Operation story: RS-7

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Male Kjeragian A icon.png
Male Kjeragian C icon.png
Old Herdsman
Mountain Burdenbeast icon.png
Inquisitive Local
Eager Local
Lively Local
Passerby A
Passerby B
Slippery Soldier
Sickly Soldier
Seasoned Soldier
Statue of Kjeragandr Base
Ice Lake
Lake Silberneherze Shores
Kjerag Train Station
Lake Silberneherze Shores Night
Kjerag House
Victorian Barracks B

Before operation

Degenbrecher and the Trilby Asher fight atop the statue of Kjeragandr, and the Trilby Asher is sent flying. Kjarr watches from below with great interest. The Viscount and Leto dredge up the Trilby Asher and the Saintess arrives to personally invite them all to the bonfire banquet.
<Background 1>
Sciurus Hey, maid, everyone else about has already scarpered off. Why are you still here?
Kjarr Shouldn't you have left as well, Madam Sciurus?
Sciurus Do I really have to, just because you tell me to?
This statue is the fruit of everyone's labors. If anything happened to it, how could I break the bad news to them?
Kjarr Is it the fruits of everyone's labors, or Enciodes's?
Sciurus No wonder I saw the Saintess hold you back just now. Think I saw her tell you something too.
Kjarr You sound hardly surprised.
Sciurus I'm not an idiot. She looked completely blindsided, but how could that possibly be?
It's just that, looking at it from her perspective, the best position she can be in is knowing a little bit, but not too much.
And so she sent you to go the last mile for her, huh? Well, what is it then?
Kjarr Of the people currently drawing close, one is Degenbrecher, while the other is a Trilby Asher from Victoria.
Sciurus A Trilby Asher?! He couldn't... No, he wouldn't go that far...
Did the Saintess ask you to stay, just so you could warn me about this?
Kjarr Let's go with that.
Allow me to look after the statue in your stead.
<Background 2>
[Degenbrecher clashes against the Trilby Asher.]
Degenbrecher This ends here.
"Trilby Asher" Urk...!
Sure enough, you are the Black Knight. I will not underestimate you.
But that is precisely why you should realize that you cannot best me.
Degenbrecher Oh?
I like the confidence.
But my patience runs thin.
The way you scurry and flit about has already started to bore me.
"Trilby Asher" My apologies, Madam. I have been derelict in my duty, if you feel that way.
However, if I may speak freely, Madam Degenbrecher, I feel no murderous intent in your swings.
You were invincible during your days in Kazimierz, the Black Knight that struck terror into her opponents with her mighty blade, but now you're reduced to using these edgeless toys—Grkh!
[The Tribly Asher narrowly dodges a swing of her blade.]
Degenbrecher These edgeless toys will be enough for the likes of you.
I only ever used that Leithanian greatsword in competitions. The sponsors demanded it.
"The greatsword-wielding Leithanian warrior", "the Artsless freak" ...Call me what you will. It matters not.
But it's time to cut this dance short. You seem to have forgotten something.
The reason why I started using these degenbrechers in the first place—
"Trilby Asher" What...Ugh!
The frosty bite of her blow stops his words before they leave his mouth.
The frigid winds of Kjerag stab him, the unfeeling mountain snows crush him, and the ice-cold degenbrechers slam into him with all the force of a glacier.
There is no resisting such an attack.
"Trilby Asher" —?!
Degenbrecher This is but a warning.
There are many who wish to cause trouble for Enciodes, and if I could crush them all dead, there would be a lot less trouble for me.
But unfortunately, there are some people who are much more useful alive than dead.
You, for example.
"Trilby Asher" *cough*, *cough*... I see.
I thank you for your mercy, Madam Degenbrecher.
Degenbrecher These weapons.
I use them for a very simple reason.
They have no edge, so it's much easier for me to keep men like you alive.
If I were to use a little more force with these blunt weapons, most would become nothing more than mincemeat.
That's how it's always been, from the very start.
Among those who step up to fight me, many would be easily crushed.
It does not matter if you are a caster of Leithanien, or a knight of Kazimierz. In the end, you are the same.
Faith, ideals, grit and perseverance, firm determination. They all fall before sheer brute force.
It's hilarious.
Being broken too easily is its own complication.
The woman who took her weapon's name looks down disdainfully upon the Victorian before her. He had been by no means an easy foe to handle, so it was up to her, and only her, to face him.
But even so, it has not been particularly difficult to defeat him.
The road from being a destitute, Artsless nobody to becoming the Black Knight, three-time consecutive champion, was not an easy one to walk.
