Operation story: OF-3

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Bodyguard icon.png
Siesta Beachside
Siesta Beach
Hotel Room

Before operation

An elderly swordsman suddenly emerges to stop Schwarz at the critical moment.
Later on the beach, Ifrit bails them out from the approaching henchmen.
<Background 1>
Schwarz ...
Ceylon Schwarz?!
Schwarz Cronin's orders are now the Mayor's orders. Everyone, go.
Tie these people up. Do not hurt Miss Ceylon.
Ceylon What? Why?!
Do you also think I'm doing this for fun?!
Doctor Let's go! / Now's not the time to talk!
<Background fade out and in>
Bodyguard A They are currently fleeing towards the beach!
Bodyguard B Damn, it's too crowded. We won't be able to give chase. Call the sentry at the beach. Surround them!
Schwarz Get back here!
[Suddenly someone appears and attacks Schwarz.]
Doctor Huh?
??? Doctor, go. I'll handle things here.
Ceylon Huh? You're...!
Doctor Ceylon, let's get out of here first.
<Background 2>
[The Doctor and Ceylon ran through the beaches of Siesta.]
Ceylon Wait... *gasp* *gasp*... Doctor, I'm tired...
Doctor We finally... made it... to the beach... / I can't... run any longer either...
Bodyguard Milady, please come back with us.
Ceylon No!
Bodyguard A Don't hurt Lady Ceylon. As for that "Doctor," do as you please.
??? How dare you treat Doctor like that!!
Bodyguard B It burns! It burns!!
Bodyguard C Where'd that imp come from?!
Bodyguard C Yowwwch! My butt! It's on fire!
[The one who set fire on the bodyguards is revealed to be Ifrit.]
Ifrit Hey Doc, you're having fun again. Why didn't you call me?
Bodyguard A Tsk... She's just a runt. Show her what we're made of!
Ifrit Perfect. I was starting to get bored, hehe...
Ceylon Doctor, you look even paler than before. What's wrong?
Doctor Ifrit, try not to go overboard! / Burn off all their clothes and call it a day.
Ifrit Fine...
All right, medium rare it is!

After operation

After the immediate crisis dies down, Ceylon and the Doctor return to the hotel to meet up with the elderly swordsman named Hellagur.
Hellagur has some insight to share with the group.
<Background 2>
Bodyguard A Hoooooooot! I'm burning! I'm burning!
Bodyguard B Eeek! My hair!
Bodyguard A Tsk... Fall back, fall back!
[The bodyguards flee from the beach.]
Ifrit Hahaha! See, nothing's more fun than a good scrap, Doc!
Oh, that reminds me, Doc. Because I saved you, and didn't go overboard like you asked me to, you'd better not tell Silence about this!
If she finds out about this, she's going to assign me more homework for sure!
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor No problem.
Ifrit Hehe, I knew that you're a nice person, Doc!
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Good luck on the homework.
Ifrit Hmph, you're on your own then!
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Ceylon An Originium-powered flamethrower, with such power too... You must be a very skilled Caster.
Ifrit You're right on the money, Missy! I'm super powerful!
Ceylon My name is Ceylon.
Thank you for saving us.
Ifrit Oh, um... it's my pleasure. I-I'm just doing the right thing.
Hey Doc, this lady is really polite. What should I be doing now?
Doctor Just smile. / Take a bow. / Bust out some dance moves.
Ifrit Oh, um, I'll try it then...
Ahh?! I forgot that I left meat on the grill! Gotta get going!
Doc, Ceylon, come find me afterwards if you want some barbecue!
[Ifrit leaves.]
Doctor There she goes.
Ceylon Doctor, let's also hurry back.
<Background 3>
??? Doctor, I'm glad you're fine.
Ceylon Thank you very much, Mister...
Hellagur You can call me Hellagur.
Just like the Doctor here, I'm also from Rhodes Island.
Doctor, do you have a minute? I need to have a few words with you, alone.