Operation story: OF-EX3

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Bodyguard icon.png
Female Tourist icon.png
Female Tourist
Male Tourist icon.png
Male Tourist
Blank icon.svg
Agitated Audience
Blank icon.svg
Strange-Looking Tourist
OF Stage

After operation

Emperor himself suddenly steps out onto the stage, whipping the audience into an uproar. However, not everyone is equally fond of his presence.
Emperor remains cool and collected even in the face of danger, because Penguin Logistics had been waiting to make their move.
<Background 1>
[The Obsidian Festival audiences' roaring cheer is heard.]
Female Tourist Was that an earthquake just now?
Male Tourist Yeah!!
We're so close to the stage, after all! Did you see that? Did you see D.D.D.'s expression?! How did she do that?!
[Another cheer is heard as D.D.D. left the stage.]
Female Tourist She already left the stage, don't always be such a fanboy... Wait, isn't it shaking again?
Male Tourist Oh come on, it's probably just the subwoofer... Wait...
Female Tourist H-huh...? You felt that too?
Male Tourist ...Let's go!
Female Tourist Wh-what?!
Male Tourist Don't ask questions, just come with me!
[The tourists rushed into another stage where they bumped with other OF audiences.]
Audience Stop pushing! Some personal space here!
You're stepping on my foot!! Get out of my face!!
Someone fainted! Watch out!
Female Tourist Wh-why is everyone panicking? Don't tell me...
Male Tourist Oh my god...
...It's Emperor.
<Background fades out and in>
Emperor Ahem, nice weather we're having.
Male Tourist Emperor! It's really him!! Wooowwww...!
Female Tourist ...
Male Tourist Don't be stupid! It's THE EMPEROR! And you still think it's some earthquake?!
Female Tourist No, I'm just too excited, from seeing... Wait, I kind of... can't breathe...
<Background fades out and in>
Bodyguard Mister Emperor, this way please.
Ladies and gentlemen! Please move back! Stand behind the line!
Emperor Hey, young man, that Savran over there.
It's okay. Let them come closer.
Bodyguard But Mister Emperor, you still have a performance later. If some kind of accident were to happen...
Emperor Accident?
You mean an attempted shooting, assassination, kidnapping, suicide threat, or something along those lines?
Do you think those things can stop me? Me?
No, those things shall only become a part of my show, just like how rhythm breaks apart the meaning of words. Do you understand?
Bodyguard Well, no...
Emperor To put it simply, it's all theatrics. Just relax. I promise, Siren won't blame you for it.
Audience Emperor!! Emperor!! Emperor!!
Strange-Looking Tourist ...
Emperor Ah, you're here. Come, don't be nervous. Just relax, muster up some bravery, and believe in yourself.
Strange-Looking Tourist Columbia's Rap God? You're nothing but a thug, a mongrel that got a little lucky...
Emperor Louder, pal, let me hear you! Hey, Savran, don't drive him away. Give him the mic. Don't worry. Just do as I say.
Strange-Looking Tourist You ruined our lives, but you still sit atop so much wealth... You, you deserve only death!!
Female Tourist Noooo! He has a crossbow! Take cover!
Strange-Looking Tourist Don't blame me. That's right, it's all your fault. Just how many singers were sacrificed for your so-called "rap empire"...
Emperor? Eat dirt, you bottom-feeding penguin!
Emperor Ahaha, let me think about that one. Who's the one playing dirty? Riling up the media, manipulating public opinion, personal attacks, and now even a shooting attempt? Hmph.
You think I'd forget who you are just because you decided to roll around in the sewers? Will pointing your weapon at these youngsters satisfy you, "Songster?"
Strange-Looking Tourist You...!
Emperor If I wasn’t such a juicy target for you, how many rising stars would you have continued to "eliminate" just for not suiting your tastes?
How long did you think you’d get away with spitting on the entirety of Columbia while stuffing your bathtub full of money?
Strange-Looking Tourist Shut up! Just die!
Bodyguard Protect Mister Emperor!
[A gunshot is heard...]
Bodyguard Mister Emperor has been shot! Wait... what?
Mister Emperor was the one who shot first? That bastard's crossbow went flying!
[...but it turns out that the shot came from Emperor's own sidearm, which knocks the crossbow from the hands of his would-be assassin.]
Emperor Ratatat tat! Bang!
How strange. You were the one running your muzzle, but how come my muzzle is smoking first? Why don't ya take a guess?
Is it because ya got no game, or is my brilliance that is to blame?
Strange-Looking Tourist Guh... You... even brought guns with you...
Emperor If you die several times every day, there are games that you just won't play.
Strange-Looking Tourist *cough* *cough*... Do you really... think I'm alone? Think about all the enemies you've made. You won't leave Siesta alive!
Emperor My past is more expansive than this sea of falsity; so where are these "enemies" that await my majesty?
Bodyguard Mister Emperor! Many of his rabble are hidden among the audience. We can't deal with all of them...
Emperor That's all right. Don't panic. Just maintain the order here, and leave the rest to the professionals.
Professionals, like Penguin Logistics.
[The Penguin Logistics crew – Croissant, Exusiai, Sora, and Texas – comes to Emperor's side.]
Croissant ...If I remember properly, weren't we supposed to be on vacation? Just out of curiosity, are we getting paid overtime for this?
Texas I could use some exercise after being cooped up in that hotel room.
Sora Tex- err, I mean, "Sora," that's… because you stayed in the hotel reading books the whole time...
Texas ...Right, that was part of the agreement. Are you able to adapt to the battlefield?
Sora No problem!
Exusiai Boss, we're all done here. Remember to snag me the front row seats for tomorrow's show!
<Background fades out and in>
Bodyguard Mister Emperor, wh-who are these people?
Texas We are the Boss's... Well, Mister Emperor's private bodyguards.
Croissant We're a logistics company though.
Exusiai Well, since the beginning, our business covers quite a wide range of things. We even bought a jazz bar at some point, right?
Sora There were also those Siracusan gangs that really liked being our punching bags. They've been behaving better recently though.
Emperor How many fights do you think we have in Lungmen every month?
When it comes to brawls and firefights, we're the best you're going to find.
Agitated Audience I've been waiting for this moment! Penguin from the West! Since you finally dared to expose yourself, die!!
Emperor ...Did you guys establish the Guild of Hypocrites or something? Very well, I was about to say the same thing about you bunch.
Texas, do it.
Texas Got... Oops.
Sora ...Got it! It's showtime!