Compared to that, anything that came after was only a trifle.
"Trilby Asher" Hah... By your standards as the Black Knight, the "natural-born warrior", there can't be many who aren't considered "fragile".
Degenbrecher Hardly.
If you had been even the slightest bit more serious, I would have had to put in a lot more effort.
"Trilby Asher" Unfortunately for me, as an intelligence officer, it is not in battle where I have to get serious.
[The Trilby Asher quickly picks himself up and starts running again.]
<Background 1>
[Kjarr is keeping contact with Enya through a transceiver.]
Kjarr Wow, they've already climbed up all the scaffolding.
These Trilby Ashers are skilled indeed.
There is not a person in all of Kjerag who could scarper from the mountains to this island while getting hunted by Degenbrecher.
Could there be many such people in Victoria?
Truly, there are terrors all about these lands.
Enya Indeed. There are terrors all about these lands, and we must cope with them in our own way every day. I have half a mind to find a replacement for myself as Saintess.
Kjarr Oh, perish the thought. Wasn't it you who sought to be Saintess in the first place?
You truly do resemble your brother in that regard. You both love giving yourselves things to do.
Enya I am nothing like him.
Kjarr Oh, yes, alright, he's very much like you, then. Is that better?
Enya Kjarr.
Kjarr Yes?
Enya Do you still remember our agreement?
Kjarr Hmm? Which one?
Enya This is no time for jokes, Kjarr.
Kjarr Yes, of course I remember. "Kjeragandr need only watch over her people, nothing more".
Enya Yes.
At the time, I had already begun doing some things under the table... If we depended on Her even for this matter, then whether it was him or me, our ideals would be but empty words and bluster.
Kjarr It's not quite so easy being a bystander, you know.
Enya I ask Her only to be patient for a little while longer.
Kjarr Alright then, although I'm not sure if She can even hear our little agreement.
Anyway, I just came to see if we could change this statue a bit is all.
Enya I can't believe you haven't given up on that ye—
[Kjarr cuts off the transmission.]
Kjarr This is one matter that I'm definitely not giving up on.
Enjoy the View.png
[Degenbrecher and the Tribly Asher battle atop the Kjeragandr statue.]
Kjarr Wow. I think the statue might be a bit slanted after Degenbrecher's kick just now.
That Trilby Asher isn't half bad either. Him grabbing the statue's finger to adjust the balance of his body sure was a surprise. That there's the real deal.
Do you think they could help me thin out the face a bit?
*sigh* I was far too naïve from the start, thinking that it didn't matter what I looked like on the outside. Made me not really care much about my appearance.
After many interactions with others, my aesthetic senses changed alongside the people, and so we end up with the look I have today.
But those drawings in those ancient tomes persisted all the while. I should have taken those books away from the Edelweiss clan when they were out of the house.
Who expected them to suddenly decide to build a statue of Kjeragandr anyway?!
Those two sure climbed up to the top of the statue real quick.
Ah, that's right, shave the cheek on that side down a little bit more.
Damn it, don't shave down the sides of Her hair too! I quite like those!
Hmm... From this angle it doesn't look half bad though, does it?
Where was I? Right, after getting to know Enya, I started to look after my appearance more.
I would always go with her when she would sneak out for walks, recommending me various cute ornaments and trinkets. After who knows how long, I started to like those things myself.
Hmm. Maybe we can replace that lock of hair that got shaved off with a big piece of jewelry.
I should write that down somewhere.
Kjarr Must be tough being a Trilby Asher. Looked like he was about to jump down from the top of the head himself, but then Degenbrecher sent him flying with a mean kick.
Poor guy.
<Background 1>
Kjarr Now that I think about it, those other fellows that Degenbrecher fought. I wonder if they felt the same way as this Trilby Asher?
Knowing that you are not truly a match, but with no other option but to struggle for your life, unsure if you'll have the opportunity to get out in one piece?
Until finally you realize that there really is no such opportunity.
Degenbrecher No.
[Degenbrecher walks towards Kjarr.]
Degenbrecher Those with more mercenary motivations for battle are much weaker than him.
Are you satisfied?
Kjarr Yes?
Degenbrecher You seemed to be quite pleased while you were watching us give the statue a light trim.
Is it to your liking now?
Kjarr It's not bad, I'd say.
Degenbrecher Good.
Kjarr Where are you going?
Degenbrecher Despite the fall, he is not the type to die so easily. He will be back soon enough.
I'll resume keeping an eye on him.
Kjarr You're certain he won't best you next time?
He was no match for you during that fight earlier, but I fear that if he had truly put his heart into it, he would have proven the victor quite easily.
