Operator dialogue: Tequila

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Appointed as Assistant Good work, Doctor. Why don't you take a break? Don't worry, I've already finished handling the report... Haha, there's no need to praise me. It's not that I have any extraordinary talents, I've simply become experienced with these things.
Talk 1 Wait, wait, Doctor, s-stop tugging, I'll take them out myself! *sigh*... Alright, all the cards I hid up my sleeves are right here. Haha, sure enough, you saw right through me. Next time, if we get a chance to go to Dossoles, I'll show you some even more interesting things.
Talk 2 Every time I talk to Miss Ch'en, as well as that Miss Lin, I get all nervous. I don't want to get beaten up again... Huh, you can't tell? No way, Doctor, can't you see my palms are all sweaty?
Talk 3 Yo, Doctor, how unusual running into you here. Are you looking for someone? Oh, if it's about Rafaela, I'm afraid I can't help you there. As you can see, without the old man here, we have very little to say to each other.
Talk after Promotion 1 I was thrown into the army reserves by my old man. All of them were pretty much kids, more or less. Some of those people had burning ambitions, but I'd say most had nothing of the sort. Life was tough, so everyone was looking for a way out, nothing more.
Talk after Promotion 2 Dossoles has Miss Candela, so there shouldn't be any issues. It's better that the old man was put behind bars, so he has time to calm down and reflect on his actions. The last time I agreed to help him, I was actually trying to make sense of my thoughts. And that was the last time I asked myself that question... because now, I've found the answer.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 When we first arrived in Dossoles, Rafaela and I were still very young, and we quickly adapted to life there. Only the old man was still stuck on his old ways, his old ideology... Can't do anything about it, but I figure I should at least try to help.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Doctor, here's the mission report from last time. I've already handled the follow-up. Don't worry, there won't be any problems. We've carefully laid out the plans, and if any contingencies pop up to disrupt the situation, I'd be supremely disappointed.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 So how about it, Doctor? Did you draw the card you were hoping for? Ah, that's too bad. That's a loser... Well, when it comes to gambling, there's nothing less reliable than luck. But rest assured, if you're ever in need of it, I'll be there to deliver it right into your hands.
Idle Doctor, I'll put all the information I've sorted through over here. Hm? What the... you're asleep. And look at all the important documents you left lying here... You must trust me a whole lot...
Onboard Hello there, are you the Doctor? Great, you're just as recognizable as Miss Ch'en said you'd be. Right, I should pick out a code name, then? Hmm... Let's go with Tequila! Sounds pretty nice, eh?
Watching Battle Record I'm supposed to imitate this move? Seems painful though.
Promotion 1 A promotion? Huh, already? Thanks a million. In any case, without further ado, let's talk about my work...
Promotion 2 When Miss Ch'en brought me in, I never thought I'd see a day like this. So, does that mean I'm one of your most capable subordinates? Haha, it's not a joke, whether you need me to be tour guide or something else, you can rest easy knowing you're in good hands.
Added to Squad Got it. Leave it to me.
Appointed as Squad Leader I'm in charge of the squad? Haha, I appreciate the trust...
Depart Follow my lead. Be careful, and don't fall behind.
Begin Operation Come, let us show our guests some hospitality.
Selecting Operator 1 Need my help with anything?
Selecting Operator 2 Awaiting orders.
Deployment 1 Sorry, this path is closed for business.
Deployment 2 I'd like you all to stop right there.
In Battle 1 Don't get worked up, and say what you need to say.
In Battle 2 I'm also not keen on using violence to resolve problems.
In Battle 3 Ugh. Negotiation... Failed.
In Battle 4 Begone.
4-star Result You even managed to account for their sneak attack, Doctor, so there's no shame in them losing like that. I still have much to learn.
3-star Result Everything's taken care of, Doctor. ...How did I take care of it? Doctor, do you really need to hear that?
Sub 3-star Result Close one, close one. Are you alright, Doctor? Huh, a few of 'em got away. Let me think...
Operation Failure Retreat now! Live to fight another day!
Assigned to Facility So this is the dorm, huh... Mind if I give it a makeover, and buy some little decorations for it?
Tap Tsk... Who's tugging on me? ...Oh, it's just you, Doctor.
Trust Tap It was raining out there just now, and my hair got a little wet... Ah, excuse me, Doctor, could you grab a towel for me?
Greeting How are you feeling today? Want to head out for a bit?
Title Arknights.

Dossoles Holiday quotes

Entering Dossoles S.P.A. Boutique #1 You two, don't look down on those Mama John's vouchers I've prepared for you. At Mama John's, you can buy almost anything you've ever wished for.
Entering Dossoles S.P.A. Boutique #2 What happens to the recycled stickers? Don't worry, there are many collectors within this city. They'll pay a pretty penny for these things.
Entering Dossoles S.P.A. Boutique #3 In theory, I should provide all services free of charge for you two... I hope Madam Candela doesn't blame me for this.
Exchanging Stickers for <200 Mama John's Voucher.png #1 Good progress, Miss Ch'en. If you have no interest in wine, coffee isn't a bad choice either. Dossoles is famed[sic] for both its wine and coffee.
Exchanging Stickers for <200 Mama John's Voucher.png #2 As expected of Miss Lin, there's quite a lot here. It seems that you're partial to wine? It appears you're more suited to this city than I first believed.
Exchanging Stickers for <200 Mama John's Voucher.png #3 I must say, the two of you are working well together... Ah, please ignore me. This is just a coincidence. Right, a coincidence.
Exchanging Stickers for 200 ~ 499 Mama John's Voucher.png #1 Could it be that you two are the type that hoards all your stuff and refuses to throw them out even if they're useless?
Exchanging Stickers for 200 ~ 499 Mama John's Voucher.png #2 A fruitful bounty, Miss Ch'en. Hmm? Why are there so many Leithanien and Columbian businesses? It's because Madam Candela does not care about that.
Exchanging Stickers for 200 ~ 499 Mama John's Voucher.png #3 Miss Lin, I suppose you have already built your own network for processing these? As expected of the daughter of the Rat King...... Hmm? Your father has many fans here.
Exchanging Stickers for 500+ Mama John's Voucher.png #1 Miss Ch'en, you might drive some collectors crazy if they were to look at your collection right now. Oh, it's far more likely that these are all worthless by tomorrow, though.
Exchanging Stickers for 500+ Mama John's Voucher.png #2 Forgive me, Miss Lin. I have already cleared out my other warehouse just to store your loot...... Fine, I still have three warehouses I can use. As long as you're happy.
Exchanging Stickers for 500+ Mama John's Voucher.png #3 To be frank, you two should open a collectibles shop. If you ever intend to act on that idea, please let me know immediately. I'll sell my shop and invest all my savings in you.
Gifting Sticker Without noticing, you two have already gathered so many collectibles. I've prepared a small gift for you, hopefully it will help you on your journey of collection.