Operation story: R8-6

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Local Ursus Troop
Snowy Village
Snowy Village Night
Village House

Before operation

Talulah paints a picture of the future that may impress FrostNova, but it doesn't seem to convince Patriot. In an encounter with the Ursus garrison, Talulah finally witnesses Patriot in a fight.
<Background 1>
Back when I first became Infected, my mind wasn't clear on anything.
I knew Kashchey wanted to use me to do so much, but I was always afraid. What was it he wanted me to do?
Had he planned some kind of trick, one to destroy in a blink of an eye the network of Infected I'd spent so much time setting up?
Or had he planned to let me divide the Infected? Let them drift into two camps, the urbanites and the settlers?
Or the even more frightening scenario—perhaps he'd planned for the Infected to become a new army, and for Ursus to be plunged into war once more?
I could only speculate. He hung over my head like a murky specter, impossible to chase off.
But I could only move onward.
One of the Yetis, apparently called Petrova, used cystymilk yesterday to stir-fry oilseeds. A strange recipe, for sure. The taste was pretty interesting.
<Background 2>
Alina Oh, that... I remember that. The time's gone so fast. It's been two whole years.
Are the stories the fighters passed around true, then? You really fought with her? From the sound of it, you both blew the entire city ruins into oblivion.
Talulah It wasn't that dramatic. Rumors always get more outlandish as time goes on... all I did was melt her Originium ice crystals.
[Two child are running around past Talulah and Alina.]
Alina Sashenka, no running around! You'll slip!
Talulah Look at them, just free to live. It's so nice.
Alina It's a duty of mine.
Talulah I never imagined you'd volunteer to teach the children.
Alina I get along a lot better with the children than I do with Ursus. What was that about melting, just now?
Talulah FrostNova's Originium ice crystals. A sort of Arts device her squad used, by my guess.
Alina That's something... I'm sure FrostNova didn't like it.
Talulah *chuckle*. Nope. I took a single breath, and she froze half my body.
And when I finally snapped out of it, she was already charging me, going for the neck with an ice blade.
I blocked it, took in the hissing sound, and this sword tasted frost for the first time in all its years.
It was probably a first for her, too, meeting someone who could chip her blade...
Alina Ah, you're pretty happy to talk about this. Are you proud of it, maybe?
Talulah Not really... yeah maybe you are right... uh. That child. The one hiding behind the wood fence. What's her name?
Alina Lyubov. That's enough spying on us, Liuba! I'll read a story for you all next period.
That's right, a story all about an old ghost in the gray forest... a scary story!
Could you help bring me some wood shavings? Put them in a basket. Thank you.
So then?
Talulah FrostNova... Alina, you know it's FrostNova we're talking about. Her name spread among the Casters of the Northwestern Tundra long before mine ever did.
Alina I thought you didn't like it when people spoke your name.
Talulah If anyone ever uses it to threaten, then of course I won't be happy. But if hearing my name makes them want to challenge me, then that's not too shabby.
Alina Nothing like you. I don't think FrostNova ever gives challenges the time of day. Thinking about it that way, you really stoked her fire, didn't you?
Talulah She's the top of the Infected Casters, the top squad commander, and the strongest of the Infected's warriors to boot.
...Don't misunderstand. It's not like that's what I aim for.
Alina Plenty of people think you resemble each other in places, though. Some of the children say they want to be like FrostNova, and some of them say they want to be a hero like you.
Talulah Time out, time out. Now that's a word I'm not happy with. How about you, Alina? What do you think?
Alina No two people are alike, in my eyes.
Talulah Figured you'd say something like that.
Truth be told, I don't really know what FrostNova's life was like as a child. She's been brought up well. It was probably alright.
But don't let any child experience the things I did.
Alina You've been brought up well, too.
Talulah I don't want to talk about it.
Alina ...Talulah, none of us know the bitter things the world has in store for them, nor whether those things will be even more absurd than what we've already seen.
Talulah Well, that's depressing.
Alina It's also the reason I wanted to be a teacher.
Talulah My "teacher" wasn't anything like you, for sure.
...I get what you mean, now. You're saying maybe FrostNova also had, well...
Alina Who knows. No two Infected live identical lives.