Moreover, there's hardly a guarantee that he's not bait, correct?
Degenbrecher I will leave that sort of thinking up to Enciodes.
Kjarr Enciodes cannot be here at the moment. Surely you know that better than me.
Degenbrecher ......
Kjarr Allow me to take the lead.
Degenbrecher You?
Kjarr Or, to be more precise, allow the Saintess.
Kjarr buzzes the communications terminal in her hand.
Kjarr Did you get all that, Saintess?
Enya Allow me to take the lead.
You did well, Degenbrecher.
Degenbrecher My pleasure.
Enya Will you be coming to the bonfire banquet tonight?
Degenbrecher I'm afraid not. I'm not fond of busy parties.
Enya What a shame.
Degenbrecher What did you have in mind?
Enya I would like you to watch over a foreign envoy. I believe diplomacy will prove more effective than force in this case.
Degenbrecher He might not actually be a foreign envoy.
Enya He might very well be.
Degenbrecher Alright. I am in your hands, Saintess.
[The transmission ends.]
Kjarr Uh, you know the exit's in the other direction, right?
Degenbrecher I know.
[Degenbrecher walks off anyway.]
<Background 2>
[A crowd has gathered around a strange hole in the middle of Lake Silberneherze.]
Inquisitive Local Whew, he should be able to pull through, right?
Eager Local Alright, stop rubbernecking, clear the way. Let's think of a way to get him out of that hole first.
Lively Local Based on his clothes, he looks like some kind of foreigner. I don't think even we could handle water that cold...
[Viscount Harold approaches the crowd.]
Harold Hey, mind if I ask what's going on here?
Inquisitive Local Some poor fellow just flew on over here from the island in the middle of the lake. Smashed a hole right through the ice.
Harold What?! Tsch—
Alright, coming through, make way, excuse me, thank you.
<Background fades out and in>
Harold squeezes his way through the crowd, and the moment he sees what all the fuss is about, he cannot help but laugh.
A perfect circle has been punched through the frozen surface of the lake, and in the center of that circle floats a "corpse".
And so it fell to him to come to the rescue.
Harold This water, brrrr— These old bones ain't spry enough to handle that.
Excuse me, anyone got some kind of stick or the other on hand? He's a friend of mine and I'm here to get him out of there.
Eager Local Hmm, nothing like that over here. Maybe you can head over to the nearby finning village, ask someone there if you can borrow a finning pole?
??? No need, I've got something that can help!
Harold Nice, thanks—Eh?! Rosalind?
Leto Hey, dedushka. Fancy meeting you here.
I'll lend you my weapon. Let's get that guy out of there.
Harold Cheers.
Spectating Locals We'll help too!
<Background fades out and in>
Using Rosalind's weapon, the people work together to dredge the 'corpse' up and out of the hole.
Leto Looks like he still hasn't kicked the bucket.
Harold I probably shouldn't be saying this, but if he really had died, I would have had a whole lot of beastshite on my hands.
Thankfully the one who did this had the same idea, so they held back a bit.
Let's get this fellow somewhere warm for now.
Leto Yep.
<Background 3>
[Harold and Leto visit a store.]
Harold Ho, shopkeep, allow us to borrow your fireplace for a spell.
Shopkeeper Sure.
Leto Isn't this John? He should be up the mountain. How'd he get his ass kicked down here?
Harold Up the mountain? You've met him before?
Leto Yep.
I met him up there...
Harold And then what?
Leto Ah, no, nothing. It'd be a pain to explain.
What about you, dedushka? What're you going to do these next two days?
Harold Me?
Haha, I'm just here to clap at the Kjeragandr statue unveiling ceremony tomorrow, as a Victorian delegate. After that, I guess I'll be heading back home straight away.
If I manage to find one last opportunity before I go, I'd like to walk about and buy some souvenirs for the wife and kid back home.
Leto Sounds like you've got a lot of free time on your hands, dedushka.
Harold When you're young, you feel like you have a thousand and one different things that you need to get done. But when you get to around my age, you'll learn that some free time never did any harm.
"Trilby Asher" *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*
Harold Ah, the "dead" rise.
"Trilby Asher" Bluggh—
[The Trilby Asher regains consciousness.]
Leto How's it hanging, "John"?
"Trilby Asher" Madam Larina? And the Lord Viscount?
Good, good. I was just about to have a chat with my dearly-departed grandfather.
Leto The hell happened to you anyway?
"Trilby Asher" It's a bit of a long story.
Are you getting along with your father?
Leto Eh, alright enough, I guess.
Harold Father? Did I miss something?
