Operation story: BI-2

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Kjerag Noblewoman C icon.png
Aurora's Sister
Kjerag Nobleman A icon.png
Browntail Family Nobleman
Female Kjeragian A icon.png
Male Kjeragian C icon.png
Senior Subject
Male Kjeragian A icon.png
Young Subject
Infected Subject
Kjerag Avenue
Kjerag House
Kjerag Manor Room
Snowy Forest
Kjerag Street 2
Kjerag Avenue
Kjerag Street 1

Before operation

A mysterious girl named Kjarr opens talks with the Doctor, who Ensia resolves to search for.
Sharp and Aurora are on the verge of a rescue operation when Kjarr brings them instructions from the Doctor.
<Background 1>
Neighbor Lara, you're a lovely one to your family, helping with work the second you're back.
Aurora No, I'm just doing what I should. I'd love to take a good look around too.
Neighbor Ah, it really does change once you study outside. Far better head on you than my little brother.
What a wonderful girl you are. Shame.
Who knows if I'll ever find one as nice as you again after I move.
Aurora Wait, Sasa, you've been living fine here all this time, right? Why the move?
Neighbor My dad, you know. Yesterday at the Tri-Clan Council, they announced the Saintess would lead the three, right?
Now Dad's all fired up.
Aurora Oh... Uncle Zoer was always against Sir Enciodes's open door policy...
Neighbor Right? We all moved here from up north back then so my brother and I could get work.
And here, Dad pretty much got used to it, over the years.
And now they announce the resignation yesterday, and he's over the moons.
At dinner last night, he was going on and on, mad at Sir Enciodes for everything he'd done these years, and I was fed up hearing it. I even had an argument with him.
But you can't change his mind in the end. We might end up moving straight back to the Paleroches' territory.
Aurora So what about your brother's job?
Neighbor Who knows? Once the resignation's through, it's up in the air if Turicum can still do business like before.
I heard the Paleroches say. See, in the first place, it was the Saintess last Council who wanted Sir Enciodes handing the valleys and mines over.
If she's going to govern Kjerag, Sir Enciodes probably isn't getting any favors.
Aurora That's true.
Neighbor It's a good thing too, though.
You might've missed it, being outside so long, but the three clans got along fine at first. It's just lately, they've fallen out more and more with each other.
A lot of people were scared, after last Council, we'd get into a full-blown war.
Aurora Yeah, it's amazing how Sir Enciodes yielded on this. And he's putting power with the Saintess.
Neighbor Yeah. Just, it should've happened long ago, if you ask me. I don't hate his open door policy, seeing as our family made a good living from it too.
But sometimes it really does feel like the old people say, how Kjerag's not like Kjerag anymore.
Him deciding to give way now and make less of a fuss, everyone approves of that.
It's just old grumps like your big brother against it.
Aurora My brother...
<Background 2>
[Aurora returns to her home.]
Aurora I'm back.
Aurora's Sister Oh, you silly kid. Told you to relax once you got home, but you just had to work.
(Softly) You and your ore-pathy thing. You might not feel bad about your health, but we still hurt over it.
Aurora It's alright, Sis. A bit of work like this won't get in the way.
Um, where's Bro?
Aurora's Sister He said he was heading to the factory just now, and went out all in a hurry. Said he wouldn't be back today, either.
Aurora The factory?
[Someone calls Aurora...]
Aurora Is that the Captain?
[...and she picks it up. The call is from Sharp.]
Aurora Captain, is something up?
Sharp Vacation's over, Aurora.
The Doctor got nabbed at the station by the Paleroche family yesterday.
Aurora Huh?!
Sharp Doctor went with them, voluntarily. You should get what I mean. Likely some sort of plan ticking under that hood.
I took a rough look at the map. Takes some time from the station to the Paleroches'.
The Doctor should've gotten there by now, and we ought to be on our way.
I'm using the pretext to head to yours now to check the situation, then I'll come out and converge with you.
Aurora Got it.
[Aurora hangs up.]
Aurora I guess I'll go rendezvous with the Captain, then.
<Background black>
[The Doctor is talking with a stone (which is actually a proxy of Kjeragandr) calling itself "Kjera".]
Kjera I see. So you're the one from Rhodes Island.
Doctor So you don't recognize me. / You didn't pick me out on purpose.
Kjera Correct.