Talulah Well, to wrap up, I never slacked on practicing technique again after my dispute with FrostNova. Not just Arts, my swordsmanship too. Like hell she'll ever best me again in either.
Alina I know you and her fought. What about after that?
Talulah It took until her anger abated before she told me she wasn't the one responsible.
Alina Then that only leaves one person who could've been.
Talulah You're right on the mark, yes. It wasn't too long after our scuffle finished...
...that out from another end of the city, came a...
Alina Is remembering it that much effort?
Talulah I should say, that first impression was too shocking. I'm scrambling to find the words for you.
The broad midday light spilled over his body, but couldn't melt away the black, black as tar.
I was in the middle of telling FrostNova about my project. I'd gotten up to where I was in contact with Infected in other cities.
I wanted to assemble the funds to construct or seek out a small-scale nomadic city, and invited them to join the project...
I saw his shadow. I couldn't keep speaking.
Alina What stopped you?
Talulah I'm not THAT confident in myself.
Alina Not that confident? I've never seen you short of confidence before.
Talulah I mean, this was... Patriot.
Alina You couldn't talk him over.
Talulah I still haven't to this day.
You already know all the rest. After FrostNova and I had our "friendly discussion," our group successfully joined up with the guerrillas.
Alina Good for us. All else aside, after hearing we could go with the guerrillas, plenty of our Infected here were happy beyond belief.
These last two years have been better to us than before. You made a good choice. You're finally in the right, Talulah.
Talulah I mean... the way I see it, the guerrillas definitely didn't care about me or the other Infected fighters, they just... couldn't ignore the rest of the Infected, traveling with us.
Alina Then that's even less reason to be down about it. You thought the same way, after all.
Talulah But it's been two years. The situation hasn't made any headway at all.
Alina Think about it this way, Talulah. From what moment did you start feeling Patriot didn't approve of you?
Talulah Over a year ago... not long after we joined up with the guerrillas. All the way up until now.
<Background 3>
FrostNova Not happening.
We don't even know how many more Infected are out on the tundra under Ursus's wretched rule. It's too early yet to be talking with the guerrillas about the Infected in the cities.
Talulah We're not intending to abandon the tundra's Infected. Why would I have brought them with me, otherwise?
Sooner or later will come the day we return. Our objective is to have Ursus's, no, the entire world's Infected come together...
We may be in differing places, but our lack of resignation to our circumstances is one and the same, indistinguishable.
A friend of mine in a certain city calls that kind of behavior "reunion."
He calls on the Infected to come together, naming it the "Reunion Movement," revolving around one identical belief, protesting against Ursus's cruel rule over the Infected.
FrostNova And we should get the chance to protest the Ursus soldiers on the tundra about the exploitation in the mines, but I can't say it'd make them turn over a new leaf.
Talulah, forget the common people for a moment. Talk about the soldiers. The Ursus Army wouldn't let a single one of us go.
If you want to go south to "protest," we could just save ourselves the trouble and find a division to kill us.
Talulah Ursus is not a single-minded entity. This is our chance. What the Reunion Movement aims to do is pass on the belief, but I see even more opportunities in it. We have our own signal to send.
FrostNova What signal?
Talulah "You are not alone."
FrostNova ——
Talulah You know better than I do that staying on the tundra is a life of attrition, eating away at our strength. We need to go beyond it.
FrostNova I don't decide this stuff.
Talulah You're still not willing to decide it.
FrostNova If the price of leaving is death, then my life never had much use outside of taking down an Ursus soldier or two.
But what about the people around us?
Talulah, you haven't got brothers and sisters by your side. I'm not going to let mine throw away their lives.
But I think the other part's right.
Talulah Which part?
FrostNova Telling the Infected they're not alone.
We've spent too much time on one thing, here on the tundra.
Seeking friends.
But linking up with the city Infected?
Guess people from the big city really do like to dream a little bigger.
Talulah I don't need you mocking me yet, FrostNova.
FrostNova I'm not mocking you. You're so strong. You've taken all of them a long, long way, just like us.
But it's a dream, going south, trust me.
The guerrilla force grows, but we're Infected.
We don't have many years left... and your alliance would need plenty of years, at least...
Talulah And that's precisely why—
FrostNova Dad?
[Patriot joins Talulah and FrostNova.]
Talulah Ah...
Mr. Patriot?
