Operation story: BI-7

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Kjerag Monk icon.png
Kjerag Monk icon.png
Kjerag Warrior B icon.png
Paleroche Clan Warrior
Kjerag Warrior D icon.png
Silverash Clan Sergeant
Hoff Angrsaal Hall
Kjerag House
Kjerag Manor Room
Mount Karlan Path
Kjerag Manor

Before operation

With the Doctor's help, Arctosz regathers the situation, while Ratatos hands commanding rights over to her younger sister.
<Background 1>
Elder A Sigh!
Elder B What's the matter?
Elder A The "Tschäggättäs" aren't letting us leave.
They said Enciodes instructed them to make sure we stay here, supposedly for our own safety.
Elder B See? This is exactly as I said. He is trying to lock us in here!
Elder A The Great Elder is unconscious, the Saintess is yet to be coronated, and he insists the other two clans are traitors. The way I see it, he is definitely up to no good.
Elder B Shh... *Sigh*... Talking about this is not going to do us any good. The Great Elder has always been in charge of the Court's affairs, and now that this has come to pass... What are we supposed to do?
Elder C Is this all Kjeragandr's will...?
[Enya approaches the elders.]
Enya It's difficult to say whether this is what Kjeragandr wanted, but I'm sure it will pain Her heart to see you so dejected.
Elder A G-Great Saintess!
Elder B We... We are simply worried...
Enya Is there something to worry about?
Elder C The Great Elder's condition... and the situation surrounding the clans...
Enya I just talked to the doctor. The Great Elder's outlook is not optimistic, but I'm sure Kjeragandr will have mercy on him given his leadership of the Vine-Bear Court for so many years. Have faith, the Great Elder will get better.
In the interim, I will take charge of all of the Court's decisions, big and small.
Elder A Well...
Kjarr The Saintess was supposed take charge of Kjerag at the coronation, and the Great Elder has wanted to pass the baton to the Saintess for some time now. Given the extraordinary circumstances, what's stopping you?
Or do you elders have a better idea?
Elder A You're just the head maid...
Elder B Enough. Head Maid Kjarr has the right of it.
We've always had faith in the Saintess's ability, and she is willing to step forward to calm the masses. There is no better arrangement.
Enya You needn't worry, dear elders.
Considering what had happened at the ceremony, Enciodes indeed had a reason to do as he did.
And even if Enciodes harbored ill intentions, as long as I'm here, the Vine-Bear Court will be safe.
Before, the Saintess's presence on the Holy Hunt's grounds, although brilliant, was only eye-catching.
But now, the Saintess radiates a certain aura that makes her impossible to defy.
The elders look at each other, before lowering their heads to her.
"As you wish, Saintess."
Enya Leave us, please.
[The elders leave.]
Enya ......
Kjarr Enya, you were incredible.
Enya Really?
Kjarr Really. I thought you'd be disappointed after you came back from the ceremony.
Looks like I was worrying too much.
Enya I'm disappointed alright.
But the last time I was disappointed, I couldn't say anything.
Back then, I had no way to fight for myself.
This time, even though I'm disappointed, I know that I have the power to make a change, no matter how little.
So I don't want to be left disappointed this time. I need to do something to stave off my disappointment.
Kjarr Enya... You've grown up.
Enya I wish I could've stayed a child forever. Thinking about these things all day is just too much effort...
But you're right. I've grown up.
<Background 2>
[The Great Elder woke up from his comatose due to the poison during the mess in the ceremony days ago...]
Great Elder Faith...
Devotee Great Elder, you're awake!
[...sits on the bed.]
Great Elder Quiet down.
Devotee Quieting.
Great Elder The ceremony... *cough*... What became of it? I... I remember interrogating the Browntail subject, but no more...
Devotee You were poisoned by Sir Arctosz. Then, Gnosis's appearance made things all the more complicated.
