're awful noisy, young lady.
Jessica I, uhh, didn't mean to bother you... But if you could please take a look over there?
Jessica points to a trap next to a tree in the distance.
There, a beastcub's forelimbs are tightly clamped between metal teeth. The cub whines as blood seeps out from the trap's steel bite.
After the old hunter takes notice, he sets down the beast carcass, walks over to the tree, unties the trap, and frees the cub.
Jessica It's just a cub... Maybe we can let it go. If its mother is in the area, we could take a quick look around.
Also, I heard that during the winter, hunters will often let mothers and cubs go so that the pack can reproduce...
Seasoned Hunter Its mother is right here.
Jessica You mean... the beast you just killed?
Seasoned Hunter I've seen this female with her cubs a few times before.
Now, the mother's been shot to death, and the cub stepped in some sloppily-placed trap, so its pelt is all ruined.
Jessica So... what should we do with it?
Seasoned Hunter Wring its neck. Put it out of its misery.
Jessica How could you say that?!
Seasoned Hunter What else? It won't last long on a broken leg with no mother.
You wanna leave it here to die a slow death, you won't hear me complaining.
Jessica ...So, there's no way for it to survive?
Seasoned Hunter Nope.
Jessica Could you please hand it to me then...?
Seasoned Hunter You want to finish the job? Be my guest.
Jessica Shh... It'll be alright, little fella... Everything will be alright.
Jessica holds the cub in her arms and gently runs her fingers down its fur.
She doesn't do anything else. She patiently waits for the cub's whines to gradually fade away until they disappear completely.
Jessica I couldn't save it, but at least... I can let it go in a warm embrace.
Seasoned Hunter Mercs doing hospice care, huh? That's another first for me.
Jessica ...Do you mind if I leave it here? I think... the mother is a good enough catch on its own.
Seasoned Hunter What, you want me to bury it for you, too? Hold a funeral while we're at it?
Jessica No... Every animal in the forest is hungry during the winter. If we leave it here... maybe one of them can have a good meal.
Seasoned Hunter ......
Jessica I might be a bit of softy, but... that doesn't mean I'm completely oblivious.
Seasoned Hunter If you get it, then try to keep up, Miss Mercenary. I'm guessing you don't wanna get lost in the woods again.
<Background fades out and in>
Liskarm The wind's cleared the fog... Sir, did you bring us here just to get a view of Davistown?
Miles ...When I was little, I loved running to the high places near the plate, just to get a good look at the town I lived in.
Liskarm What was it like back then?
Miles Livelier, more glamorous... More full of life.
Liskarm ......
Miles As for now... Well, there's no going back. No turning back the clock.
[Franka joins in.]
Franka Brrrr... It's freakin' cold. Can't believe they shipped us off to a place like this.
Laura Franka...
Franka What's on your mind?
Laura I was just... thinking about Jessica again.
Franka What about her? Didn't you say you weren't worried?
Laura ...I was thinking about that "opportunity" we were talking about.
Franka Oh, you mean the chance for her to see her own worth?
Laura Who knows? Maybe one day... it'll come to her in a gust of wind. A freaking cold one, so cold it makes her shiver all over.
But it'll sweep away all the fog before her eyes, and everything will become as clear as day.
[The group continues with their trek, until...]
Liskarm I just hope that what she sees then... won't be anything like what we're looking at.
A Home in the Winter.png
Amidst the dispersing fog, huge tracks formed of fallen trees and broken branches can be seen winding down the hillside towards the center of the valley.
At their end is an abandoned plate.
Despite the distance, everyone can clearly see an energy tower rising from the middle of it, feebly wheezing out puffy white breaths.
Like a dying patient, struggling for air.

After operation

Jessica follows the hunter to the diner, where she learns that the target for her special mission is none other than the hunter himself. After the team arrives at the plate, Liskarm discovers that the local government is actually under the control of the bank.
<Background 3>
[Leone enters Helena's diner.]
Leone Brrr... Helena, ain't it way too cold in here today?
Helena Almost out of charcoal. Have to save some for later.
Leone Just burn that mountain of bills piling up at my place. The bank's just gonna send more anyhow.
Helena *cough*
Leone Did you catch a cold? C'mon, let's swing around to my place and grab a stack of that waste paper.
Helena (*whispers*) Why do you think I'm coughing? Not in front of her...
Leone Oh, if it ain't Sylvia!
[A Liberi woman by the name Sylvia joins in.]
