Operation story: OF-EX1

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Hotel Room

After operation

"Well-known DJ D.D.D. is chatting with TA's agent back at the hotel. His enthusiasm for music is moving. At the end of the conversation, TA actually received a text message from Closure—"
<Background black>
[An alarm clock vibrates.]
(Ring ring ring! Ring ring ring!)
(The alarm was followed by a cacophonous banging of the drum kit.)
Manager Get up already!
D.D.D. Urgh... Gah!
M-Man... things got gnarly last night! Gimme a few more minutes...
<Background 1>
D.D.D. Phew, nothing like a cold shower to start the day! I have a feeling that it's gonna be a great day!
Manager Drink the vegetable juice. I told room service to put it in the fridge.
D.D.D. Those aren't even fit for consumption!
Manager Don't act like I don't know. You screamed for like two whole minutes during last night's show, right?
D.D.D. Y-yeah.
Manager Even though you're not a singer, you need to take better care of your throat. But last night's performance was a huge success. Congratulations.
D.D.D. Hmm, I don't know about that.
I've tried, but no matter how much effort I put into it, I feel like I won't ever be able to do better than D.litHun.
You've already done very well.
Is that so? Well... It's no big deal. I've made up my mind. For the next collab album, I want to make four more remixes for our demo so our partners can have more tracks to choose from.
Manager Four more demos?! You've already made 26 mixes the last few days. I know you see it as practice, but you can't push yourself like that!
D.D.D. It's fine. I had some new ideas during the show last night. I want to try taking them in some new directions.
I've just about figured out my limits. Now that I have a better understanding, I'll just have to keep pushing my limits further. That's what improvement is.
Manager But what about the concerts? Your schedule is full until next year!
D.D.D. Not a problem! I have whole 'nother stamina bar for that!
Manager I don't even know what you're talking about now!
D.D.D. Oh come on, we've worked with each other for so long. Do I ever make mistakes?
Manager You blew out all the lights in the studio last time!
D.D.D. That was a problem with Arts, not with the music!
But, you did just remind me of something.
If that theory is correct, my ideas and my musicality... can definitely be taken to another level.
Manager ...The relationship between Originium Arts and music is still just a hypothesis. Don't let that lead you around by the nose.
D.D.D. Huh? Do I even have a nose?
Manager You should have figured that out long ago without needing to ask me!
D.D.D. But, the Leithaniens did it.
Manager ...
D.D.D. Notes, melodies, form, structure. Everything is composed the same way one would write Originium Arts.
Gaaah! It's just too profound! It doesn't feel like the way I'd do things!
Manager If you've already realized that, then I can rest easy.
D.D.D. Perhaps I do need to kick back and relax a bit.
Manager Good, don't push yourself too hard.
But wait, don't cause another blackout in the district again!
D.D.D. Jeez, I won't! I'll keep things under control this time.
Oh, that reminds me, I met that Cronin person you were talking about.
Manager What'd you think about him?
D.D.D. To be honest... I don't think he'd be a very good sponsor. He seemed like the kind of person who cares too much about money.
Manager I had the same feeling the last time I saw the contract... But it's fine, Siren gets to decide our sponsors anyway. I know you're a good judge of character.
Be careful out there. Some say that Siesta is a lot more complicated than it looks. Also, don't use that Grace account for now.
D.D.D. Don't worry. I said I'd keep things under control. This is my greatest secret after all!
Manager Your little underground organization, huh?
D.D.D. Musicians always need their own space!
<Background fades out and in>
[D.D.D.'s phone vibrates.]
D.D.D. Hmm? A message... Good thing Siesta really is a city built for tourists – the network sure is fast here.
Hmm, who's on this channel?
"From Ada.Closure.Church." ...Wait, it's Closure?
"I heard the festival was a great success. Congrats :P"
OF Logo.png
"Long time no see, Grace. Are you still in touch with Dijkstra? Let's find a chance to get him and do something great together next time!"
"Oh right, make sure to take care of yourself :3"
D.D.D. God...
I knew today was gonna be awesome!