Operator overview: Sideroca

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A Minoan Forte mercenary swordswoman hailing from the bustling city-state of Corinnia, Sideroca led a successful mercenary career as she served the rivaling city-states. Since forming a permanent contract with Rhodes Island, she has consistently demonstrated impressive swordsmanship, pragmatism, and prior combat experience.


Sideroca is a 5★ Arts Fighter Guard who specializes in Survival and DPS, and the welfare Operator of Darknights Memoir, awarded by completing the Hit List mission which requires the player to clear DM-3 with Sideroca's Token.png Sideroca's Token available in the Scar Market for 200 Anonymous Tags.png, 240 Anonymous Tags.png, 280 Anonymous Tags.png, 320 Anonymous Tags.png, and 360 Anonymous Tags.png. Since the rerun of Under Tides, Sideroca can be obtained through Record Restoration.

As an Arts Fighter Guard, Sideroca's attacks deal Arts damage instead of Physical, thus making her effective against enemies with high DEF but little RES, with a decent overall stats including some RES and a high HP compared to other Arts Fighters, but can only block a single enemy.


Mercenary's Tenacity buffs Sideroca's ASPD and gives her Status Resistance once she defeated a certain amount of enemies.


  1. Regeneration γ restores Sideroca's HP when activated.
  2. Restorative Surge buffs Sideroca's ATK and makes her regenerate HP over time, but reduces her range to only the tile she was on while active.

Base skill

Guard Expert α speeds up the skill Specialization training of Guards by 30% while Sideroca is assigned as the trainer in the Training Room. At Elite 2, Guard Expert α becomes Whole-Heartedness which speeds up the training further by 45% if it is for Specialization Level 3.


Sideroca is a reliable Arts Fighter Guard who excels at extended deployment and can sustain herself without the need of healer while capable of reliably taking down low-RES enemies.