In the end, Sir Arctosz and Matriarch Ratatos joined hands to take on Sir Enciodes, only for him to overwhelm them...
Great Elder That's not what I wanted to hear.
What about the coronation ceremony? The Saintess? The transfer of powers?
Devotee The ceremony was cancelled... Sir Enciodes announced that it will resume once the Paleroches and the Browntails are dealt with.
Great Elder ......
Enciodes... *cough*...
Where's the Saintess?
Devotee She... She is in her room right now.
Great Elder ......
<Background fades out>
Little one, how does it feel to sit in a Tri-Clan Council meeting for the first time?
Great Elder... I never imagined that... the Tri-Clan Council's meetings would be so boring.
The clan leaders only talked about things that concerned their families. Every time they talk about which family will put in more effort in the annual events, they aren't interested at all. They don't care about Kjeragandr.
Hohoh, a smart one. I was right about you.
Great Elder... Did you show me this on purpose?
That's right.
Because you will one day become the Great Elder.
Then, you'll understand just what this so-called faith stands for.
<Background fades in>
Great Elder You... How long has it been since you came to the Vine-Bear Court?
Devotee Huh? 25 years, Great Elder.
Great Elder In those 25 years... *cough*... how do you think the Vine-Bear Court and Kjerag have changed?
Devotee I... Aside from all that the Silverashes brought us, I do not think there has been any significant change.
Great Elder These lands have not changed for a millennium.
The future ought to see no change either.
*Cough*... Help me up.
Devotee But, Great Elder, your health...
Great Elder I know my health... *cough*... better than anybody else.
I don't have much time left.
Devotee But...
Great Elder Have the Saintess proceed to the great hall. Tell her... I must speak to her about something.
<Background 3>
[Arctosz converses with the Doctor.]
Arctosz Doctor, this is the second time you've saved my rear.
I've had a problem with Enciodes ever since he came back to Kjerag and established that Karlan Trade of his.
I'm sure you saw it yourself when you entered Kjerag, his trade port. I can't begin to make heads or tails of it.
I've used the things he brought in. They're handy. My men are using them too. I know that.
The youths working for me think I don't know what they say about him. Well, I do.
But he can't keep things going like this. He's going to drive Kjerag further and further into this fire pit.
Kjeragandr is watching from above. If we go down that path, Kjerag will be punished.
That's why I've always been the first one to stand up against him, and this is what that got me.
The Paleroches are no fans of trickery.
And I had Valais by my side, but now...
Can I trust you?
[Sharp shows up...]
Sharp Doctor, Ratatos is here.
[...as Ratatos enters.]
Ratatos Arctosz? I thought a hotheaded punk like you would've led your forces to take on Enciodes right about now.
Arctosz If it wasn't for the Doctor stopping me, that's what I would be doing right now.
Ratatos You're... the Doctor... from Rhodes Island...
You saved my life. Normally, I should be rewarding you somehow.
But if what you want is the house of Browntail, then I'm sorry to disappoint you.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Your help is absolutely vital.
Ratatos Well, that's about the most pleasing thing I've heard the past couple days.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor (Adjust her collar for her)
Ratatos You...
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor You're overthinking it. I'm not a bad guy.
Ratatos You and I have never met, and yet you did all that to stoke the fire. Tell me, how am I supposed to not overthink it?
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Ratatos Well, whatever.
If Arctosz's here, I don't even have to guess at what it is that you want.
I'll be honest with you. Before your guy here found me, I was seriously thinking about surrendering to Enciodes.
Are you sure I can help you?
Doctor If Arctosz is willing to surrender too, then I guess I don't need your help.
Arctosz The Paleroches will never surrender.
Ratatos So...? What do you people want?
Doctor First off, you have already lost. / First off, I can't help you win this battle.
Ratatos You don't have to spell it out to me like that.
The people are on Enciodes's side. When the ceremony ended, he even proclaimed that the "crimes" are mine and Arctosz's alone and didn't do a thing to our territory.
