Operation story: 0-9

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RI Medic icon.png
Reunion Soldier A icon.png
Reunion Member
Chernobog Avenue

During operation

Dobermann Gosh, they just keep coming... There are still lots of enemies left. Don't let your guard down!

After operation

Mephisto has the strength to back up his arrogance. Under his command, Rhodes Island's squad seems to be getting worn down.
Nearl, the Radiant Knight, arrives in just the nick of time when the situation is beginning to look bleak.
<Background 1>
[A Reunion soldier narrowly hits the Rhodes Island Medic with their attack.]
Medic Aaaagh––!
Guard Watch out!!
Medic I'm fine... It's just a scratch, don't worry...
Amiya Not good enough... At this rate, they're going to close in on us.
Dobermann I've already found the weak point in their line, but without reinforcements, it's taking all we have just to hold them back!
Amiya ...Please hold out a bit longer! Focus your fire on the ranged enemies!
Our Casters will take care of their vanguard!
Mephisto Good, good! This is how things should be! Next up, F3, E5!
Dobermann This bloody brat...!
Mephisto Excellent! Now, B4, B5!
Guard The enemy is now trying to flank us!
Amiya Take two Defenders and a Sniper! Just keep them busy!
Mephisto And next! H2, H6!
Medic They... they're rushing our defensive line!
Ace Vanguards, flush them out!
Mephisto That's right, let me see how you struggle!
Now, Casters. Move to C7. Capture their Rook!
Amiya Enemy Casters have appeared! So far, they're hiding behind their Defenders!
Dobermann It's too late! Take cover!
[Reunion Casters used their Arts against R.I. forces, pinning them down.]
Medic Aaargghh!
Guard *cough* *cough*...
Mephisto Now be snuffed out, like flames before a storm!
Amiya Is he really commanding his troops like that? How can he give such precise orders just by barking out chess moves?
Those same disorderly thugs have been turned into an army under his command...!
At this rate, he's going to keep exploiting the advantage he gets through his leadership...
Dobermann On the other hand, if we manage to suppress him, they'll fall into disarray!
Don't give them even the slightest opening!
Damn it, we're running out of time!
Amiya We can't allow ourselves to be stalled any longer!
<Background black>
Amiya Is there some way to turn the tables... anything?!
We're going to be... Doctor's going to...
<Background 1>
[The Reunion soldiers are suddenly attacked by an unknown attacker.]
Reunion Member Gaaaaaaahh!!!
Mephisto What?!
Huh... What's going on? Why are people getting knocked into the air?
...the hell is that?
??? You guys sure took your sweet time. I even had time to relocate the civilians.
Amiya ––?!!
??? Out of my way!
[The attacker, a Kuranta knightess, charges through the Reunion soldiers...]
Reunion Member Woah!!
??? Let's hit 'em even harder! Don't give the enemies a chance to regroup!
[...clearing the path to the pinned R.I. forces.]
Amiya Miss Nearl!
Nearl I'm here.
I'm glad you're still safe, Amiya. Let's move.
Dobermann Thank goodness you were deployed in this operation.
Nearl Using the signal flare was judicious. Seems like you've been having a rough time.
You must be Dr. {nickname}, right?
<Background black>
Nearl Radiant Knight, Nearl, at your service. Your chariot has arrived.