Patriot sits down by the bonfire. Like Talulah simulated over and over in her mind, Patriot simply sits down, wordless, and gazes into the fire.
FrostNova ......
You're good. Keep going.
Talulah Convincing FrostNova and Patriot.png
Talulah It's precisely because we don't have many years left.
The south has fields of bumper crops, suitable temperatures, four seasons to tell apart, and all sorts of fresh food.
Resources, education, prospects...
And a future.
FrostNova —Future?
Talulah FrostNova, there's every likelihood I know what you're thinking.
FrostNova What I'm thinking is written on my face. I don't know anything you'd call a "future."
Talulah We may not have much time left at all. There's only so many places it'd let us set foot.
But the Infected should have a future. For the future Infected, for those who come after us.
FrostNova... we'll find those Infected a home.
Somewhere Ursus and the Infected Patrol Unit won't disturb. Somewhere the Ursus armies can't surround.
FrostNova And you know for sure, taking the Infected with us would get in the way of the guerrillas' operations. But we won't abandon them.
It'll be a seriously difficult path.
<Background 3>
Talulah At the very least, what hopes we bring about before we die can be left to others.
And, if we overthrow Ursus's present system over the Infected...
Everything will change.
FrostNova We're thin on the ground.
If you weren't an Infected, would you shake my hand?
Talulah We'd start from a handshake, in that case.
FrostNova ...What you're saying is probably...
Dad? Where are you going?
Patriot I've had enough.
[Patriot leaves.]
Talulah Sir...
FrostNova Hey.
Don't mind it too much.
<Background 2>
Alina He was probably just thinking it over.
Talulah He's been thinking it over for ages, if so.
It's been two years, and the only conversations we've ever had have been about team composition and following plans. He's never asked me once about anything to do with any project.
Alina Talulah, no matter if he's ridiculing you or opposing you—ah, not that I think he's the type to really ridicule other people—you're still going to wait forever. Am I right, or not?
Talulah If we want to leave the tundra, we need the power of the guerrillas. I'll keep at it.
Alina Because he's the hope of the tundra's Infected?
Talulah I thought you didn't say things like that. I mean, you never... you don't say things like that, right?
Alina I just want to know what your thought process is like.
Talulah ...I think—it's because he's the symbol the tundra's Infected unite behind.
A symbol with no way of passing on to the next generation.
<Background 1>
FrostNova Get up! How long are you planning to stay there?
Talulah You gave me a chill, you goddamned white rabbit...!
FrostNova I don't care how stick thin you are, don't tell me this cold front's too much for you!
Talulah You sure weren't saying that when you iced these Ursus weapons.
FrostNova Brothers and sisters, withdraw! Let them follow! Draw out the mine guards!
Talulah Just hold on until the Shieldguards can support us! Don't lose hope!
<Background fades out and in>
FrostNova —Pace. Pick it up. Faster. The guerrillas are in place to get the mine guards double-teamed.
Talulah How do you figure—wait.
Those strange Originium ornaments. Did the guerrillas arrange those?
FrostNova Those were set up for my father.
Talulah The Ursus army isn't pursuing us anymore. Seems like they're really not a fan of what those entail.
Wait, are... are these some kind of Sarkaz thing?
FrostNova His Sarkaz ceremony. These two are the best we could make with what we had on hand.
Talulah Patriot... is Patriot here?
FrostNova You said it yourself. You were expecting our team to be surprise-attacked. And if we wanted to annihilate their whole company, of course we'd come up short if we only relied on our squad.
...They're already beginning to rout.
Have you ever seen my father in battle before, Talulah...?
<Background fades out and in>
Local Ursus Troop The... him... It's him... Why did none of you s—say... say he was here?!
Retreat! Retreat! Just forget them, forget them!
Wait, hold on! He's coming from the rear? Then what's all this in front of us?
Hello? Hello? ! Say something! Say something!
Patriot ......
Until those local troops let loose their violence upon him, the Sarkaz who towered over all others makes no move, nor does he make a sound.
Yet Talulah hears, laced through the north wind of the tundra, something not unlike cries. The shudders of the world itself, its wickedness cowering back, step after step, before the Wendigo.
Patriot stands fast, and casts toward the tundra a long halberd.
And in the gloom of a sky that knows only to devour all life, suddenly, a chasm is cut.