He's decided Kjerag is already his.
And that's actually how things are.
Doctor, you're a smart one. What else can we do?
Doctor The best way we have to get ourselves out of this hole is to save the Saintess.
Ratatos You're right that only the Saintess can set things right.
And Enciodes's taken control of the Vine-Bear Court so that the Saintess can't say anything.
Now here's the problem—He definitely sees you coming.
Actually, he probably has all those men guarding the place so that you can walk right into the trap.
Doctor We can't go in through the front door, of course. / We'll need some preparation.
<Background 4>
Matterhorn They'll help the Saintess?
Gnosis There's a reason that Enciodes isn't mounting an attack on the other enemies.
First, he doesn't think it's necessary.
Second, he is worried that the Doctor will help the Paleroches.
Weiss The Doctor... If the Doctor's actually helping Arctosz, things are probably going to get out of hand.
Gnosis This Doctor isn't taking charge of Arctosz's army to fight us, though.
From what you have told me, this Doctor wants to stop Arctosz from being the reckless man he is and launching an all-out war. Considering that, it's not likely there will be any direct confrontation that leads to bloodshed.
I don't exactly believe in this possibility, however. The way I see it, it's not out of the question that this Doctor is trying to take control of the Paleroches and the Browntails, seeking to become Kjerag's new overlord.
Matterhorn The Doctor's not that kind of person.
Weiss Right. The Doctor certainly could do it, though.
Gnosis I must say I'm a little flabbergasted by the appraisal that you two and Enciodes have of this person.
I can only hope you are right in that judgment.
In any case, however things end up, it's very likely that they are aiming for Mount Karlan, which is under our control, of course.
They'll need the Saintess to turn the tide of public opinion.
And if they succeed in getting the Saintess out of Mount Karlan, then all that Enciodes has done will be for naught.
Naturally, the Doctor knows that.
That's why we will see this Doctor here.
Matterhorn It's ironic. In their eyes, we Silverashes are taking our own family heiress hostage.
Gnosis They aren't wrong. Enya Silverash is indeed our hostage right now.
Matterhorn ......
Gnosis If you would rather I use a different turn of phrase, the Saintess has become our most important bargaining chip.
That doesn't change anything, however.
Weiss Gnosis... could you please stop provoking Matterhorn?
Gnosis I'm helping you two face reality.
Or are you trying to tell me that you two didn't know that Enciodes had his eyes on more than just the transfer of powers?
It was never his plan to let faith govern the state.
Matterhorn ......
Gnosis That's not to say anything negative about Enya Silverash.
I'm not interested in her at all. Naturally, I don't have any opinion about her.
But she became the Saintess, and she's done very well.
In that case, she will no doubt be an obstacle to Enciodes. That's all. And now things have come to this, we cannot permit anyone else on this stage to do any better than the head of the Silverash family.
Matterhorn I know that...
Of course I know that.
Gnosis This isn't a game. There are no do-overs. Let's not give ourselves any unnecessary trouble.
Monch, you're in charge of surveillance.
Monch On it.
<Background 3>
Arctosz Good. This plan is perfect!
Ratatos You sure about that...?
Doctor Of course.
Ratatos ......
On the surface, we're sending our forces to raze the place to the ground, making it look like we're there to save Yucatan and attract their attention that way, to confuse them about your real plans.
You want the main force to attack them from the front.
That's to let Arctosz's forces get near Mount Karlan. Your guys will also be there in the mountains to help them along.
Doesn't sound like the safest plan there is, but it seems feasible.
What about Degenbrecher? Even if you can deal with Enciodes's Tschäggättä performers, if you don't have a way to take care of that actual monster, you'll never be able to get to him.
Doctor Sharp.
Sharp Is this part of my job too?
Doctor Yes.
Ratatos You make that sound simple, but are you sure about this?