You're very unique, but I don't know why it is you're so unique.
Doctor Back at the market, what did you mean?
Kjera Hm?
It was no more than a word of advice.
You see? Aren't you under the watch of a group of strangers, unfree to even stroll outside?
Doctor What do you know?
Before I answer your question, tell me first. For what reason did you come to Kjerag?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Partnership with Karlan Trade.
Kjera So in other words, you're Enciodes's friend?
Doctor It depends.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor To help Cliffheart make up with her siblings.
Kjera Mending the three Silverashes' relations?
You speak some hefty words.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Sightseeing.
Kjera Then your luck is tragic, being drawn into a mess like this without rhyme or reason.
Yet it's beyond me, believing someone who can be so carefree in these circumstances is truly here on a tourist's plan.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Kjera I'm very curious—how outsiders like you regard this land of Kjerag.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor It's very peaceful here.
Kjera Peaceful... yes, it's been peaceful here for over a thousand years by now.
And peace of mind signifies stagnation.
Kjerag's people are too used to this status quo, to the point they don't care what happens outside, nor have any interest in it.
It should be a good thing by all rights, but lately, I've felt... *sigh*...
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor The people here are faithful.
Kjera In the end, their belief in Kjeragandr is the root of what condenses the people in this land together.
But at times, I've felt the people are somewhat too dependent on belief.
Can you sympathize? You tell every worry you have to the divine, hoping they'll come to help solve things, and so you turn—
Though, so clearly, you should use your own willpower to change circumstances, you just take divine will as an excuse to stagnate.
Though, so clearly, you till by your own hands to gain your harvest, you still thank the divine for their generosity after the fact.
Though, so clearly, making the choices, putting in the effort, should be for each person's own...
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Backwards.
Kjera You're very forthcoming.
But most people like you, outsiders... in modern terms, "foreigners," hold such a view.
The people outside long since developed plenty to grant them idleness, or in other words, labor-saving technology.
They're accustomed to a convenient life, while most Kjerag folk have never heard of such things.
Maybe the people of Kjerag really can forge diligence and courage out of a harder life, can learn of belief and virtue in an environment far from all the pleasures.
But I also don't feel it should continue for eternity.
The people of Kjerag broke ground on a haven between these snowy mounts, but can they preserve their homeland's solidity and stability forever on tradition alone?
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Kjera The way you see it, should Kjerag change?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor It needs to.
Kjera Ah, so you think so too?
Anyone with a sharp eye could tell, honestly, that the transformation Enciodes brought can't be stopped.
Who can so easily decline their own life becoming a little less heavy, a little more convenient?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor You can't generalize this issue.
Kjera And here I thought you'd say, everything backwards here should be changed.
I've heard countless people say things like yours already.
And those people, by and large, are those born and raised in Kjerag.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor I don't know this place well enough yet.
Kjera How cautious.
But I don't mind the cautious at all.
It's just a shame. You probably have little time left to learn how this present country manifests.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Doctor So. What do you know?
Kjera I...
I have a friend.
This friend has been thinking, all this time, about how to finally change Kjerag for the better.
However, she's thought for a long time, and can't come up with an answer.
She's gradually realized that everyone thinks different to her, and their mindsets, no matter who they are, all disturb her.
She wants to do something, but every time she wants to, there's always someone advising against her.
And now, she finds, she's become slowly unable to stop what those people wish to do.
And it's in this moment you've arrived.
Doctor You think this is a sort of omen?
Kjera Omen? Perhaps any port in a storm is a more fitting description.
An invitee of Enciodes, come from outer lands. The spectrum and scent of you give me an otherly feeling, peculiar and novel—
Tell me, stranger, what does your arrival portend?
Doctor ......
Come to mention it, maybe you can do me a favor.
<Background 3>
I hope this letter finds you well. I hear you've come back to Kjerag. I'm very, very happy for that.
Though I can't descend the mountain to meet you, getting word that you were safe and healthy delighted me more than anything.
I also hear that the people helping to treat your Oripathy came to Kjerag with you. If I have the chance, I'd love to express my thanks to them.
For saving my sister, they deserve the blessings of Kjeragandr.
Remember to greet your neighbors, and tell them you're sound. Be early to bed and early to wake, and don't forget to pray twice to Kjeragandr every day. Also, you're not allowed to climb any mountains...