During operation

FrostNova The Originium materials I asked you to prepare in advance? Do you have them on you? If not, fall back!
My father's witchcraft does not separate enemy from ally. Anyone's life can be sucked away. If they didn't prepare properly, Patriot would be the only living thing in the battlefield!
Talulah I have the materials on me. I've also applied the paints to myself just like you told me. Anything else to worry about?
FrostNova No, you're good. We were short on resources this time, so we just put up a simple installation...
[The Patriot's Originium Altar is highlighted.]
FrostNova Thanks to our secret protective measure, the Originium Altar will have next to no effect on us.
But if it was a properly constructed altar, then no matter what tricks you tried, you wouldn't escape the witchcraft's effects... nobody'd lived to tell the tale.
Get ready!
Talulah, count yourself lucky. Lucky my father's standing with us tundra Infected, on our side...

After operation

Patriot expresses his thoughts to Talulah for the first time, denouncing her as an empty idealist. Talulah picks up the children Sasha and Eno, and Alina reminds her not to forget the persistence she started with.
<Background 1>
Talulah Thank you for your assistance, Mr...
Patriot —Talulah.
You want to leave the tundra? You will be crushed under the armor of Ursus.
FrostNova Dad? Why right now? Didn't we alread—
Patriot The Shieldguards have already gone to collect resources. Take the squad. Order them all to move.
FrostNova ...Alright.
Patriot You and your project will get everyone killed.
Talulah realizes. This is the first time the giant before her has personally issued his opinion. Even if that opinion is no shock, it still shakes her to the bone.
Talulah And the Northwestern Tundra can't keep us alive forever. The larger our group grows, the more food and energy supplies we need, and the villages that revile us far outnumber the ones that support us.
One season of mossoats, each year... even if we all pitch in for the tilling, how much would we harvest in the end?
Will our fields be destroyed by the Patrol Unit? The guerrillas can easily dispose of them, but the other Infected can't.
Patriot You are hastening their deaths.
Talulah Our only choice is to leave the tundra. Not for Sami, and not for the barrens... we'll head east, head south, head for warmer places.
Patriot How will you survive? How will you allow us all, so numerous, to survive?
The guerrillas save people. The guerrillas sacrifice none but ourselves. Only warriors sacrifice themselves.
Talulah But there are Infected in every city and their surroundings, so many more than there are on the tundra.
You permanently protect the north, detesting all that the Infected of the north endure... so you've had little chance to understand the kind of life the Infected of the south have.
Patriot Do they live well?
Talulah They live miserably.
Patriot You want to absorb them.
Talulah I intend to unite with them.
Patriot When the Empire turns its gaze to the Infected, you will bear the brunt.
Talulah I don't want them to unite by my side. No. I want them to unite under one encompassing philosophy.
Patriot Philosophy? The Infected are taken as sawdust on the tundra, as slag in the mines, as warnings in the villages, as unknown fuel in the cities.
The tundra Infected are certainly not ignorant nor foolish. We do not cradle fantasy. All philosophies are fantasy before they are put into practice.
On the tundra, there are still mines, patrol forces, foolish and lackadaisical guards. We have places to obtain our resources.
Talulah The resources throughout this icy tundra will sooner or later be exhausted, because we have no method of extracting our own.
We have no enduringly mobile nomadic city, no specially qualified Catastrophe Messengers...
Patriot Go to the city and we have nothing at all.
Talulah We will earn new friends.
Patriot Who are your friends?
I recognize your project has merit to it.
But at the same time, it is also nothing special.
How many strategists have died frustrated on the tundra? You speak of it, and I see no reason it could be done, nor on what it would be realized.
Why could the last Emperor make the land tremble? Because he held fast to it, never talking of any wild, far-flung vision. He only walked in steps.
Which you cannot do.
Talulah ......
You say I may be crushed by the armor of Ursus, and I concede that. They will sooner or later turn their attention to us here. There will always come a day when they catch us. None of us can escape it.
"Let them come?" Is that how you approach it, sir?
That the tundra would prepare you better for a battle?
Patriot You are seeking a new battlefield?
Talulah I'm looking for a chance to win.
As far as so many more Infected are concerned, that's hope. But to fighters like you and me, that's a crossroads. The only crossroads where we can break from our intrinsic strategy.
