Operation story: BI-3

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Kjerag Warrior B icon.png
Armed Subject
Kjerag Warrior B icon.png
Kjerag Warrior A icon.png
Nosy Soldier
Kjerag Warrior B icon.png
Sluggish Soldier
Kjerag Warrior D icon.png
Soldier Leader
Kjerag House
Kjerag Avenue
Snowy Forest
Kjerag Street 1
Kjerag Manor Room

Before operation

One thing comes after another. Seeing how desperate the situation is, Sharp acts to rescue the Doctor. The Doctor opts to turn back, and together with Aurora, relates to the people what pros and cons are at play, temporarily allaying the conflict.
<Background 1>
Sharp Status report.
Aurora Things aren't quite right. The Doctor's guess was a hit; a lot of people are gathered over here.
Sharp Are they setting out for the factories?
Aurora Yes... I'm sure of it.
Sharp Stay on their tails. Keep me informed.
Aurora Roger.
<Background 2>
Chester And that'll conclude this factory's handover.
Everything up till now has been as smooth as ice, thanks to your mediation, Doctor.
I might have been a little neglectful beforehand. I'm very sorry for that.
Doctor Don't mind it, I'm just a scholar.
Chester My, no need to be so humble. There's plenty still to come that'll require your guidance.
Valais One moment.
Chester Er, do you have some qualm about this, General Valais?
Valais An ambush.
[Several armed people reveal themselves before the Doctor, Chester, and Valais.]
Armed Subject That's General Valais for you.
Valais Who are you?
Armed Subject We're here to get an explanation.
Chester Weiss and the Doctor should have just conveyed to the subjects' representatives the steps Karlan Trade's taking.
There must have been some misunderstanding...
Armed Subject Misunderstanding?
Sorry, Mr. Chester, I think you don't get it.
Sir Enciodes was tricked by this foreigner!
Doctor Come again?
Armed Subject We were all kept in the dark. We only realized what was happening once someone told us.
Mr. Chester, you should know this foreigner's "original" purpose in Kjerag was to advise on Oripathy and Infected handling methods.
Valais What's your point?
Chester ......
Armed Subject Our informant is never wrong.
This foreigner's already in cahoots with Arctosz, and it's your job to keep eyes on the "guest", General Valais.
Everyone knows Arctosz and the Vine-Bear Court were never happy with how Sir Enciodes opened up Kjerag.
The foreigner's going to say the factories spread Oripathy as an excuse to shut them forever with gross slander against the lord!
Valais You're the one speaking slander! The Paleroches would never stoop to such unsightly lows!
Armed Subject The Paleroches and the Vine-Bear Court are all tied up! You don't think anything "unsightly?" You don't think enough people have lost their lives?!
Valais ......
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 1>
Valais Father, Father! Are you alright?
Great Elder Come, drink it. Drink and all will be better.
Kjeragandr's tears will cleanse this taint the Tschäggättä have left.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 2>
Valais What proof do you have?!
Armed Subject Pah! You're asking me to prove your own misdeeds?
Chester Doctor, this...
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Isn't true.
Chester Can I trust you?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Armed Subject What, hound got your tongue?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor What do you think?
Armed Subject Don't think you can smooth-talk your way out of this!
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Armed Subject There's only one thing you need to say! Justify yourself to us!
[The armed people attacks the Doctor, but Valaise shields them...]
Valais Guards! Protect our guest! Take them away!
Armed Subject Get that foreigner now!
[...as Sharp and Aurora suddenly shows up and engages the attackers.]
Armed Subject Wh-Where did you come from?!
Sharp It's not safe here!
Aurora Time to run, Doctor!
<Background black>
The Ursus operator lifts you onto her shoulders, and leaps into the forest in giant bounds.
<Background 3>
[Aurora keeps carrying the Doctor across the forests.]
Doctor Um, you can stop running. Let's put me down.
Aurora Oh! Alright.
Sharp *Pant*...
I need to reiterate, Doctor.
No matter what plans you have, this is far too dangerous. You probably don't remember, but I've told you the same thing many, many times before.
Doctor Believe me, I believe you.
Sharp Anyone can make mistakes, even me. If you're willing, I hope you can make my work a bit easier on me.
The possibility's not high, but what would you have done if more professional combatants were snuck into that attack?
If they brought crossbows, what then?
Doctor Don't worry, their goal isn't to kill me.
Aurora I'll report the situation to the Doctor.
Captain Sharp and I both followed your confidant's message, heading separately to the Browntails' residence and the Silverashes' factories to pursue suspicious personnel.
Our trails ended up converging into one, surprisingly enough...
These people were very likely incited by the Browntails.
Agitating civilians and smearing the competition are both common schemes, but they're crude.
Doctor Seems it's to stir conflict between me and the Silverashes. / Seems it's to stir conflict between the Paleroches and Silverashes.
But it's also probably a trap.
Aurora What do you mean...?
Sharp Their equipment and combat strength aren't up to par. It's not even enough to get them out in one piece.
Suppose they were arrested and interrogated, and they gave up their source...
