Operation story: 0-7

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RI Medic icon.png
Reunion Soldier A icon.png
Reunion Member
Chernobog Avenue

Before operation

While they have time to catch their breath, everyone gathers to discuss Reunion's strange behavior.
During the discussion, Dobermann warns that everything that has occurred may just be the beginning of something far more sinister if Reunion's leader is the type of person she suspects.
<Background 1>
Amiya ...It's getting darker and darker.
It's as if the clouds are pressing into the skyline...
The air still feels clear, but the dark clouds aren't moving. It feels like all the stress is being compressed into a single point.
Even the wind has stopped...
Dobermann No doubt about it. A Catastrophe is about to befall this city.
By the looks of things, Chernobog has been completely paralyzed by Reunion's attacks.
But when it comes to disabling a mobile city, the preparations must have been made several weeks in advance.
Could Reunion have taken some other action since then...?
Ace That's a bit unrealistic.
Based upon what we've seen, Reunion currently doesn't show the kind of discipline required to stage a covert takeover.
Guard Most Reunion members are still wandering the streets, taking revenge on Chernobogians.
Amiya It's all just senseless fighting, killing, and arson.
Dobermann When the Catastrophe falls, even the impregnable Chernobog will be shattered...
...and turn into Originium-filled ruins.
If fame or fortune is what they're after, Reunion is doomed to failure.
Amiya Even with Ursus's chain of command in shambles, I still doubt that Reunion is able to face their military...
Why hasn't the Ursus military staged a counterattack yet?
Dobermann From my experience, when a riot breaks out, the military usually manages to quash it immediately.
But we did just witness the Ursus guards getting overpowered...
Amiya ...
Dobermann That masked Reunion leader might have been a cut above the rest... but there's no way she could single-handedly destroy the entire city.
Amiya Unless what?
Dobermann I've fought in many battles before...
I've seen many people who acted in the same way as that Reunion leader.
To them, soldiers are nothing more than pawns to be tossed away as soon as they've served their purpose.
Soldiers could be used efficiently when needed, and then left to their own devices when not needed.
Because the cost of training and maintenance is too high.
Ace So, there's no standing army?
Dobermann Right. Most of the time, they simply have to be fed with some hatred or fear...
All that's needed to whip them into a frenzy... is a little push.
If the way that Reunion leader acted was any indication for how the organization is run...
Guard Ugh...
Any Infected could join Reunion simply by donning a uniform and putting on a badge?
Dobermann Correct..
So... that explains their endless numbers.
There are too many oppressed Infected, desperately trying to cry out. No matter how tenuous the solutions that Reunion offers them might be...
As long as they see a light at the end of the tunnel, they will gladly lay their lives down to pursue it, even if it means jumping into a sea of hellfire.
Medic Ugh...
Dobermann Dr {nickname}.
They are not like us. Even if I don't fully trust you, I at least trust your abilities.
Doctor ...
Dobermann And completely unlike you...
That kind of leader is no commander.
Those who would trample enemies and comrades alive... or rather, "minions."
Perhaps not even minions. To Reunion, those thugs may have been nothing more than pawns.
This is not a leader, but a tyrant.
Ace No matter who our enemies are, we will complete our mission.
Someone once taught me and my teammates––
"If facing a pawn, capture it; If facing a fortress, topple it; If facing the Crown, overthrow it."
Dobermann Ace, wait a minute.
Ace Dr {nickname}, enemy light-armored troops are stationed in front of us.
Amiya Have we been found?
Ace Not yet.
Dobermann However...
Ace We won't be able to avoid them. The route we're on is the shortest one; if we take a detour, we'll lose time we don't have.
Dobermann No need for further discussion then. Thugs or pawns, all that matters is that we clear them out of our way!

During operation

[A Shielded Soldier that spawns from the Incursion Point on the bottom-left corner of the map is highlighted.]
Amiya Doctor, the shield-bearing enemy units have high physical defense and will not take much damage from normal attacks. It is recommended to deploy Caster Operators against them.

After operation

The panic from losing communications is starting to spread among the squad members.
The person leading the Reunion forces appears before the Doctor once more, but this time, she isn't alone.
<Background 1>
Dobermann Based on our planned route, we should be approaching the central town of South Chernobog.
We'll arrive at the rendezvous point after crossing this park. Assuming no contingencies, Nearl and Team E4 should be waiting for us there.
Guard But...
If Nearl was attacked... What would we do then?
What if they wanted to alert us, but couldn't due to communications being jammed...
How should we deal with that?
Dobermann ...
Amiya We will go assess the situation.
Guard ...Oh...
Ace Don't start speculating before seeing things with your own eyes.
There's no point of letting paranoia get the better of you.
Guard I, I see...
Dobermann Losing our communications has caused anxiety to spread through the ranks much faster than I imagined...
Dobermann Especially with this looming Catastrophe.
We have to pick up our pace.
[Suddenly a mist covers the surroundings.]
Amiya ...
Ugh... What's with this haze...?
Could it be––
Watch out!!
??? Kill them.
[Shots are fired at the Rhodes Island forces as the Reunion commander watches.]
Dobermann Incoming enemy fire!!
Amiya It's a trap...!
<Background fades out and in>
Reunion Member ––!!
Guard This is bad! Reunion forces have showed up behind us...!
Amiya Where's our scout?!
Guard They got separated from us!
<Background fades out and in>
??? Rhodes Island...
I've caught you.
Reunion Member ...!
Kill them all!!
??? This time, I'll grind your bones to dust!
<Background fades out and in>
Amiya Dobermann!
Dobermann Snipers, stop their advance!
Defenders, hold the line. Get ready to push forward!
Ace, prepare to––
[A young Reunion commander in white appears.]
??? Time out, time out––
Amiya ?!
??? I only just finished purging the Southeast Fortress, but I rushed over here as soon as I heard the news.
These are my hunting grounds, Crownslayer.
Crownslayer ...
What'd you come here for?
??? Isn't it about time you handed them over to me?