"Trilby Asher" & Leto It's a bit of a long story.
Harold Seriously, what happened, "John"?
You've managed to become chummier with Rosalind than me, right under my nose.
"Trilby Asher" ......
Leto ......
[Just then, Pramanix arrives at the scene.]
Pramanix Finally found you.
Harold Eh?! Saintess?
"Trilby Asher" The Saintess?
Leto Pramanix?
Pramanix Ah, Leto! You're here too, perfect.
Leto Me?
Pramanix Lord Viscount, I hope you remember tonight's bonfire banquet by the lakeside. The one that will serve as a warm-up before tomorrow's ceremony?
I had heard that you had been having your fill of scenic tours of Kjerag lately, and I feared that you had forgotten, which is why I decided to give you this little reminder.
Harold Of course I remember! Worry not, for I shall definitely be there.
Pramanix Will you be coming too, Leto?
Leto To the bonfire banquet? Sure, I'll come.
Pramanix And I believe this Trilby Asher is a friend of yours?
Harold Yes... quite.
Pramanix As a friend of the Lord Viscount, naturally you too are a guest of Kjerag. I hope that you will do me the honor of attending our humble banquet.
"Trilby Asher" Whatever reason could I have to refuse an invitation from the Saintess herself?
Pramanix Very well. It's settled then.

After operation

Kjeragandr manifests Herself, commanding the Trilby Asher to leave, who then decides on an alternate method of investigation. At the bonfire banquet, the Trilby Asher delivers his collected investigation to the Viscount, who returns to the barracks, soon ordering his troops to load live ammunition.
<Background 1>
Kjarr How long do you plan on sitting there?
Degenbrecher He already knows of this place. He will turn up sooner or later.
Kjarr And what will you do once he turns up?
Degenbrecher Kill him.
Kjarr Murdering a foreign dignitary is a serious crime, you know.
Degenbrecher We shall see.
Kjarr Why do you go so far for Kjerag's sake, when you're not from Kjerag yourself?
Degenbrecher Is it still considered "for Kjerag's sake" if it's Enciodes's ambition?
Kjarr Who can deny that up till now, despite him having his own lofty goals, that there is a part of them that is "for Kjerag's sake"?
Degenbrecher That sort of praise is probably what he would least like to hear.
Kjarr You still haven't answered my question, you know.
Degenbrecher ......
When Enciodes once mentioned to me that perhaps Kjeragandr truly existed, I thought to myself that maybe one day, I could fight those so-called "gods" with my own two hands.
Now I see that was simply wishful thinking.
Kjarr And why is that?
Degenbrecher Enciodes had already dropped that particular plan, for one.
Kjarr If he had stuck to it, do you think that you could face down a goddess who just might really exist?
Degenbrecher Perhaps?
Here, I can only find that sort of excitement during avalanches. If I ever had the opportunity, I would definitely give it a try.
Kjarr Do you think you will win?
Degenbrecher No. I have stood against the avalanche, but I have never once triumphed.
Kjarr I understand. You are simply in it for the challenge.
And you consider the matters that are happening in this land to be suitable for that purpose.
Degenbrecher It's hardly as lofty as you think. This is just who I have grown to be, nothing more.
Kjarr Very well said.
You may head back now, Degenbrecher.
You will not find your battlefield here.
Degenbrecher ......
If that is what the Saintess wills, then forgive me for being unable to comply.
I will decide my own battlefield.
Kjarr And what if I said that is what Kjeragandr wills?
Degenbrecher I will then wonder, why are you the one conveying Kjeragandr's will?
Kjarr I am the Saintess's maid, after all.
Degenbrecher So what you are saying is that the will of the Saintess is the will of Kjeragandr?
Kjarr Rather, that Kjeragandr supports the Great Saintess's opinion on the matter.
At least, that is my guess.
Degenbrecher Hmph.
<Background fades out and in>
[The Trilby Asher approaches the Statue of Kjeragandr.]
"Trilby Asher" ......
The Black Knight is no fool. Rather than searching all over for me, she will instead be watching over here.
She knows that I will return, and return I must.
*sigh* If only I could return home alive.
<Background fades out and in>
[The Trilby Asher investigates the area.]
"Trilby Asher" ......
If I had only guessed that this place would be the center of my worries—
No, how could I have guessed? How could anyone have thought that Enciodes had the brass courage to use an entire nation's faith as a pretense for his own schemes?
He truly is someone that the Duke was wise to invest in.
And that Saintess. Is she really not aware of a single matter going on behind the scenes?
<Background fades out and in>
[He keeps searching...]