Sylvia G-Good morning, Mr. Theremin...
Leone What brings someone from the bank out here to our shabby little establishment? Something wrong?
Sylvia S-Sorry...
Leone Hmm.
Helena *cough* *cough*... Leone, I ain't seen Benny in a while. What's the kid been up to?
Leone Busy with his studies. Got his nose in a book till dawn every night.
Helena Didn't the school close down a while ago?
Leone Our neighbor, Ms. Selena, used to be a schoolteacher. She reckoned it'd be a real shame for Benny to miss out on all that book learning, so she's been letting him study at her place.
Helena Huh, good for him. Benny's always been a smart kid, and he was real shook when he learned he wouldn't be able to go to school no more.
Leone Yeah. He was so anxious that whole year.
Sylvia M-Mr. Theremin, actually, I... I could teach Benny too...
Helena Oh right, you graduated from the best business school in Columbia—
Leone And what's he supposed to learn from you? How to become a banker so he can bury people in bills too when he grows up?
Sylvia I...
Helena Leone, eat your damn breakfast before it freezes over!
Leone Hmph!
Sylvia I-I need to get to work, so I'll be leaving now... I'll leave the money on the table.
[Sylvia leaves.]
Helena You know she ain't responsible for any of the loans here in Davistown, right? What're you giving her lip for?
Leone Then let her have a heart-to-heart with the others. They'll be even harsher, I guarantee it.
Helena But still, we watched her grow up...
Leone That's exactly why! Pisses me off even more!
Helena *sigh*...
<Background 4>
Liskarm Sorry to keep you waiting, ma'am. I hope we're not too late.
Sylvia Oh... H-Hello. It's fine, you're not late at all.
Liskarm What would you like me to call you?
Sylvia You can call me, uh...
Liskarm How long have you been standing here, ma'am?
Sylvia Since... this morning. The message only said you'd be arriving today, but not the specific time.
Franka But it's already afternoon. You've been standing here this whole time?
Sylvia Yes...
Liskarm Three hours ago we sent a notification to the plate, updating them on our ETA.
Sylvia ...I-I didn't get anything of the sort.
Franka That's weird. Who sent you?
Sylvia Um... the manager.
Franka Manager? That's not a title I'm used to hearing in government work.
Sylvia Actually, I... I'm not from the government. I work for a local bank.
Franka Since when is a bank in charge of this?
Sylvia Actually... Um, actually, Davistown is...
[Laura joins in with Miles in tow.]
Laura We're here, Captain Liskarm. Is this woman the one in charge of our reception?
Miles Wait, Sylvia? They sent you out here for this?
Sylvia Th-That's right, sir.
Franka Hey, old man, any idea why the government sent a banker to pick us up instead?
Miles *sigh*... You'd best ask the bank directly. I sure ain't gonna be able to explain all the twists and turns.
Liskarm Alright then. Franka, go ahead and take the gentleman home. And while you're at it, take a walk around Davistown to get a better grasp of the situation here.
Franka ...Understood.
Liskarm Laura, bring the others with you and find a good place for a safe house where we can securely stow our supplies and vehicles. If you manage to get a hold of Jessica, report it to me right away.
Laura Got it.
Liskarm Sylvia and I will head to the bank... to find out what exactly is going on here.
Franka That's our teacher's pet for you. Thanks for volunteering for the hard part.
Liskarm ......
Laura Where should we regroup once we're all finished?
Miles Y'all can meet up at the only diner still open in town. It's right by the only road to the mine. Run by a real nice lady named Helena.
And if this Jessica of yours finds her way into town, I reckon that's where she'll end up too.
Liskarm Mm... It's decided, then.
<Background 5>
Sylvia The bank is right up ahead, Miss...
[As Liskarm follows Sylvia, she noticed that the townsfolk are steering clear from her.]
Liskarm People have been avoiding us the whole way here... Had I known, I'd have asked Franka to take my equipment back with her first.
Sylvia N-No, that's not why...
[A Perro man bumps into Liskarm, causing her to fall into the ground.]
Liskarm Oof...
Blacksteel Mercenary You asshole, you run into someone and don't even apologize?
Pale Man It's over...
Liskarm Sir? Are you okay?
Pale Man ...It's all over.
[The pale man walks off.]
Liskarm Sir? Sir! What happened?
Blacksteel Mercenary What's going on... He looks like his soul has left his body. Where's he going?
