Operation story: 0-8

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RI Medic icon.png
Reunion Soldier A icon.png
Reunion Member
Chernobog Avenue

Before operation

The woman known as Crownslayer sneers and takes her leave, and in her place is a boy named Mephisto.
Mephisto, in his unparalleled arrogance, invites Rhodes Island to a deadly game.
<Background 1>
Crownslayer ...
??? You have no reason to object, right? Just a few insects that flew too close to the light... are they really worth your time?
My troops have already received your info. You've already done your part.
All that's left for you to do is to go home. After all, you're just responsible for the core energy sector and its surroundings...
Crownslayer Don't do anything unnecessary...!
??? You still have somewhere else to be, don't you?
Crownslayer ...
Fine. Have it your way.
I can't wait to see you fail.
??? Oh...?
Crownslayer We're leaving.
[Crownslayer leaves...]
Reunion Member ...
[...with some Reunion fighters follow suit.]
Amiya One of the enemy leaders... just took a portion of the Reunion troops and left?
Dobermann What are they up to?
Whatever it is, we can't let our guard down... The enemy is still many times our size!
[The young Reunion commander approaches the Rhodes Island group.]
??? Well, well. Please allow me to apologize on Crownslayer's behalf for her rudeness.
You can call me Mephisto.
Dobermann What is Reunion trying to accomplish?
Mephisto Oh, nothing in particular. To be honest, I wouldn't even mind letting you bunch go. You weren't even our targets in the first place.
Amiya If we weren't your targets, then why...
Mephisto However, I had the honor of watching your battles.
Your combat tactics as well as your personnel configuration were quite intriguing.
Medic ...Intriguing?
You think that the carnage of battle is... intriguing?
Mephisto Rhodes Island... I've read up on your group before.
At first, I thought you were just another ordinary company.
But by the looks of things, don't you think your ambitions have stretched a bit too far from playing with test tubes?
It'd be terribly dull if I allowed you to just walk out of here, wouldn't it?
What I'd like is to have a little competition, a ritual of sorts.
Dobermann ...We don't have time to waste on a preoperational kid.
(Amiya, get ready. We might have to break through with force.)
(I'll get his attention...!)
Amiya (Mm, okay!)
[Dobermann launches a signal flare or fireworks into the sky.]
Mephisto ...What was that just now? Who were you sending a signal to?
Dobermann None of your business, kid.
Mephisto Come on, we're all professionals here. Where's your basic courtesy?
Dobermann If people like you didn't exist, I wouldn't have to constantly be honing my insults!
(Amiya, what's going on?)
Amiya (Dobermann... All of our escape routes have been blocked by his troops!)
Dobermann (How can that be?! How did he manage to do that in just a few minutes––)
Mephisto This simply won't do.
Even though I gave you my sincere invitation...
But all you can think of...
...is running away?!
Dobermann Tsk...!
Mephisto Actually, I'll let you leave my hunting grounds safely as long as you win.
Until then, my friends here will keep trying to kill you.
It's your victory as long as you don't die! The rules are simple enough, right?
Dobermann Ace!
Ace We're already prepared to break through.
But we have to stave off their attacks first!
Amiya ...
Why are you doing this? The Catastrophe is coming! If we don't leave Chernobog, then everyone will––
Mephisto What are you talking about...
The Catastrophe... makes it the best time to celebrate.
Amiya You're sick...
Mephisto My esteemed guests, I am honored to invite you to this game.
Reunion Member Argh... Argh...!
Reunion Member Kill... Kill!! Kill... them all!!
Dobermann Amiya! Watch out!
Mephisto Right, right...
Actually, we know exactly what you did in the central area.
Amiya ...!
Mephisto That masked person you rescued... makes me very, very curious.
Amiya —?!
Mephisto Crownslayer is so fixated on what you're going to do next, where you're going to go.
But I'm different. What I care about is...
What exactly are you? Where are you from?
Yes, you. The one staring at me right now... You are somewhat different from us.
What was the device in that facility that was able to preserve your life?
I am so, very curious.
See, I'm not such a cold-blooded person...
So how about it, my esteemed Rhodes Island guests, how about giving this person to me as a gift?
It would be a shame to end the game early, but at least I'll let the rest of you go. How about it?
Amiya Doctor...
Get behind me!!

During operation

Ace The situation isn't looking good, but it's still far from hopeless.
Amiya Mhm. I know what I'm supposed to do.
Dobermann A lot of enemies are coming. I'd recommended deploying Casters with Area-of-Effect (AOE) Damage capabilities.