Alright, I think you're probably fed up of your sister going on, so I'll stop nagging you here.
May you enjoy your time back home, Ensia.
I'll pray before Kjeragandr for blessings upon you.
P.S. If you can write a letter back to me, that'll be all the better.
Ensia Come on, I only got her last letter not long ago. Seriously, it's like she hasn't written in forever. She's on my case like this every time.
Thank you, Kjarr. You're always the one handing me my sister's letters.
Kjarr It's alright. The Great Saintess can't descend at will, so I go out and about in her place, and bring back outside news to her. It's as she desires, too.
Ensia Sorry, though, I've got no room to write a letter back for now. I'm about to get ready for something else.
Kjarr Based on the bag next to you... you're going to head outdoors?
Ensia Yep.
Kjarr Where are you going? To climb Jungfrau?
Ensia Come on, I forgot until you mentioned it! I still haven't conquered Jungfrau!
But where I'm going is to the valleys this time.
Kjarr The valleys? Aren't they about to be handed over to the Vine-Bear Court? And there're so many factories there, too. What are you going to do?
Ensia The Doctor's gonna head there, which means I have someone to see. Oh, Kjarr, you have no idea who I'm talking about, do you?
Kjarr Ah, I do believe I've heard tell. The guest taken away by the Paleroches?
Ensia Mm-hm. My guest in the first place, concern for the Doctor's safety is really weighing on me.
Kjarr You're such a good girl.
But take care. I hear things haven't been too calm there lately.
Ensia Mm-hm.
Matterhorn Lady Ensia, we can depart now.
Worry not. All responsibility will lie with me on this departure.
Ensia You're a huge help, Uncle.
Matterhorn It's rare you ask me to help you with things. How would I ever refuse this?
Ensia Kjarr, I might be gone for a little long while. If you can, go back and tell my sister I'll reply to her after I'm done.
Kjarr It's quite alright, I can wait.
<Background 4>
Sharp Aurora, I need info to make judgment calls, especially your views as a local. Tell me how you see the Doctor's current situation.
Aurora Gnosis was likely in a very sensitive position, given he was formerly in charge of the mines and valleys.
Sir Enciodes putting the Doctor in that same position now is bound to draw Arctosz's attention.
Sharp Tell me in detail about why the mines and valleys are such a sensitive area.
Aurora Hmm... it'd be more convenient if we had a map on hand.
The Snow Realm.png
Aurora Kjerag's topography isn't too complicated, and it's not very finely partitioned either.
Usually, us locals just call each area the mines, valleys, woodlands, lakes, mountains, creeks, and plains.
The creeks and plains, and most of the lakes, are the Paleroches' in the north.
The Browntails in the west are mainly the woodlands, and the minority of the lakes.
The Silverashes are mainly the mountains, valleys and mines. They have so little of the lakes, you can essentially ignore it.
And the valleys and mines... actually, they represent nearly half of the Silverashes' territory already.
Between them, the mines have always been incredibly important land to the Silverashes, because practically all the ore used in Kjerag comes from there.
While the valleys were only developed in recent years.
Originally, they were extremely poor land to work, and there weren't more than a few hamlets. People always considered it an area with no use.
But after Sir Enciodes founded Karlan Trade, he chose that land to use for siting factories.
The majority of Karlan Trade's manufacturing is built there, and it's extremely close to Mount Karlan, too.
<Background 4>
Aurora On top of that, I exchanged some info with Kjerag merchants before we left—but everyone who comes outside to do business is related to Karlan Trade in some way.
A month ago, with the Great Saintess's backing, the Browntails and Paleroches requested and organized a team to investigate health and safety issues at the factories.
But the team met a surprise attack secretly ordered by Gnosis, who wouldn't play along at all. I don't know how that info came out, but everyone believes Gnosis was involved in it.
That led to the Paleroches' head, Arctosz, getting inspiration from the Vine-Bear Court to send troops to station in the valleys, and it's because of the consequences of Gnosis's extreme actions that he was finally removed.
Sharp At the meeting, the Doctor mentioned Enciodes's reason for making the invitation.
We do help construct Oripathy-related facilities for Karlan Trade, but he never mentioned having the Doctor manage anything in his place before.
Which is to say, the Doctor's actively climbed onto the scales of this conspiracy. Very Doctor-like to do.