Aurora Then it would look bad for the Browntails?!
Doctor That's not the whole of it.
Sharp We're lacking intel. We still can't see the full picture of this incident. No way to actually lock onto the hidden orchestrator or their goals.
The one thing we can be sure of is someone wants to disturb the tri-clan relations. That is to say, they want to shatter the Snow Realm's overall stability. Circumstances are exceptionally dangerous for outsiders like you, Doctor.
Aurora What do we do now, Doctor? Should we think of some way to make it back first?
Doctor It's not time yet. This incident's far from over.
Sharp That's right, this charade's just one small part of the giant storm. But my duty's clear-cut—I'm getting you out of danger, Doctor.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor I'm going to get more info.
Sharp The more you know, the more dangerous your situation. We likely won't have the time to ensure all the details, Doctor.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor I'm going to evade capture.
Sharp That might just be the start of it, Doctor.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor I'm going to stop whoever's stirring up the clans.
Sharp I have to remind you, Doctor, this may have long grown beyond your plans.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Sharp But since you're so determined, and seeing as you have a good grasp on things... we won't stop you.
At this point, do you plan on telling Courier and Matterhorn, and especially Cliffheart, considering they're all Silverashes?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor No.
Sharp Agreed. I'm sorry to Cliffheart, but now that we're here, it's hard for me to fully trust Courier and Matterhorn.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ......
Sharp Doctor, I know you want to trust them, but set aside Cliffheart for now—it's hard for me not to be wary of Courier and Matterhorn in this current tri-clan dispute, no matter what.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Up to you.
Sharp Then I choose to keep part of the truth hidden from them.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Doctor For now, take me back.
<Background 2>
Valais Is there anyone else?
Bodyguard None, they've all been suppressed.
Valais Then what about the Doctor? Whereabouts?
Bodyguard We... saw someone taking the Doctor away, running into the forest.
Valais Damn...!
You lot, with me! There'd better not be a single scratch on—
Doctor Is it me you're looking for?
Valais !!
Chester Ah! So you're... I thought you...
Doctor You thought I ran?
Valais That was a difficult situation there, and I lost sight of you. I hope you can forgive me.
I made a mockery of myself, when I should by all rights have prioritized your safety.
As you can see... the people here have all been contained.
Don't move! Settle down!
Armed Subject Don't think we don't know! You're here just to frame Sir Enciodes.
You self-righteous hypocrite! Pah!
Aurora ......
Sharp ...?
Armed Subject Lara? Why are you here?
Aurora Bro! What are you doing?!
Armed Subject Wh—Why are you all mixed up with these people?
Aurora That's my boss!
Sharp Leave it. Now's not the time.
Aurora Understood, Captain.
Doctor To be honest, I have nitpicks with Karlan Trade's factory safety measures.
Valais What?
Doctor The exhaust pipes are too close to the construction area. The layout's pure nonsense. / The protective gear given to workers is too low-coverage. / The Originium transport channels aren't secure enough.
Chester Have... you told Sir Enciodes about that?
Armed Subject You! You! You're a nasty piece of work after all.
Doctor It's the truth.
Valais I don't quite understand, so I have no way to judge if what you say is true.
But it sounds at least somewhat reasonable.
Armed Subject I'll never believe your vile lies! You! You...
Valais I want you to behave or else! Have you given a thought to the sort of punishment you'll face for attacking an outside guest of honor in the Vine-Bear Court's territory?
Armed Subject ......
So long as it's for Sir Enciodes...
Aurora The Silverashes' guest attacked by the Silverashes' subjects? Is there any way this won't smear the Silverash reputation?
Is this how you "repay Sir Enciodes?"
Armed Subject ...That...
Aurora Think about it!
Bro, you used to be so cool-headed. What happened?
Armed Subject ...Forget it. You wouldn't understand if I told you.
Doctor General Valais. Let these people go.
Valais What?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor As you see, my subordinate has a relative here.
Aurora General Valais, please be kind...
Valais *Sigh*...
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor This is a misunderstanding. Don't make it any bigger.
Valais Is that really all it is? I'm not convinced.
*Sigh*... You know what, forget it.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Consider it compensation for your mistake there.
Valais ...Are you sure this settles it?
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Valais Listen up, all of you. If it wasn't for our guest's altruism, you'd all be in for a caning before the day is out! Reflect on your actions!
Armed Subject Don't think you'll buy us off just like that! You rotten...
Soldier Leader Leave it, leave it. We're out of here. Don't disgrace the Silverashes any more than that.
The furious subjects slowly leave, wearing expressions of disappointment and spite as they go. The most vitriolic clash, for the moment, has been defused.
A heavy blizzard is gathering at this moment, of that much you're sure.