"Trilby Asher" ......
And Degenbrecher?
She couldn't possibly be quite so single-minded as to have missed the forest for the tree.
<Background flashes>
[...until suddenly, something appears.]
"Trilby Asher" This is... a rock?
Why have you come, traveler from afar?
"Trilby Asher" I am but a man of steadfast faith, here to admire Her visage.
She tires, and wishes to rest for today.
Come back tomorrow.
"Trilby Asher" I had heard that Kjeragandr welcomes believers from afar. Do you mean to say that this is no longer the case?
The pious need not prove themselves, while the insincere need not waste their words.
You are not to take a step further today, says She.
"Trilby Asher" And if I insist?
[The rock flashes...]
"Trilby Asher" Wha—
<Background fades to white>
<Background 3>
"Trilby Asher" ......
The Trilby Asher looks all about him. The main path by Lake Silberneherze is bustling with activity most days, and today is no exception, which is why it causes no small amount of turned heads when he suddenly appears out of nowhere.
Suddenly, he smacked himself in the face hard.
Passerby A Hey, when did that guy pop up there?
Passerby B Look, he's slapping himself for some reason.
Passerby A Think he's some kinda lunatic?
"Trilby Asher" ......
The Trilby Asher takes no note of the people around him, simply turning his body in the direction of the statue of Kjeragandr. In imitation of those devout followers, he performs a quick gesture of prayer.
"Trilby Asher" Kjeragandr's blessings be upon you.
This was the first time he had done such an act since stepping into this land.
After doing so, he turns to leave without a moment's hesitation.
He had not yet noticed that, from not too far away, there was a pair of eyes watching his every move.
Kjarr ......
Degenbrecher isn't a very talkative woman, so she probably won't tell Enya about this, would she?
I don't think I went too far either, did I?
*sigh* I've said this before, but staying a spectator is harder than it looks.
She sighs once more then turns, looking every bit like a woman grumbling about the troublesome requests of her younger sister, before blending into the throng of people like she was never there.
<Background 4>
Tschäggättä A Stop right there.
Vintner? Ah, hello, captain.
Tschäggättä B Who're you?
Vintner? Well, it's like this, see. There's going to be a banquet held by Lake Silberneherze tonight, right?
I'm here to deliver the wine.
Tschäggättä A Wine?
Tschäggättä B I had heard the news about that earlier.
Come with me, I'll need to verify this.
Vintner? Alright, sure.
Tschäggättä B Stand over here. Don't move. Pat him down.
Tschäggättä A Alright.
Vintner? Boys, I'm just trying to drop off some drinks. Do we really need to do this whole song and dance?
Tschäggättä A These are special circumstances. I appreciate your cooperation.
If you really are who you are, we will offer our deepest apologies later.
Vintner? Ah, I'm afraid that you two won't have the chance to do that.
Tschäggättä A Wha—
The vintner presses down on a device hanging at his waist, and the security cameras in the room began to rotate wildly as if possessed.
[The vintner knocks out the first Tschäggättä.]
Tschäggättä A Guh...
[The Tschäggättä collapses.]
Tschäggättä B There's an ene—
Vintner? Nice try.
[The vintner knocks out the second Tschäggättä.]
Tschäggättä B Ghaah—
[The Tschäggättä collapses.]
Vintner? ......
After the two Tschäggättä fall over, the vintner swiftly begins to operate the terminal.
As he meddles with the terminal, the cameras in the corners of the room briefly halt, before returning to their normal activity.
Vintner? From my earlier investigations, I knew that Kjerag managed to get a previous-gen OS, but it's got two fatal flaws.
I recommend you upgrade to the latest generation when you can.
Naturally, if Kjerag were to become a part of Victoria, we would provide one free of charge.
The vintner breathes a sigh of relief, but then immediately doubles over.
Vintner? Hfff— Looks like my wounds are about to reopen.
The destructive power of the Black Knight is no joke.
But she can hardly be everywhere all at once.
As for Kjeragandr...
I'll worry about that later. At least She didn't prevent me finding this place.
He stands up again, ambling towards the nearby barrel of wine.
The barrel is heavy, but as he draws close, it is immediately obvious that there is a distinct lack of the scent of wine in the air.
Vintner? ...Haha.
What was stored inside the barrel was not wine, but metal.
Vintner? I had investigated the amount of metal Kjerag was procuring, and at the time nobody had any issue with the numbers.
But if, say, the metal that was to be used in the construction of the statue, was not all put towards that purpose...
Where, then, did all that remaining metal go?
And where is this metal in the barrels slated to go next?