To wander the tundra, in the end, is still nothing more than a slow death... much like the little life we have left as Infected. I need to repeat this point, over and over, because we're all fully aware of it.
Patriot ——
Perhaps my daughter is convinced by you.
But I will not be convinced by someone who has never lost hope in the truest sense, who has only ever spouted an empty miscellany of armchair strategies.
Talulah ......
FrostNova Talulah? Where are you going?
Talulah I'm fine. Just going to check if there are any survivors in the mines.
FrostNova The guerrillas have already set out, and the village is starting the move too. The army isn't following our tracks, either...
Dad? What's up with you?
Patriot *cough*...
Just a normal cough.
A rustling sound.
Talulah ——
Is somebody there?
...I know you're all here. You're not with the army. You haven't even broken a twig with your steps.
I mean you no harm. If you're not Infected, I'll leave you be, unless you need assistance...
??? D—don't come any closer!
Don't move! If you do, I'll shoot!
Talulah Ah.
Sasha Protecting Eno.png
Timid Child She's—she's Infected! Sasha, my Arts can drive Infected away...!
Sasha You can't use your Arts!
Timid Child Sasha...
Sasha G—get out of here already! We were just getting things from the mines... we don't want to kill anyone!
I'll shoot! You'll die!
Timid Child Sasha... you—when you say that...
Talulah ......
How long have you gone without eating?
Sasha Why do you care?!
Talulah We're in the vicinity of a militarized mine. You wouldn't dare light a fire.
...The way you shake makes me think of wheat being sifted.
Timid Child *whine*...
Sasha Hmph.
Talulah Don't be scared.
Talulah grasps a branch with one hand.
Softly, gently, she hands this branch to the two children, and within it, small sparks dance out.
Timid Child Ah...
Sasha You...
Talulah It's warmer, now, isn't it.
That's right, I really am Infected.
<Background 3>
Alina So that's how it happened.
That's how you found Sasha and Eno... they were never willing to talk about the past.
Talulah If we never found them, they would've certainly passed away.
Perhaps, ever since Patriot refuted me, it was the one bit of good I'd done.
Alina So what's happened today, then?
Talulah ...I was careless with my Arts during training, FrostNova's cloak was hung up nearby, and they spread to it. Now she's out for my life.
Alina And you promised you'd help sew it back up?
Talulah To tell the truth, Alina...
Alina Oh, whatever. Give it to me. Knowing you, I'm scared you'd sew yourself to it.
Talulah Don't you want to join our group? If we have your gift with words, there's a decently better chance I'll talk Patriot over.
Alina I've told you before, Talulah... My Arts would be useless with the guerrillas.
I can stand the blood, but I don't want the initiative to harm people myself. You'll be facing much more than just the Infected Patrol Unit, soon enough.
Talulah I suppose if I had dragged you along... I'd have been bothering you too much.
Alina Ah, you put it that way on purpose, didn't you?
Talulah No, I...
Alina Don't remember wrong, now. It was I who wanted to go with you.
And up to now, it's been for one reason. It's because... Talulah, I feel like there's every chance you'd forget.
Talulah Forget what?
Alina Forget just what it is you want to do.
Talulah I've been striving all this time for the future of the Infected.
Alina That's not what you said, back at the very start.
Talulah ......
Alina Talulah, we all know people can change.
If bit by bit, we shake ourselves clean of all the things we've persevered with, or if we replace them with something new, then there's a certain point where we realize we just haven't persevered in anything, right?
Talulah In a constant battle and with things changing all the time, it's only natural I'd alter my policy. If rigor sets into our thinking, it could very well make us weaker.
Alina And where'd that stubborn part of you go?
Talulah ——
Alina Do you want to prove that the Infected are just like normal people? Or do you want to prove that normal people are just like the Infected?
Talulah What's the difference?
Alina If there's only Infected, then who's even a normal person? Would we want all people to catch Oripathy? Or to cut ourselves off completely from the normal people?
But if there were only normal people, no Infected... then the people who caught Oripathy would be normal people underneath, normal like the people who haven't.
Elders are just normal people, Ancients are just normal people, villagers who all know each other are normal people, and whoever's living in the cities should be normal people all the same.
Talulah, do you want to return to your family?
Talulah You're all my family.
Alina No, we aren't.