After operation

The Paleroches slightly change their attitude toward the Doctor, in the light of said party's conduct.
Meanwhile, Gnosis gets in touch with Ratatos, and conveys a need to show her some things.
<Background 4>
Sluggish Soldier Hey, did you hear? Supposedly that guest of honor we were keeping an eye on, the Doctor or whatever, was attacked Silverash's people?
Nosy Soldier You only just heard about it? The news is everywhere.
Sluggish Soldier Then why don't you tell me what the hell is going on? Wasn't this Doctor person invited by Enciodes himself?
Nosy Soldier Well, the version of the story I heard is, the attackers apparently thought that after the Doctor went over, Arctosz offered some under-the-table deals.
Sluggish Soldier Huh? Master Arctosz wouldn't do something like that!
Nosy Soldier Dumbass, can't you tell this is obviously nonsense made up by the attackers?
If you ask me, after finding out that Arctosz is going to be hosting the Doctor, Enciodes is trying to set Arctosz up.
Maybe the people behind the attack were sent by Enciodes too.
Sluggish Soldier Yeah, that makes sense, just as you said.
Then why are we spending all this time keeping tabs on this Doctor? They're probably not in cahoots with Enciodes.
<Background 1>
Valais I didn't fully understand you before, so I ask your forgiveness if I have offended you in any way.
As you are Enciodes's honored guest, I should be watching my words...
But, something doesn't add up about this attack made against you.
Doctor Indeed, it doesn't add up.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Someone's pulling the strings.
Valais Enciodes...
Doctor No, he doesn't stand to gain anything from this.
(I have my own ideas about who's behind it, but...)
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor I can't determine what the purpose would be.
Valais I could've sworn they were trying to harm you to give Enciodes an excuse to seek retribution against the Paleroche clan, accusing them of failing to protect you.
Doctor That makes no sense.
A crime is a far graver offense than dereliction of duty.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Their actions aren't exactly reasonable.
Valais That's what I think too. They clearly already received the information that Weiss passed along on behalf of Enciodes, yet still are distrustful of you.
It's almost as if...
Doctor Someone anticipated Enciodes's plans.
And used the premise we just discussed to incite them.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Valais Ugh...

{{sc|???|Hah, well said.