Haha, I said that while the Black Knight's fearsome, she's not so strong as to cut through steel like butter. And I was right.
He turns back to operate the terminal once more.
As his fingers unceasingly type away at the keyboard, various charts and diagrams continuously pop up on the screen above him.
After a long, long while, he finally stands up.
Vintner? Anyways...
[The Trilby Asher takes of his disguise.]
"Trilby Asher" There's still a few hours to go to the banquet—
So allow me to give a quick inspection, Enciodes.
Are you really so much a fool that you would dare to stand against Victoria?
<Background 5>
Harold So let me get this straight. You saw your father, and then you gave him a kick?
Leto Yep, felt real good!
I wasn't that angry to begin with. But once I saw that he looked like what I assumed my papa would look like, I had the sudden urge to give him a real big kick.
Harold Haha, atta girl!
Speaking of which, I had the pleasure of meeting Patriarch Arctosz once when I had just arrived to Kjerag, but I haven't seen him since.
If I had remembered how he had looked, you wouldn't have had to wander around willy-nilly to find him.
Leto Hey, are you trying to say that I actually do look a lot like him?
Harold Hmm, well now that I think about it more, thanks to that beard of his... Even if I had been drinking with him yesterday, I don't think it would have been that easy to notice.
Leto I told him already, that bearded look just isn't in these days.
Harold What if... he shaved it off?
Leto Eh?
Harold Oh, nothing. Don't mind me.
[A pack of burdenbeats bellow loudly nearby.]
Leto Hey, look over there! That's a whole lotta burdenbeasts.
Harold Oh, the villagers from nearby are here too.
I'm thinking that this will be a mighty fine night.
[O e burdenbeast approaches Harold.]
Harold Eh?
Leto There's a burdenbeast bumping its head against you.
Harold Oh!
If it isn't my lovely Lily!
Old Herdsman Haha, that girl ran over the moment she spotted you.
Harold Good girl, good girl.
Leto Hey, dedushka, this is the Lily you were talking about?
Harold Indeed. She was the first burdenbeast I met when I arrived in Kjerag.
And she has become, dare I say, my dearest friend ever since I arrived.
Oh, aren't you a little cutie-pie!
Lily (Rough braying)
Leto Ooo, can I pet her?
Harold But of course. Lily's an affectionate girl.
Lily (Affectionate humming)
Harold I think she likes you.
Haha! Rosalind, it seems you really do have Kjerag blood in you!
Leto Whoa! She's licking me!
Harold Do you want to ride her?
Leto Can I?
Harold It should be alright, right, Leones?
Old Herdsman Hahaha, it's alright, kid.
Leto Alright! Help me up a bit, dedushka!
Harold Okay, grab on to my hand, and a one, two, three—!
[Leto gets onto Lily.]
Lily (Excited rumbling)
Leto Wow, Lily's real steady!
I think I'll go on a stroll with her!
Harold Go on ahead, now.
Old Herdsman Heh, she sure is a lively little kid, now, isn't she?
Harold You don't need to tell me. My daughter was the same at her age.
Old Herdsman Here, for you.
Harold This is—
Old Herdsman Some of our best cheese. Just finished ripening today.
I remembered that you were going back home pretty soon, so I whipped up this block just for you. I'd hoped I would see you tonight, so I brought it along just in case.
Harold I appreciate the gesture, but are you sure it's alright? Doesn't your family need this cheese to sell?
Old Herdsman Oh, think nothing of it. You've helped my family and our burdenbeasts plenty.
I'd say that I owe you for medical expenses.
So here, consider this cheese your veterinary fee.
Harold Haha, alright, if you insist.
Couldn't ask for a better parting gift, if you ask me.
Old Herdsman Truth be told, when you first showed up, we were pretty wary of you.
But after a whole month with you, I feel like we're the best of friends.
So I'm not going to get too mushy with you. Just remember that the next time you're in Kjerag, we'll always have space at the table for you at my farm.
Harold ......
I will. I really will.
[Enya walks over.]
Enya Ah, Leone, are you acquainted with the Lord Viscount as well?
Old Herdsman Ah, Saintess! Yes, Harold here's become a right celebrity here in our little village.
Enya I see. I hope that you and your burdenbeasts continue to enjoy yourselves.
Old Herdsman Oh, please, getting to meet the Saintess is plenty of joy for me already!
Harold This banquet sure is festive, Holy Saintess.
Enya Indeed.
Though there will be plenty of pomp and circumstance at the ceremony tomorrow, the populace at large will only be able to watch it via the news cameras.
Which is why I arranged for this banquet, to allow all of Kjerag to enjoy the holiday cheer.