If we cleared all this Oripathy off our skin... would we be able to go back home?
Talulah You and I are of a mind on this. We couldn't.
The tundra, and our lives, have completely changed us. The Infected already have no way of returning to their former lives.
<Background 4>
Alina Talulah, do you feel proud of yourself for being Infected now?
Talulah Why would you ask?
Alina Because you can cast Arts without a staff? Because our lives are so fleetingly short? Because even though we've gone through so much hardship, we can still persevere and live on?
what reason would you choose?
Talulah I don't need to choose any, Alina.
I'm proud just to be an Infected. Because this world still hasn't killed me yet.
And for that matter, we don't need anything to cause us to pursue fairness. We should've been pursuing fairness in the first place, that's why.
And if the world won't give it, we'll just have to take it from it.
Alina Then you really are brave.
Talulah You're not laughing at me, are you?
Alina Of course not. How could I?
Talulah Mn, well... I feel they're all brave, too. All the people struggling against the fate that's been forced on us.
Alina Then I'm sure you feel—
Talulah Feel what?
Alina That our fates are just rotten.
Talulah Well, obviously.
Alina I don't feel that way, Talulah.
Talulah ...That's another of your ironic remarks, Alina.
Alina No... what I mean is, the fact I can sit here, talking with you, knowing we have our guards outside the village protecting us—fate has already been very kind to me.
Talulah Don't say that. Fate's a jealous one. Talking about those things is just tempting it to take them away.
Alina But I don't believe in fate, Talulah.
Talulah Because you can change it?
Alina Because I can't see it.
Talulah and Alina.png
Alina Talulah, what you can see, what you can touch, those are things you can rely on.
I can see the cloak I'm holding in my left hand. I can see the candlelight, and I can see the needle I'm holding in my right.
I can see the Infected children's smiles, and I can see the white smoke of vegetables, roasting fragrantly, wafting through the air.
I can see the snow melting, and I can see the two moons dancing spry in the clear night sky.
And then there's people who can't see even these.
Talulah, if there came a day when we all left you, would you still be able to fight on?
Talulah What do you mean?
Alina It could always happen. If that time came, would you still feel it was worth it to stand against fate?
Would you possibly think, this is just too much? I just can't do anything anymore?
Talulah If Patriot's taught me anything, then one lesson comes to mind, from long ago at that.
I wouldn't bow my head.
It sneers at me, and I'll be certain to burn it to ash.
Alina You're a blockhead, Talulah. That, or you're getting old.
Talulah Hey!
Alina Only old people get to say that stuff without coming off as naive.
Because if someone's gotten old as old gets and still keeps that outlook all the way, it just means they've gone through far, far too much, to the point the world's left its bitter vestiges on their body, allows them no rest in passing the remainder of their life.
...And they're living in the desert of the past. If it were me, I wouldn't even have the courage to take the first step.
If I were that old and had that much arrogance, I'd be taking the events of the past and stabbing myself with them, every single step I took.
I can't even imagine it. Stuck in the sands of memory, of all the past, how does a person even know they're still moving forwards?
And what kind of resilient spirit does it take to let them make a new first step, unlike any they've made before?
Talulah I feel like you've been hinting at someone this entire time.
Alina I've said I know a lot of what he's done, but I still truthfully don't know Mr. Patriot at all. I've never spoken a single word to him.
If you say that's him, well, why not. Let it be him.
If Mr. Patriot...
Talulah You're fast to substitute.
Alina Ahem.
Unlike all the old, aged warriors, young people can much more easily forget things, give up on things, forgive themselves.
Talulah So you feel like I'm only fighting for all the things I can see? Or, maybe, you're telling me that might not be right?
Alina Compared to the things you'd told me back when we left the village, it's just too shallow.
In just these few short years, you've already become an outstanding leader. But it's not entirely a good thing for you. You can't let yourself stop here, can you?
"If righteousness can only be upheld by greater and greater violence, can it even be called righteous, still? "
Those words have rolled around in my head for years and years, now. For so many years, I've been constantly thinking it over. I probably haven't gotten it straight yet, but I've been thinking it over and over.
Talulah Alright, then. Let's throw fate and making stands and all those other words we were talking about out the window. What is it you want to teach us today, Professor Alina?
Alina Hey. Are you that flippant with FrostNova, too?