[Arctosz walks in.]
Arctosz Valais, we always said you were a skilled tactician and had a good head on your shoulders. But looks like you still have a lot to learn from the Doctor.
Valais You're exactly right, Sir.
Arctosz Oh, right, Valais. Pass this message on for me – My men don't need to keep watch over the Doctor anymore. Just focus on guarding our territory.
As for the guards the Doctor brought along, they will be allowed to come and go freely from now on.
Valais Yessir.
[Valais leaves.]
Arctosz I just happened to overhear a bit of your conversation from the hallway.
I don't have any interest in your guessing games, but I might be able to offer you some clues.
Kjeragandr is our witness. Doctor, I apologize for the rudeness of the Paleroche clan––
On my name as head of the house of Paleroche, I swear to Kjeragandr that I was not the one who instigated this attack.
If you are willing to believe me, let me assure you that there are absolutely no scoundrels in the Paleroche clan that would carry out such a malicious attack behind my back.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Thank you for your trust, Arctosz.
Arctosz Hm? I never said anything about trusting you, Doctor.
But at least I am certain now that you aren't up to any mischief.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Thanks for the tip, Arctosz.
Arctosz Hahaha! Good.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Arctosz Doctor, I may not be much of a philosopher, but even a rough-around-the-edges man like me can smell that there's something unusual brewing in Kjerag.
That damned Enciodes, suddenly talking about ceding power back to the Saintess, then driving Gnosis away, and now putting you in this position...
And someone attacked you in the midst of it all.
Let me be honest – I can't help but to suspect that Enciodes is up to no good, even if he hasn't shown the slightest flaw in what he's doing.
But I'm not going to sit around and wait for the land granted to us by Kjeragandr to fall into danger...
Doctor In that case, Arctosz...
Arctosz What is it?
Doctor Us making amends could also mean... / If our enemy is able to predict your response...
Then they no longer need to use me as a smokescreen. / They've finished their preparations, and there's not much time left.
Arctosz What?!
Boom–– A massive explosion goes off in the distance.
The people outside whisper amongst each other, debating whether or not it is going to snow.
The people inside lower their heads without a word, shouldering an intangible burden.
<Background 5>
Ratatos Gnosis Edelweiss.
Gnosis Madame Ratatos Browntail.
It seems like I've finally earned the privilege of talking with you face-to-face?
Ratatos You can't fool me with that feigned humility, Gnosis.
You are plenty smart yourself. Let there be no shady dealings between honest people.
If you didn't want something from me, you would not have been trying to meet me again and again.
Gnosis Heh. If you're just trying to assert your dominance here, then I do believe it is time for me to bid thee farewell.
Ratatos Don't be in such a hurry, Gnosis. I have a few questions for you.
When I first heard that the Edelweiss clan followed Enciodes back to Kjerag, I frankly was not too surprised.
I thought you either had some evidence to prove that the Edelweisses would not be adverse to the Silverash clan, or perhaps, you had something to hold over Enciodes.
But neither you nor Enciodes have said anything about what happened back then, while you still allow the Silverashes to rebuke you for your shamelessness.
What keeps you going? I'm curious.
Gnosis ...He promised me a future.
Ratatos A future?
Gnosis Kjerag's future. An emerging industrial country that would allow me to utilize my talent in research without fear of plagiarism, misuse, or suppression.
Ratatos That's all?
Gnosis Needless to say, I never expected you to understand in the first place, Ratatos. You will never be a researcher after all.
It may be difficult for you to understand how thrilling it is to freely explore the innovation and application of technology, backed by plenty of resources and privilege. To be given a legitimate purpose.
Ratatos So that's the deal you struck. You give him your skills, and he provides you a stage.
And then what?
Surely you aren't going to tell me that he pushed you out and made you take the fall just to protect himself.
Is this all that Karlan Trade's cost-benefit analysis amounts to?
Gnosis You seem to have a lot of faith in Karlan Trade. Why didn't you accept the offer to work under Enciodes two years ago?
Ratatos Don't be ridiculous. No matter how powerful Enciodes is, he cannot change the faith that has been deeply rooted in the bones of our people for thousands of years.
Karlan Trade can only grow as big as the Tri-Clan Council and the Vine-Bear Court allow, and it is impossible for Kjerag to industrialize––
So he's found a new bargaining chip?
Gnosis Exactly.
There was no way for Enciodes to turn the people of Kjerag against Kjeragandr, so he had to reach a compromise.
But he's been stuck there for far too long. No matter how many times I tried to push him, he seems indifferent.
Until there finally came an opportunity to turn things around.
Ensia's Oripathy symptoms are under control, and though there still isn't a cure, she was able to return to him alive and well...
...and excitedly told him that it might be possible to deepen cooperation with an outside party to better control the spread and harm of Oripathy at a lower cost.
Ratatos No, Enciodes wouldn't...
Gnosis Of course not. Once the gate to Kjerag is opened, it cannot be completely sealed again.
The number of Infected living in Kjerag will only increase– this is the reality of our world. During the process of Kjerag's continued development, the ability to deal with Oripathy will ultimately become a new bargaining chip.
He is about to make the people of Kjerag decide between faith and technology, and faith alone will no longer protect them from Oripathy.
Ratatos Empty rhetoric. There's no proof.
Gnosis Come with me then. Bring your people along, including those who can fight, and I will show you something.