Aurora That seems likely, but Karlan Trade and Rhodes Island have a perfectly fine relationship, and the Doctor would probably only accept because of that relationship.
For now, I can't imagine the reason why Sir Enciodes would want to set up the Doctor...
What do we do now? Contact Dr. Kal'tsit?
Sharp The landship's headed for Victoria. We'd need the use of a local large-scale comms station, because our handheld equipment's got no way to get in touch.
(Breathes a long sigh)
Aurora Captain...?
Sharp I surveyed for a stretch. Guard force at the Doctor's present placement is low-strength.
The Paleroche residence should have about two hundred in guards, training and arms not up to outside army standard. We can break through on a surprise raid.
I've checked surrounding terrain too. Alternate plan is we infiltrate, but that needs setting up explosives in multiple locations beforehand.
Going in and pulling out both need manufactured explosions to draw attention. There're some points in the wall structure that'll let...
Aurora Wait! Captain!
Sharp Hm?
Aurora I feel like... things aren't going to get to that point.
Sharp No matter what happens, we need to ensure the Doctor's safety. That's our first priority.
Aurora ...I agree with that, but...
If we bring force against the house of Paleroche in the run-up to the Grand Ceremony, then I'm worried Rhodes Island will end up an enemy of Mount Karlan.
What will the Kjerag operators at Rhodes Island do?
Sharp I need to consider the worst-case scenario, and the least honorable way of solving things. The present outlook is pessimistic, and if I have to make a choice, you know I'll only choose the Doctor.
We all hope things won't go that far, but you know as well as I that it doesn't depend on us, and I have a responsibility to the Doctor and Rhodes Island.
Aurora I just can't shake the sense that... Sir Enciodes probably has his own plans.
The Doctor chose to play them at their own game, so some kind of clue must've been there long ago, and the Doctor's already prepped to deal with it...
Sharp I've never doubted the Doctor's abilities for a moment. I believe.
But I need to make my own preparations beforehand. The Doctor put me on standby, so there's a place for us in the plan.
Aurora We need to get in touch with the Doctor first.
Sharp Aurora.
Aurora Hm?
Sharp You respect Enciodes a lot.
Aurora Yes... Without him, I would've never been able to leave Kjerag, and come into contact with the outside world.
Sharp Understandable.
But for the moment, I want you to forget that. Starting now, you treat him as a hypothetical enemy. Can you do that?
If you feel like you can't, you can head back right now. I won't blame you.
Aurora But at the same time, I'm an employee of Rhodes Island too.
Sharp Remember what you've just said.
Aurora Understood.
But... do we have to watch out for Cliffheart and the rest too?
Sharp I trust Cliffheart, but have no confidence in Ensia Silverash.
For now. We figure how to meet up with the Doctor.
[Kjarr walks to Aurora and Sharp.]
Kjarr You're the Doctor's subordinates?
[Sharp quickly unsheathes his sword...]
Sharp ...(Slash)
In an instant, a hardened steel blade streaks through air, stopping just a hair's width from the woman's neck.
Kjarr Wow, that's a rare way to use a sword here.
Sharp Who are you?
Kjarr Well, there's no need to be this ferocious to an ordinary girl you've just met.
Sharp Pinning this position, and cracking a joke in this context? Does that make you an ordinary girl?
Kjarr Put the blade down first! Your Rhodes Island Doctor sent me.
I was asked to bring you a message.

After operation

Gnosis covertly meets with Sciurus, neither happier for it.
The Doctor proceeds to the valleys to placate the people, and comes across Weiss on the way.
<Background 3>
Sciurus Well, well, you actually came to us Browntails' territory for a visit all by your lonesome. You got balls, Gnosis Edelweiss.
Gnosis I've always been upright and honorable.
Sciurus Hmph, that's rich coming from you after you were kicked out of Karlan Trade for your shady business.
Gnosis I thought I'd see Ratatos here.
Sciurus Anyone could bluff like that. Ratatos wasn't going to just take your word so easily.
Gnosis ......
As I said before, it takes two to cooperate. It seems my words have reached her, and that's more than enough to me.
Sciurus Hmph, talk all you want.
So, since you came here all by yourself... You said last time "things have come to this." What's that all about?
What things have come to what?
Gnosis *Sigh*.
Why do you think Enciodes proposed this transfer of powers?