Liskarm Do you recognize him, Sylvia?
Sylvia No, I... umm...
Let's, um... h-head to the bank first.
<Background 6>
Advertising Board ...Along with the rapid development of pioneer settlements, nomadic plates both large and small have also been springing up.
But at the time, very few financial institutions in Columbia were specialized in pioneering.
...After looking deeply into the living conditions of the countless pioneers on the frontier's edge, our founder decided to plant his roots alongside them and established the first bank to provide practical financial support to the lower and middle classes.
He prided himself in building trust, showing kindness, and doing his best to provide attentive service to everyone who walked through his doors in the rough-and-tumble frontier.
It wasn't long before his hard work and empathy won him wide recognition.
Then, we began forming close and fruitful partnerships with local governments, working together with mining and pioneering companies to help them flourish and expand rapidly into settlements just like Davistown.
Liskarm ......
Bank Manager Quite the legend, wouldn't you agree?
Liskarm And who might you be...?
Bank Manager Sorry for keeping you waiting, Miss Liskarm. I am this bank's manager. My sincerest apologies for not being able to welcome you in person earlier.
Liskarm We are aware of the problems facing Davistown. A few inconveniences are to be expected. However...
Bank Manager No need to be reserved. Feel free speak your mind.
Liskarm We were planning to liaison with the local government, not a bank. What exactly happened to the government here?
Bank Manager Sylvia, did you not explain the situation?
Sylvia Manager, I...
Liskarm Sylvia stood alone in the cold for the better part of the day. If you ask me, what she needs right now is hot water and a blanket.
Bank Manager Of course. Sylvia, take half a day off to go home and get some rest.
Sylvia Okay... I'll see you later then, Miss.
[Sylvia leaves.]
Liskarm Oh, Sylv—
Bank Manager Miss Liskarm, if there's anything else you need, please let me know. Resources are scarce on this plate, but we will do everything in our power to accommodate you.
Liskarm I appreciate the sentiment, but please don't try to change the subject.
Why is it that Blacksteel's client was the local government, but we're being greeted by your bank's employees? Where are the heads of the local government agencies?
Bank Manager ......
Please come with me.
<Background 7>
[As the bank's manager explains the situation while the staff are working...]
Liskarm Are you telling me that your government officials are in the bank's garage?
Bank Manager During last year's bankruptcy liquidation, the local government cut most of their departments and laid off most of their employees. But that wasn't enough to pay off the massive debts they still held. In the end, the remaining government buildings were put up for auction as well.
Liskarm What about the mayor, then? Where is he?
Bank Manager Unfortunately, after the last mayor ran off with hardly a penny to his name, the townsfolk never found a suitable candidate to replace him.
As you can see, all that remains today is... the mayor's secretary, and a few temporary employees.
Mayor's Secretary Ha... Haha, it's okay. If the bank hadn't generously provided us with free office space, we'd be out on the streets.
Bank Manager It's just the right thing to do. Besides, it's nothing compared to what you've been through.
Liskarm Seeing as the government is still functioning, can we—
Mayor's Secretary No!
I mean, as much as we'd like to help you, we simply don't have the manpower to support your work.
Liskarm ...Then, who's in charge of matters concerning our job here?
Mayor's Secretary We've given full authority over that to the woman standing next to you. Go to her for anything you might need.
Bank Manager Absolutely. My door is always open.
Liskarm ...I certainly hope you can issue a formal document showing this authorization.
Bank Manager Mr. Secretary, when can she expect that document?
Mayor's Secretary I'll have it ready right away! The official seal somehow went missing yesterday, so I've sent someone to go look for it!
Bank Manager Thank you.
Now then... I'm very much looking forward to a mutually beneficial partnership.
Liskarm ......
Bank Manager I'll show you to my office. Try not to dawdle, as we have many things to discuss before our work begins in earnest.
Liskarm Sure.
Mayor's Secretary Wait, just a moment, ma'am!
Bank Manager What is it now?
Mayor's Secretary Um, well... It's been way too cold in here recently. W-Would you mind turning up the heat in the garage a smidge? Everyone's freezing down here.
Bank Manager ...Of course. I'll always do my best to accommodate your needs.
<Background 4>
[As Jessica and the hunter walks through the snowfields...]
Seasoned Hunter Have you and your teammates decided on a rendezvous point?
Jessica Um... N-Not yet. B-But, it'll be fine. I'll find somewhere to wait for them on my own...
