Operation guide: Rusthammer Battle

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A special Operation in Ceobe's Fungimist that can only be accessed by taking the fight to the Rusthammers in the Rusthammer Battle Encounter, Rusthammer Battle pits the player against a quartet of Reunion elites: Defense Crusher Leader, Enraged Possessed Bonethrower, Hateful Avenger, and Shielded Senior Caster. All four of them have their stats significantly increased to the point of coming close into bosses, with the Defense Crusher Leader also having the Stun duration of their special attack extended to 12 seconds and the Enraged Possessed Bonethrower losing less HP over time, in addition to deducting 3 Life Points in the event they made it into a Protection Objective. Fortunately, the four does not attack all at once; rather, they will attack one by one. This fact made things no less difficult however; if the four are ever allowed to group up, no Operators can stop them.