Sciurus Hmph, isn't that because he can't take on both the Paleroches and us, and so he figured to compromise?
Gnosis Compromise?
Hoh, compromise.
Think again, Madame Sciurus. I dare say that your sister thinks otherwise.
Ever since Enciodes came back to Kjerag, was there any single thing he did that wasn't in pursuit of his ultimate victory? Is his proposal to put the Saintess back in power really a compromise?
Sciurus ......
Gnosis Here's a hint—The Ceremony.
Sciurus Hm...? What about the Ceremony? Don't tell me he's going to throw a fit there and refuse to turn over his powers.
Gnosis The Ceremony is nigh, and there will be more trains coming in and out of the Silverashes' territory transporting both resources and people.
Take a guess, why did Enciodes himself propose to hand the Saintess his powers, even arranging for it to happen on the day of the Ceremony?
Arctosz's a short-sighted man. He thinks Enciodes will pull some kind of dirty trick once she's in control.
And so he reassigned his men to guard the valleys and the mines, even to keep an eye on the Doctor that Enciodes invited.
But the funny thing is that he doesn't know it's all pointless!
Sciurus ......!
Sciurus looks to a corner of the room for a brief moment. There is nothing there, but Gnosis notices it.
Gnosis looks straight at the wall there.
Gnosis Ratatos, you can't be that stupid.
I will tell you what Enciodes is planning.
But you'd better see me yourself next time.
Even if I have to see his schemes come to fruition and you two imprisoned—
I won't allow myself be made a fool of again.
Wallboards ......
Gnosis Now excuse me.
[Gnosis leaves. After he closes the door...]
Sciurus Ratatos...
Hey, Ratatos! I know you're there!
Wallboards Pipe down, Sciurus.
There is a rumbling noise, and the wallboard slowly moves to the side. Ratatos, sitting inside, slowly rises and steps out.
Sciurus You believe in what he said?
Ratatos Maybe I should say I'm shocked that you never considered the possibility, sister.
Sciurus But even the Saintess is on our side now!
Can Enciodes really be so unscrupulous that he...
Ratatos That he...?
Don't be silly, Sciurus.
From the moment he first trampled our faith, when he laid his train tracks straight to Kjerag and broke away from the Saintess...
No, ever since he so calmly agreed to let his sister become the Saintess in exchange for his seat in the Tri-Clan Council, he hasn't cared.
We all know how well those siblings got along in their earlier years. I also once thought that letting the devout Enya become the Vine-Bear Court's hostage was a brilliant move.
But now? Hmph, I wouldn't be surprised if he one day brought his men up the mountain to burn down the whole Vine-Bear Court.
Sciurus Don't tell me Enciodes is really going to use force...
Ratatos Slow down, sister.
There's another possibility. He could be pulling our leg.
Sciurus Why...?
Ratatos To make us think he's up to something shady so we end up making the first move.
Sciurus What good does that do him?
Ratatos If he's not trying to have somebody else do his dirty work and off his enemies, he's trying to find an excuse to start a war and earn himself some clout in the end.
Hmph, whatever it is, we're probably all in trouble.
Sciurus Well...
How do we figure this out?
Ratatos No idea.
Sciurus None at all?
Ratatos I'm not exactly omniscient here.
But if he's lying, there's got to be holes.
Browntail Family Noble Your orders, Matriarch?
Ratatos Dig up anything you can find on Gnosis. We looked into him before, but he's had lots of dealings since his job got handed off. There should be a lot more clues now. Start there.
Browntail Family Noble Understood.
[The Browntail nobleman leaves.]
Ratatos You'd better not disappoint me, Gnosis Edelweiss.
Sciurus Ratatos... If he was telling the truth, would you really take him in?
Ratatos Why not?
Sciurus He's an Edelweiss! The family who got Enciodes's father killed fifteen years ago!
Ratatos So what?
Sciurus They betrayed the Silverashes, but when Enciodes came back from studying in Victoria, this guy tagged along, wanting a slice of the pie.
If you ask me, he's the type who doesn't give two licks about loyalty, only profit and success. Now that he's made an enemy of his master, he's got to find a new sugar daddy to get his revenge.
Ratatos Right, that's the most obvious reason.
Sciurus So you...
Ratatos Sciurus... "The Silverashes control the gates, the Paleroches have their rich farmlands and their army, but the Browntails have nothing. Why do you think we stand as one of Kjerag's three families?"