Sharp I wouldn't say sure. But I can probably keep her busy for some ten minutes.
Ratatos You're a monster yourself, huh...?
So, Doctor of Rhodes Island. How are you so sure I'll help you?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor I'm not forcing you.
Ratatos You know, you kind of remind me of Enciodes.
You told me all about your plan, and then you say don't absolutely need me.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor There isn't any part of this plan that has to involve you.
Ratatos But I already know every last detail.
No one would let somebody who knows so much just walk away.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Ratatos ......
Sciurus I'll go in your place.
Ratatos Sciurus, this isn't a game.
Sciurus Why don't you take a look in the mirror before you say that crap, Ratatos?
You're exhausted, you look pale as a ghost. Hell, you look completely out of it.
How am I supposed to relax when I have someone like you there to save my husband?
Ratatos ......
Sciurus I don't know what you and Enciodes talked about in that room.
But I'm not going to watch you hand the Browntail family over to him!
Ratatos ......
Sciurus Why are you staring at me like that? You want a fight?
Ratatos You might just be right.
Fine, Doctor of Rhodes Island. Sciurus will help you with your plan in my place.
Though, to tell you the truth, I'm not holding out hope that we can get anything back from Enciodes.
All I can say is: good luck.

After operation

With Aurora's help, a captive Ensia decides to seek out her sister.
In the hall of Karlan, Enya confronts the Great Elder, and wins her future for herself.
<Background 5>
[Ensia is arguing with Chester.]
Ensia Why can't I go out, Uncle?
Chester By the president's orders, you are not to go running around until he returns.
Ensia So when's he coming back?
Chester The president is currently making his way to Karlan, and will be back in two days' time.
Ensia Look, I just want to catch a breath of fresh air, okay?
Chester If you'll stay around the estate... I'll send someone to follow you.
Ensia, this is for your own good. The situation in Kjerag is precarious right now.
Ensia *Sigh*...
<Background 3>
Ensia Do you really need to do all this... Enciodes?
Doctor, what should I do...?
[Aurora suddenly shows up.]
Ensia Aurora?!
Aurora Shhh–– Keep it down, it was really hard for me to sneak in with all the guards.
Ensia Weren't you and Sharp going to stay with the Doctor?
Aurora Yes. I'm here because the Doctor wanted me to tell you something.
<Background 4>
Gnosis You're absolutely sure?
Monch Yes, Arctosz has assembled a large number of soldiers in his territory, but he's not the one leading them – the Doctor is.
Gnosis Where's Arctosz?
Monch I'm not sure... From eyewitness accounts, he disappeared after formally handing leadership of his forces to the Doctor.
Gnosis Is that Doctor's squad the bait? No, it can't be that simple.
How about their numbers?
Monch The Paleroche clansmen who responded to Arctosz's call were mostly what you expected. Based on our estimates, Arctosz shouldn't have enough men to assemble another squad.
Gnosis But there's no chance he's sitting in the back. There's a high possibility of there being another team.
Monch The Paleroche clan's warriors are skilled at operating in the mountains. It's not beyond the realm of possibility.
Gnosis They can't leave this squad alone though, regardless of whether it's a decoy or the main force.
Let Weiss pass on the orders and have the troops gather at the base of the mountain, awaiting further instructions.
Then dispatch someone to keep track of the army. Your primary responsibility is to find Arctosz.
Monch On it.
<Background 3>
Ensia The Doctor... wants me to climb up the mountain and sneak into the Vine-Bear Court to find my sister?
Aurora Correct.
Because conflict between the Paleroche and Silverash clans is almost unavoidable now.
But if there's one person who can put a stop to all of this, it's your sister, the Saintess, Enya Silverash.
Ensia But... But...
Aurora The Doctor wanted to stick to Rhodes Island's policy of nonintervention and stand by.
But since restoring the Saintess to power was just a ploy by Mr. Enciodes, the Doctor believes he doesn't care much for Kjerag's faith.
