Event trivia: To the Grinning Valley

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  • The Global server releases To the Grinning Valley exactly 6 months after the event was released in the CN server. Coincidentally, CN also releases A Kazdelian Rescue, another Story Collection event, in the same day as the Global release of TG.
  • The release of English CVs that were already released in The Rides to Lake Silberneherze albeit not mentioned in official announcements, which includes Ambriel (Melody Peng), April (Tajinae Turner), Beehunter (Emma Breezy), Ceobe (Christina Costello), Mint (Kelly Ohanian), and Snowsant (Ariel Fournier), were actually mentioned in the patch notes of TG's Global release. This implies that the aforementioned CVs were originally meant to be released alongside TG, albeit released earlier in RS, possibly due to an oversight.
  • The Japanese event title is worded very differently than other servers' as it adopts the Japanese onomatopoeia for smiling, niya-niya (ニヤニヤ). As such, it becomes a bit of surprise when the title was revealed the first time to the point the JP players sort of joked around with it since niya-niya can be accidentally pronounced as nyan-nyan (ニャンニャン), the onomatopoeia for a cat's meow.