Sciurus "...Because what we do earns the highest return."
I learned Grandpa's lessons just as well as you did.
Ratatos Right, since I'm letting you in, there are lots of things that you really must spend some time pondering.
As a child of the Browntails, in times like these, you need to know the best course of action. It's more than just knowing the risks of dealing with a criminal. You need to learn to assess all this yourself.
Profit always comes with risks. We need to learn how to mitigate these risks beyond just shutting them out along with the profits, dear sister.
Our biggest worry is that everything he just said was true, but also part of a lie.
Another thing.
You've gotten really close with that servant of yours, haven't you?
Sciurus You mean Monch?
Ratatos Monch, conch, gonch, whatever.
Don't trust anyone too much, sister.
Sciurus Grr, I don't need you to tell me what to do!
[Annoyed, Sciurus leaves and slams the door shut.]
Sciurus I'll show you how much stronger I can make Browntails without you!
Ratatos *Sigh*... I should never have given Enciodes this chance.
I have that braindead moron Arctosz to thank. Take Enya away from her scumbag brother? Don't make me laugh.
Whatever. Yucatan.
Yucatan Yes, Matriarch?
Ratatos Let the Paleroches know that I'll visit in a few days.
Yucatan Of course.
<Background 5>
Valais Doctor, we've entered the valley.
Doctor It's about time. / My butt hurts.
Valais Sorry... Sir Arctosz never permitted any rail tracks to be built in the Paleroches' territory, and it's not in our habit to use cars.
I suppose it may not be easy for a foreigner like you to ride a burdenbeast.
Chester Dr. {nickname}, welcome. I am Sir Enciodes's secretary, Chester.
Please allow me to accompany you as you survey the area.
To give Sir Arctosz the absolute peace of mind, we'll ask you to inspect each and every factory and mine site before they're declared closed.
Once you have checked everything here, both Sir Arctosz and the Great Elder will give their approval. Only then will the transfer be considered complete.
What do you think, General Valais?
Valais That would be for the best, of course.
Chester In that case, please follow me. We'll take stroll and get a grasp of the environment and situation here.
<Background 6>
Senior Subject Still, this is just way too sudden...
Young Subject Right, I had heard there was bad news from the last Tri-Clan Council. But that's not enough to send us running.
Senior Subject My son was hurt while working in the factory not too long ago. I'm still waiting for his medical subsidy.
We... We've always believed in Sir Enciodes! He's not going to abandon us, is he?
Young Subject All of us put in so much work to improve the Kjerag's livelihood. He can't just shut the factory down like that!
Infected Subject What about Infected like us? We finally found work at the factory...
Weiss Please, everyone, calm down. Listen to me—
Oh, nice timing, Doctor.
Doctor Courier?
Weiss It's been a while. I'm really sorry that we dragged you into our local affairs.
Please bear with it for a little longer. Once the Ceremony is over, the Silverashes will properly receive you.
But, before that, I think I might need your help with something.
Doctor You want me to help calm these people down?
Weiss ......
Sharp as always, Doctor.
Doctor Looks like you're doing well yourself.
Weiss Don't be so humble, Doctor. Your abilities are on another level. I've seen for myself.
And we'll need your help with many other things as well.
Well then, I'll need to borrow the Doctor for this job of mine. Just for a bit. Would the Paleroches mind?
Valais By all means.
Weiss Friends and countrymen, Sir Enciodes has personally instructed me to offer all those affected an explanation on his behalf.
It so happens that the Doctor is here too. The Doctor is Sir Enciodes's esteemed guest, and Karlan Trade's current chief technical officer.
Today, together with all of you, our guest will bear witness to this message:
At the Tri-Clan Council, the great houses and the Vine-Bear Court reached an understanding for the interim, and will begin discussion on any follow-up matters.
Because of the grave mistakes made by Gnosis, the previous CTO, Karlan Trade must shut down all of its factories in a show of goodwill.
Once the transfer of powers is complete, the Silverash family will actively work with the Vine-Bear Court and advocate for a gradual reopening of some of our factories in a controlled, carefully-planned manner.
Valais Hmph...
Weiss ......
Please trust me and trust the Silverash family that this is for the best.
Now, as I introduced earlier, and will emphasize once more, this is Sir Enciodes's esteemed guest as well as Karlan Trade's current CTO.