And once the Silverash clan's forces beat down the Paleroche clan's, the only thing stopping him from taking all of Kjerag is the Vine-Bear Court.
In other words, the object of faith for all the people of Kjerag – the Saintess.
The Doctor doesn't actually need you to convince the Saintess to do anything. The basic idea is there might be a way to heal the relationship between your brother and sister.
There might also be some guilt in there for not being able to help since coming to Kjerag.
Ensia I'd never blame the Doctor for that! I just want to apologize, both to the Doctor and everyone else who came with me. This was supposed to be a nice vacation, but my brother went and screwed everything up...
Aurora It's not your fault either, Cliffheart.
Anyway, the Doctor's been dragged into Enciodes's business, and can't stand on the sidelines anymore.
And anyway, you're Enciodes's sister. Nothing can change that.
So the Doctor's decided to make a move.
And it's to have you go up the mountain, and become a kind of insurance beside the Saintess.
Ensia The Doctor wants me to stop my brother's plans when the time comes.
Aurora Or, take the Saintess and run when the time comes.
Ensia ......
Ensia subconsciously rubs the coil of rope in her hand.
Her sister braided it for her when she was a child.
Ensia ......
[Ensia thought about the Doctor's suggestion for a moment, and...]
Ensia I'll go.
Aurora This is a covert operation. I'll be there with the other operators to help.
Ensia ...No.
I have a better idea.
Just get me to the base of Mount Karlan. I'll handle the rest myself.
<Background 4>
[As the Browntail-Paleroche armies march through Mt. Karlan amidst a snowfall...]
Gulo Doctor, why are you marching us at such a slow pace?
Doctor So as to give those prying eyes their fill. / We can't go any faster. Not right now.
Sciurus Gulo, don't tell me you still haven't figured out what we're doing?
Gulo Aren't we drawing the attention of the Silverash clan? I think we're going a bit too slow for that.
Sciurus I see you're eager to just rush in and fight the Silverashes.
Gulo Sure am.
Last time, Valais handed me my ass, so I've got a chip on my shoulder.
[A Paleroche warrior reports to the Doctor.]
Paleroche Clan Warrior Doctor, we've confirmed the location of Yucatan, who was taken away during the ceremony.
As you suspected, she was not taken to the Silverash clan's territory, but locked up at the base of the mountain.
Doctor Good work.
Gulo Doctor, you really are something else. You managed to find Old Yucatan this quickly.
Sciurus Hmph. Such simple intelligence gathering is child's play for a Browntail.
Anyway, we've found Yucatan, so it's time for me and this idiot here to get moving, right?
Doctor Right.
Gulo ......
Sciurus What's with the silent treatment?
Gulo What, were you talking to me? I don't remember my folks ever calling me "Idiot."
Sciurus (Sighs deeply)
General! Gulo! Hmph... You happy now?
I'm asking you, do you know what you're supposed to be doing?
Gulo Of course. Head to the nearest station, cause some chaos, and give you a chance to rescue your man.
Sciurus Good.
But a word of warning from the Doctor –– don't actually kill anyone.
Gulo Hmph. The station's full of civilians. I swear on my name not to lay a finger on them.
But, Doctor, if the Silverashes show up...
All I can say is, I'll try to hold back.
<Background 5>
Aurora Cliffheart, did you say you were looking for... your mountaineering equipment?
Ensia Yup.
Aurora Don't tell me you're going to climb Mount Karlan...
Ensia Eh... From what you've told me, there should be a ton of people in Karlan.
If we're talking about heading up the face of the mountain, even the squad leader would have some difficulty sneaking in.
But that's nothing I can't handle~
As long as you can get me to the foot of the mountain, I can handle the rest.
Aurora But... the others and I won't be able to protect you.
Ensia No biggie, no biggie.
I've gotten plenty of training at Rhodes Island, so I'm more than capable of handling myself in an ordinary fight.