Harold You truly are a great Saintess.
Enya May I ask where the Trilby Asher might be?
Harold ......
He's a bit of a somber fellow, not a great lover of festivities.
"Trilby Asher" I would hardly say that, My Lord.
While it's true that I'm not a fan of festive crowds, that has hardly anything to do with my personality.
Harold You...
"Trilby Asher" I'm afraid that I was observing Kjerag's magnificent scenery and lost track of time. Do forgive me, Holy Saintess.
Enya I am glad to hear that you appreciate Kjerag's natural beauty.
I hope that you enjoy tonight's banquet just as much.
"Trilby Asher" Indeed I will.
[Enya leaves.]
Old Herdsman Ah! That's right, Harold, I have some wine here. Does your friend here drink? Come, let's have a cup or two together!
Harold I—
"Trilby Asher" ......
The 'Trilby Asher' surreptitiously shares a hand signal with Harold.
It is a military hand signal, indicating withdrawal.
[The Trilby Asher leaves.]
Harold Terribly sorry, Leones.
I'm afraid the drink will have to wait.
[Harold leaves just as Leto comes back from her burdenbeast ride.]
Lily (High-pitched braying)
Leto I'm back, dedushka.
Huh? Where'd he go?
Old Herdsman He got pulled away by his friend in black.
Leto "John"?
...No way.
<Background 6>
"Trilby Asher" I do hope that you managed to enjoy yourself at tonight's banquet, My Lord.
Harold I sure was, up until you called me away.
"Trilby Asher" Good, because I do not think you will enjoy this next step.
Harold Out with it.
"Trilby Asher" There is a secret underneath the Kjeragandr statue at the heart of Lake Silberneherze.
Harold Soldiers really hate the word "secret", Mr. "John Smith". Isn't this your lot's job to figure out these sort of things, rather than ours?
"Trilby Asher" Unfortunately, I have no way of solving this particular issue myself.
Harold Not words I expected to hear out of a Trilby Asher.
"Trilby Asher" I have run into a few obstructions.
Harold Wait, am I hearing you right? You've failed?
"Trilby Asher" No.
Though I am unable to ascertain what exactly is down there, the very fact that I am encountering resistance is proof that I am on the right track.
The Trilby Asher takes out a stack of loose papers from the inner recesses of his coat. Within that stack are photographs, assorted documents and some handwritten notes.
Harold takes a few to look at himself, and immediately, the smile on his face freezes.
"Trilby Asher" Goods loaded onto the wine transport carriages.
The true flow of the oriron supply chain.
Transport route itineraries.
All this intelligence points towards a single fact—
Under the island at the heart of the lake lies Enciodes's secret... No, not just his, but the greatest secret of this entire nation.
<Background 5>
Leto ...!
[Leto, who was eavesdropping, hurries off.]
<Background 6>
"Trilby Asher" ...She's gone.
Harold I know.
"Trilby Asher" Allowing the daughter of a Kjerag politician to hear that was not good.
Harold I'm a soldier, I only care about real battles. This is something that you intelligence agents should be handling.
"Trilby Asher" She barely even knows whose daughter she is. What can she possibly do?
If this makes her recognize what is brewing in this nation and make her cut her visit early, this is not necessarily a bad thing.
She is, in the end, merely a citizen of Ursus. I am not one to make an enemy of that empire.
Harold Perhaps I misjudged you during our earlier meet-ups, my good Trilby Asher.
"Trilby Asher" You and me both, My Lord.
Perhaps it is a good thing that people like you and I are wary of one another.
Harold Some real words of wisdom you got there.
"Trilby Asher" My next words might not be those words of wisdom you so adore.
You cannot go home empty-handed, My Lord.
Harold ......
I know.
"Trilby Asher" I hope you truly understand that this is the price Enciodes must pay Her Grace.
He has crossed a line.
Harold Is that what you tell yourself to make it feel better?
"Trilby Asher" You're far better at that sort of thing than I am.
O Great Hero.
Harold ......
<Background 5>
The banquet continues.
People gathered around the bonfire singing merry tunes and dancing, welcoming the arrival of tomorrow.
In their minds, tomorrow will certainly be a bright, jubilant, festive day, one that would compel anyone to break out into ecstatic dance and vibrant song.
"I'm probably the only one in the room who doesn't feel that way", thought Harold.
He suddenly feels a little chilly.
The last time he felt such a chill was the very first time he set foot in this land.
He felt like what he really needed was a bottle of wine. Perhaps a whole barrel.
Old Herdsman Harold! I've been waiting ages for you, *hic*!