Seasoned Hunter There's a diner in Davistown. Wait in there.
Jessica Wh-Where is it? Oh, um, you don't need to take me there. General directions should be fine...
Seasoned Hunter ......
Forget it, just come with me.
[The pale Perro man from before walks by Jessica and the hunter.]
Pale Man ......
Jessica Huh? Is he.... one of the plate's residents?
That man... Why doesn't he have anything with him?
Excuse me! Sir! Where are you going?
Hello? Are you leaving the plate? It's not safe out here!
Over here! I'm talking to you! Look, over here! Can you hear me?!
[The pale man continues walking.]
Jessica Sir? Sir!
The man doesn't respond to Jessica's calls, and simply continues shuffling towards the snow in silence.
In front of him, the vast white stretches far into the distance, blending into the dark, ashen sky.
From Jessica's perspective, the vast snowfield gradually squeezes the man into a pale blue line. After a short while, he shrinks into a small dot, then finally disappears into the white.
Nothing remains to prove he was even there, save for the tracks he left behind.
Jessica ......
Seasoned Hunter Are you coming or not?
Jessica I... I'll be right there!
<Background 3>
[Jessica and the hunter enters Helena's diner.]
Seasoned Hunter I'm back, Helena.
Helena Woody? About time!
Leone Wait... Where's Miles?
Seasoned Hunter He was rescued by this girl's friends.
Leone Um, and who are you?
Jessica I'm, umm...
Seasoned Hunter ...She's a merc I met on the way. Her communicator broke, and she got separated from her teammates. So I brought her into town to wait for them.
Leone Mind if I take a look at the communicator? Might be able to fix it up for you.
Jessica H-Here... Sorry to bother you like this.
Leone No problem. You guys saved Miles, so what's a little communicator between friends?
Helena That said, why come here of all places?
Jessica ...We received a commission from the local government to help Davistown restore its power facilities and get the plate back onto its navigation route.
Leone Hold on, girl, could you repeat that? Restore our power facilities? You ain't pulling my leg, are you?
Helena You should see the goofy grin on your face.
Young lady, regardless of why you and your companions are here, thank you so much for rescuing Miles... I've been so worried I ain't slept a wink in days.
Seasoned Hunter Alright... All's well that ends well? Then, got anything to eat?
Helena Didn't have nothing ready, but looks like you brought something back for me.
Seasoned Hunter Oh, right.
[The hunter sets down his quarry.]
Helena A mother beast?
Jessica Sorry... It was my fault...
Seasoned Hunter No use fretting over something like that, this time of year. Nothing beats meat.
Helena Fair enough... Okay, you two, sit your butts down and grab something to drink. I'll prepare the meat—
[The hunter walks away...]
Helena Hey, why're you getting up to leave? Weren't you gonna eat?
Seasoned Hunter Change of plans.
[...and leaves the diner.]
<Background fades out and in>
Jessica Sir... How badly damaged is the communicator?
Leone Nothing serious. C'mon, let's go take a look around my warehouse. Might be some spare parts we can use—
Helena Stop tinkering for a second and give this a try.
Leone Deep-fried? Now this is the good stuff!
But... this definitely ain't enough for everyone.
Helena If you're worried about that, then stop scarfing it all down! The poor girl still ain't had a piece!
Leone Haha...
Jessica It's totally fine. He helped me fix my communicator, so... he deserves to eat his fill.
Helena That barely counts for anything. It's so cold round these parts, we all gotta help each other out, just to get by. Give us a holler if you ever need anything.
Jessica Thank you. I appreciate it, ma'am.
By the way, I happened to see someone a ways out from the plate. He wasn't carrying anything, and wouldn't respond when I called out to him... He just kept walking deeper and deeper into the snow, until I couldn't see him anymore...
Did something happen to him?
Helena and Leone ......
Helena You're a guest here, young lady. Don't worry your pretty little head over stuff like that and just fill your tummy first, okay?
Jessica Then... would you mind if I asked you two about someone else?
Leone *sigh*... Kids these days. Barely stepped on the plate, and already so many questions. Alright, fine, ask away.
Jessica I wanted to know about a man named Woodrow Bianchi—
Helena and Leone Who...?
Jessica Sorry, I guess you're not familiar with him. I'll try asking someone else.
[Leone and Helena looks surprised.]
Leone No, that ain't the problem... You sure you're not confused?
Helena Woodrow's the man who brought you here, though?