Aurora But...
[Chester approaches Ensia.]
Chester Ensia, where are you going?
Ensia Uncle Chester...
I want to go climbing.
Chester Which mountain are we talking here?
Ensia Mount Karlan.
Chester That place is going to turn into a battlefield. You'll get hurt if you go.
Why do you want to go there?
Ensia ......
Uncle Chester, ever since I fell in love with mountaineering, I've always wanted to summit Mount Karlan with my own two hands.
I've only wanted it even more since my sister left us and became the Saintess... One day, I would reach the peak and bring my sister home.
And now, my chance has finally come.
Chester You won't be able to do that, Ensia.
Ensia Even if I can't bring my sister back home, I need to be with her at a time like this.
She must be very confused after everything our brother's done.
If I can't stop him, then, I at least want to be there for her!
Chester ......
Olafur, your youngest daughter's gotten pretty big too.
[A sergeant of the Silverashes' army interrupts Ensia.]
Silverash Clan Sergeant Young Lady, I am sorry, but by the Master's orders, you are not allowed to leave the estate. It's for your own safety.
Chester Stand down.
Ensia Huh?
Uncle Chester!
Silverash Clan Sergeant Sir, you're directly contradicting the Master's orders!
Chester I'll accept all responsibility for what happens here.
Silverash Clan Sergeant But... Even if you'll go so far to vouch for her, how can that be more important than her safety?
Chester A Silverash never takes unnecessary risks.
This time, let's trust her.
Silverash Clan Sergeant Ugh... Fine.
Chester Go, prepare a burdenbeast for the Young Lady and our guests from Rhodes Island.
Silverash Clan Sergeant Understood.
Ensia Thank you, Uncle Chester!
Aurora Thank you very much, Sir.
I always thought you...
Chester No need to thank me.
Now go. Time is of the essence.
Ensia Okay!
Chester Ensia.
Ensia Hm?
Chester Be careful out there.
Ensia Will do!
[Ensia and Aurora leaves.]
Chester Olafur.
Ever since you and Elizabeth passed on, I've always regretted that I stood against you and the reforms you tried to bring to our land. I should have stood with you.
So, when your son decided to take up your ideals, I chose to support him wholeheartedly.
Enciodes has done exceptionally well.
As the Saintess, Enya has won the adoration of the people of Kjerag.
Though Ensia contracted Oripathy, her condition is under control and she is as happy-go-lucky as always.
But, it suddenly just occurred to me.
How long has it been since I saw these three kids getting along, smiling and laughing as siblings should?
<Background 1>
Great Elder ......
[Enya walks to the Great Elder's side.]
Enya Great Elder, you still need to rest...
Great Elder ......
According to the records, this great hall was built by the people of all three clans following the establishment of the Tri-Clan Council. The existence and cooperation of the three clans far predates the modern Tri-Clan system.
Then, after thousands of years passed, the system was tweaked and sanded down, until it became what we see today.
And this chair may well have been here for thousands of years.
Over a dozen Great Elders sat on this seat, spending their lives here.
Enya Juast as a dozen Saintesses found their final resting spot atop this mountain.
Great Elder From the very beginning, the Saintess was a fabrication of the Vine-Bear Court to facilitate the spread of the faith.
Enya Now that you've chosen to tell me these things I've known for a long time, are you meaning to say that our faith is false?
Great Elder You seem to be a lot more direct as well. But I mean the opposite, Enya. Sorry, Saintess.
Saintess... *cough* *cough*... Do you know my original name?
Enya ...No.
Great Elder I'm afraid no one in the present Vine-Bear Court remembers either.
Even I, myself, have forgotten.
Each Great Elder, after taking up the mantle of the previous one, is known only as "Great Elder".
One day, the people will also forget your name, and know you only as "Saintess".
Then, the Great Elder and Saintess come to realize––
What people believe in... is not Kjeragandr.