Our guest is a master not only of the production and mining technologies that we are all familiar with, but also the prevention and treatment of Oripathy.
The Doctor likewise represents a medical organization that will help Karlan Trade answer the critical questions that we are all struggling with, including the medical support issue we were just discussing.
Such things would not be possible in our mountains of yore, and, together with the Doctor, Karlan Trade will bring about this new future.
Doctor (Nod)
Weiss At the same time, it is Sir Enciodes's wish for the territorial subjects of the other two houses to cast aside their differences and help us build Kjerag.
There is no need for panic. Please put your faith in Sir Enciodes and the Saintess. Have faith that Kjeragandr will never abandon Her children.
Senior Subject Aah, by Kjeragandr!
Young Subject By Kjeragandr.
Weiss By Kjeragandr.
Now then, I will...
Infected Subject Wait! Hold on a minute!
After hearing you out... I-I have something to say!
Weiss Please.
Infected Subject It's not that we don't trust the other two houses.
It's just we've really had it fairly nice the last couple years thanks to Sir Enciodes. We have work, we get enough food to eat, and we even get painkillers.
We never had it so easy before...
Since we heard the factory was going to be shut down, we've all been worried that the good times are coming to an end...
Weiss Please rest assured.
The Doctor, as I introduced just now, is an Oripathy scholar. Karlan Trade invited the Doctor here precisely because we are concerned about our Infected workforce's livelihood.
So please put your faith in us, Karlan Trade.
Doctor One moment.
Weiss Yes, is there something you would like to add, Doctor?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor I was told Mr. Enciodes is more practical.
Weiss There are also those of the mind that his ideas are impractical.
My apologies. I have misspoken.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Weiss ......
*Sigh*... Very well. Looks like I'm not going to fool you, Doctor.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Trust alone isn't going to keep anyone fed.
Senior Subject Ugh...
Weiss So merciless, Doctor.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Weiss Friends, it's true. I am not done yet.
We didn't keep our internal affairs in check, and that led to you losing your jobs. That is entirely our fault.
Karlan Trade promises to keep your original positions unfilled. You will continue to be compensated, and we will arrange job opportunities with equal or even greater pay and benefits.
And I am sure you can already tell that, unlike Gnosis, the Doctor actually understands what you truly need.
The Doctor will bring Karlan Trade the technologies that will truly benefit our day-to-day lives.
Right, this is what Sir Enciodes truly wanted all of us to know!
Young Subject Sound great! I'll head back and let everybody know!
[The young Kjeragian rushes off.]
Senior Subject Good, that's very good, but don't forget Kjeragandr's teachings, young man...
[The senior Kjeragian leaves.]
Weiss Phew...
Chester Good work.
Weiss Not at all. It's my job to speak for him.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Is that the help you wanted?
Weiss Thank you, Doctor.
But I'm sure you'll agree that this was worth helping?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Weiss Okay, Doctor... I'll take you out for some fondue. My treat.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Convincing performance.
Weiss Not at all, Doctor.
Actually, if it wasn't for you, I probably would've forgotten to say all that.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Weiss Okay, I will take my leave now.
Doctor Courier—
Weiss Yes?
Doctor Mr. Enciodes will be pleased. / You can't be here just for that. / You too, Courier?
Weiss ......
I'm not sure what you are talking about, Doctor.
<Background 7>
Monch ......
All the requirements have been met, just as Madame Sciurus expected.
Enciodes sent Weiss presumably as some kind of insurance policy.
But that's not nearly enough.
You are to ensure that things go according to Madame Sciurus's plans once Weiss is gone.
Kjerag Warriors Yes!
[The warriors leave.]
Monch ......
[Gnosis calls Monch.]
Gnosis You were followed.
Monch ......!
What?! I didn't...
Gnosis There was only one of them, now long gone, running after the men Sciurus assigned to you.
Monch I'm very sorry for betraying your expectations, Sir Gnosis.
Gnosis No, perhaps this is for the better.
Monch I'm prepared to be your pawn and to do whatever you say.
Gnosis I'm just a researcher, Monch.
Pawns are meaningless to me. What I want is a partner that I can work with.
Monch ......
Gnosis Proceed with the plan. Don't worry. Ratatos and Sciurus won't catch you.
Monch Understood.