Talulah Don't joke about that. FrostNova'd freeze both our mouths shut.
Alina Taking you for example, Talulah, you wouldn't fight just to defeat what enemies you see, right?
The Patrol Unit, the mine overseers, the drafted soldiers following our trail, the Ursus Minister of Medicine... if you defeated all of these, would we be victorious?
Since all of these are awful things, and so we need to defeat them?
Talulah Professor Alina wants me to do battle with things I can't see. How would I defeat them, then?
Alina With things you can promise. Warmth, food, bedding, these are all things you'll be able to touch on some day or other. Think things unlike those.
This battle of ours probably won't bear results. It's likely we have no way to win.
Talulah I'm already not that fond of making promises. Things too far away are near as good as me playing tricks.
If we can never win, then should we still fight?
Alina Haven't I asked you before? When that time comes, would you still feel this fate is worth you making a stand against it?
Once this is all over, you won't even be able to so much as see your enemies. You'll share those enemies with all those people who can't see a future.
...And then, that's when the true battle's really just begun.
Talulah ——
You mention that spirit, those enemies, and those things that carve into ours and the Ursus people's bones.
—The Emperor?
Alina The Emperor's just one form of it.
As long as people won't lay down their blades, this conflict will never end.
Talulah I don't quite agree. People taking up their blades to fend off what causes them strife is the just thing to do.
Alina You're not wrong. Honestly, this conflict is the sort that'll never end, in my eyes.
Thanks to Mr. Patriot's blessing, I've read no small amount of Leithanien and Victoria's books. I very much liked what this one person said...
"Our war is a war against the ego. "
It's true, Talulah. As you'll never lay down the swords in your grips—
Talulah ...So you'll never lay down the needle in your grasp.
<Background 4>
Alina And that wraps up our lesson today! There's almost nothing left I can really teach you.
The children should be studying right now. There's some knowledge they should have by tomorrow.
Talulah... Kashchey wanted you to be a sage, but people all make mistakes.
When you fall over, you climb back up. But if he won't let you fall over...
Then all you can do is be a little careful about things.
Same as when you're confronting Patriot. In all honesty, I don't see him and you as two different kinds of people.
You both already believe too strongly in your own ways. I can't let those any of those lively little creatures go around saying things like you're right, and he's wrong.
Talulah No, Alina. I can't go and do something I don't even believe in myself.
Alina That's true. It's another one of the tricks with which Kashchey bound you, exploited you.
Talulah You're just saying there's no way I can wipe him out, right?
Alina It's a sort of idea, after all. We probably don't have much chance of wiping out an idea...
But I'm still just that bit confident.
Talulah Confident in what?
Alina If we're still by your side when that time comes, we'll definitely be able to pull you back.
It doesn't matter what kind of Arts Kashchey had, we'll definitely have a way of breaking them down. There's always something we can do.
In this battle, we'll start from words and language, start from the next moment, start from a facial expression. We'll start from now.
They'll know what mushrooms are safe to eat, how to raise livestock, how to get better a little sooner if you catch a cold.
We'll try and try not to lose.
Talulah *chuckle*.
Alina And I believe in you. You will have the chance to talk Patriot over.
Talulah I'll just force myself to take that as encouragement.
Alina Mm, I'm done sewing. You can give it to her.
I can tell she really cherishes this cloak. It looks like one the army made. And it's three layers inside, three layers outside. It makes it seem really big.
Talulah It probably is an army cloak. That, or it's...
Alina Ah.
Talulah ......
Alina ...Out of all the reasons Mr. Patriot keeps fighting, we just might have found one of them.
Talulah Thank you, Alina.
Alina What is it? I'm about to prepare tomorrow's lesson. It's a drawing lesson, so they're all looking forward to it.
Talulah I'll bring back two brushes for you, next time.
I mean, what I want to say... what I want to ask is, do you really... not want to get to know FrostNova and the others?
The fighters all know we have a good few Infected teachers, it's just that you've been keeping yourself tucked away, all...
Alina Not right now, Talulah.
Once that Infected common ideal of yours becomes reality, we'll naturally come to know each other then.
And besides, we're all fighters, just on different battlefields. We'll know all about each other sooner or later, won't we?
Talulah You're right, Alina. Infected Fighter, Alina.