People can believe in anything, as long as there's a story, a few neat coincidences. They will believe in you, in me, in Enciodes, in the mountain, in the water, even in a single leaf.
If people can believe in anything, then what is faith?
The Great Elders finally came to an answer:
What people believe is faith itself.
People choose to vest power in the object of their faith.
People attribute the things that they shun to their faith.
People unconditionally trust the way of life to which their faith guides them.
So, what is faith?
Faith is laziness, escapism, and decadence! Faith is stability, faith is stagnation! *cough* *cough* *cough*––
Enya Let's get you to bed, Great Elder.
Great Elder No, Saintess. Saintess!
The Great Elder desperately clutches at Enya's wrist.
His grasp is so tight that it leaves a red mark on her skin, as if he spent all his remaining strength on it.
His eyes are fixed on the Saintess before him, but he seems to be looking at someone else.
Great Elder Faith is ugly! But even so, it is indestructible!
In the thousands of years of Kjerag's history, the cracks between the three major clans have gradually widened, yet no one can deny faith. Faith is the foundation of Kjerag!
Faith unites the people of Kjerag. People seek out faith, people rely on faith!
Kjerag has existed like this for thousands of years!
The people crave stability! The people crave stagnation!
Enciodes thinks he has won, but he hasn't. He cannot win.
How could he possibly defeat the faith that has coalesced in Kjerag for millennia?
This old man is about to die, but you are still young. You are the Saintess of this Vine-Bear Court, and you will become the Great Elder of this Vine-Bear Court.
Go forth and instruct him, overcome him. Make him understand that in the face of faith itself, his actions are insignificant, beneath even mention!
Enya remains silent for a while, but forces herself free of the Great Elder's grip.
She feels pity for the old man before her, but she feels a greater determination.
Enya ...I disagree, Great Elder.
You say that faith equals stagnation, and that people depend on faith because they demand stability.
But that's not how I see things.
It is true that once people accept a faith, they come to rely on it. Laziness, escapism, decadence... I can't argue those.
But this does not mean that faith itself is stagnation.
Faith is just faith, nothing more. It has no attributes by itself, and its substance comes from what is put into it.
If the faith progresses, then the faithful will progress with it.
If the faith stagnates, then the faithful will stagnate with it.
The reason why you think the people of Kjerag crave stagnation is precisely because Kjeragandr's faith has been stagnant for thousands of years in the hands of the Vine-Bear Court!
We've drawn up this land as a prison to preserve the rules of some ancient agreement, surviving in these snow-capped mountains for millennia without exploring or even making contact with the outside world.
And you mean to tell me this agreement has anything to do with our faith?
Is it not just the arrogance of the Vine-Bear Court?
Great Elder Arrogance? No, no, this is how things were meant to be!
Enya Nothing is inherently meant to be.
If it seems that way, it's only because it's never been changed.
It's time to change, Great Elder.
Great Elder No, Saintess, you cannot change anything.
Faith... *cough* *cough*... is the fundamental reason why Kjerag is Kjerag.
Enya I will go and face Enciodes, but not in the way you want.
I don't know if I'll succeed.
But, since the Saintess has always been used by the Vine-Bear Court as a tool to guide the peoples' faith...
I shall put this tool to good use.
I am the Saintess, but I am not the Saintess of the Vine-Bear Court. I am the Saintess of Kjerag.
I will use my own methods to guide the people to freedom. The freedom to progress, to explore, to take risks.
And as for you, Great Elder, it is time to rest.
Attendants, come help the Great Elder away.
Enya stands up and walks to the door of the great hall, her eyes fixed forward.
<Background fades out>
Behind her, the Great Elder occupies his same seat, watching her back grow ever smaller in the distance. He stretches out his hand as to grasp something, but finally, powerlessly, it drops.
He grasps nothing at all.
He remains there evermore, motionless, just like the snow of Kjerag blanketing his dreams.