Operation story: OF-4

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Bodyguard icon.png
Siesta Beachside
Hotel Room

Before operation

During his confrontation with Schwarz, Hellagur seemed to discover something, prompting him to change his mind and charge at the enemy.
<Background 1>
Schwarz Alpha, Bravo, stay back and monitor them carefully. Charlie, wrap around and flank them.
Hellagur Mercenaries, huh...
Whoever trained them must've been rather skilled. Not bad, but also not good enough.
[Hellagur and Schwarz fights each other, with the latter gaining an upper hand.]
Bodyguard Th-this old man is strong!
Schwarz You're no match for him. Stand by for now.
Hellagur ...
Hellagur (This woman... won't be simple to deal with.)
(These bodyguards won't be able to harm me, but she poses a threat.)
Schwarz Foolish outsiders...
Hellagur (She's angry now.)
(Perhaps from her perspective, she really believes that we deceived Miss Ceylon.)
(But, something's not right. Just who is she...)
You must be a pretty experienced mercenary, staying disciplined even though your Mistress is gone.
Bodyguard Cut the crap! Since you know that our boss was... Ugh...
Schwarz Shut up.
Hellagur (Hmm...? Wait... A crossbow, Feline, and that name...)
(Where have I heard that name before...)
Bodyguard Wait, what is this geezer doing?!
Hellagur (I'm a bit worried about how the Doctor is doing.)
(...But the Doctor is capable enough, as are the others. There shouldn't be any issue.)
Bodyguard Is he senile or something? He's charging straight at us!
Hurry, stop him!!!
Hellagur You'll have to be faster than that!

After operation

Hellagur speculates that Schwarz's true identity is not just that of a bodyguard, and Ceylon overheard his words.
This revelation shakes everything she thought she knew about her family.
<Background 2>
Hellagur This Feline woman is not some no-name.
Doctor But she still was no match for you. / General, are you hurt?
Hellagur Don't worry. Her henchmen were mediocre at best. After ensuring your safety, it was a fairly simple matter for me to retreat.
However, I might know a thing or two about the identity of that bodyguard.
Doctor Her identity? / Do you mean...
Hellagur Columbian[sic], Feline, female, silver hair, amber eyes, and a black crossbow. She's both a mercenary and an assassin.
For a hitman, being famous is nothing to be proud of, but the truth is that her feats were simply too astonishing.
For example, she once wiped out an entire clan in Columbia. It was a powerful clan as well. Gradually, over a few years, its important figures met violent ends one after another until the entire clan crumbled into nothingness.
Another example – she once hunted down an entire patrol group. This patrol was notorious for killing people at Columbia's border. Calling themselves "Conquerors of the Barbarians," their violence towards other races brought about many tragedies.
After a single month, they fled into the mountains but were slain left and right until only one member, disabled and incoherent, managed to make it back to the city.
The last example is the man who told me these stories.
Doctor What happened to him? / Keep going. I'm not intimidated.
Hellagur I'll get to the point. He has a scar going from his left shoulder to his right heel.
Cold-blooded killers are abound here, and I'm one of them.
Of course, this particular woman has been missing for some time.
But if my hunch is correct, and they're the same person, then things are about to get real ugly.
Doctor The waters here are a lot murkier than I expected. / Is Ceylon being tricked?
Hellagur The mayor might not be blind to all of this.
As a matter of fact, I wouldn't even be surprised if the mayor was the one who hired her.
(Glass shatters)
Doctor Ceylon?! / How long have you been here...
Hellagur Miss Ceylon, you don't have to eavesdrop.
Ceylon I... I just wanted to get some water for you...
Mister Hellagur, when did that mercenary begin her career, and when did she go missing?
Hellagur She had made a name for herself even before I was discharged.
As for when she disappeared, I'd say about a year ago, after that clan was annihilated.
Ceylon ...Schwarz had been taking care of me, up until six years ago.
But one day, she suddenly told me my father needed her for something, and just left. After that, I only saw her when she'd pick me up over Christmas.
B-but, I'm sure she was just in a bad mood, plus she was just following orders. There's no way she's a cold-blooded killer!
Furthermore, are you implying that my father is somehow behind Cronin's actions?!
I don't believe it!
Hellagur I won't jump to conclusions. However, I must remind you that even the people you trust most cannot solely look out for your interests.
Whether she trusts you or not is none of my concern. All I know is, I would never mistake those scars inflicted by Ursusian weapons. The squad that did that to her are now buried deep underneath the snow.
The situation should be clear to you, Doctor.
If the City Council also has a hand in circulating false information about the volcano, then we should stay out of this.
Miss Ceylon, you should also try to see the truth.
Ceylon I... I need to calm down.
[Ceylon leaves the room.]
Hellagur Doctor, if you would.
Doctor Huh? / Something that only I can do, huh?
Hellagur Naturally. She needs someone who can understand her.