If you were any later, I would have finished the entire bottle myself!
Harold ......
Hahaha, look at me! Do I look like the sort of person to miss out on fine drink?
Come! Tonight, we drink till we drop!
<Background fades to black>
He's forgotten some of the finer details of what he did that night.
Perhaps he danced a merry jig from his hometown by the bonfire? Or perhaps he grabbed some unlucky fellow to sing some folk songs of Kjerag with?
Ah, that's right. He seemed to have spent a good amount of time discussing the finer points of Kjerag veterinary techniques with a guard rail.
How did he get to this point?
Alas, nobody knows.
At the very least, he remembered the way back to his bed.
However, the distance between the banquet and the barracks is no short stroll.
First, he had to follow along the lakeside path until it joined with the main street at the center of town. Along the road, he would run into many elderly folk taking a post-meal walk, and see children playing atop the ice.
From here, he could see the distant statue of Kjeragandr, and all along the road there were viewing stations set up just for gazing upon it. They were bustling places filled with people at all times. Some prayed towards Kjeragandr, while others took selfies.
There are times when two diametrically opposed ways of life will clash, but most times they will coexist in some sort of harmony. Such was the way of many things in this land.
Continuing on, he passed through the main street, which got busier by the day. He distinctly remembered noticing that some of the stores that were there when he first arrived in Kjerag had changed ownership.
In a small alley close to the center of the road, there was the latest restaurant that he had fallen in love with.
This restaurant had managed to meld together the flavors of Victoria and Kjerag together into their dishes, and suffice it to say that he was a big fan.
The restaurant was run by a young couple, the wife a Kjerag native who had learnt the culinary arts in Victoria, meeting her spouse in the process.
The two of them started a family, returning to Kjerag to set up their restaurant, hoping that they would be able to have a better life in this flourishing land.
After the alley, he had to cross a highway still under construction, then a patch of woods, before arriving at the hillside where he could look out over the whole land, where a roaring fireplace awaited him.
At the moment when he stepped over the edge of the road onto the soft soil, he became quite aware of just how much further this nation had to go to be considered 'well-developed'.
But walking through the tranquil woods immediately put a stop to that line of thinking.
Though he often jabbers away with other old men whenever they meet, lately he finds himself thinking back to the time of his youth.
The golden wheat fields rustling in the evening breeze, his younger self running about within as though he were without a care in the world—
Yes, without a single care in the world.
As he walked across the icy ground, as he found himself cloaked in snowy silence, one thought came to the forefront of his mind. He was no longer young.
<Background 7>
[Harold enters the barracks with a furrowed brow.]
Slippery Soldier Whew, you reek of booze.
Boss, if you're going out to get roaring drunk, can't you at least bring some back for your boys?
Sickly Soldier Boss, look here!
These damned burdenbeast blind boxes! We've gotten three full sets now except for the mystery variant! This has got to be some kinda scam by Karlan Trade!
Harold ......
[He walks past and ignores them.]
He pulls out a remote control from the deepest recesses of his room, constantly flicking through the various slides on a projector.
Every single one has information regarding Kjerag. Possible marching routes, the locations of military bases, the distribution of sentry posts, investigations into the Tschäggättä—
Within a week of him arriving in Kjerag, all this intelligence was already neatly organized before him, and yet again and again he forced himself to stop thinking about these matters.
To the point that he has managed to memorize most of it.
He throws aside the remote control and grabs a collapsible chair close at hand, throwing himself deep into its embrace as he closes his eyes.
Rather than looking at maps and military sand tables, he much prefers listening to the subtle sounds of snow falling on branches, making them rustle and creak under its weight. It reminds him of the sound of waves of wheat—
Rustling under the moonlit breeze—
Slippery Soldier Boss? What's the matter?
Seasoned Soldier Don't mind him, he's probably just drunk off his gourd. Let's get back to what we were talking about just now.
I heard that the Leithanians want to build a new city, mostly to get foreign trade going. Check out these preferential policies. The calculated returns for investments are unreal...
But reality never goes the way he wishes it to.
Just like how his father always yelled at him to get out of the wheat field and to continue his training at home.
Just like when his pipe stem loses a piece without him knowing.
Just like how his lost leg would never return.
Harold ...*sigh*
The hubbub of the barracks fades away, as his men all look towards him.
His men. His lads. His soldiers.
Harold Everyone, change to live ammunition, then be on standby.
At the break of dawn tomorrow, we begin our operation. Our target is—
The statue of Kjeragandr.
His voice is somewhat hoarse.
The rustling of wheat in the wind has stopped.