Operation story: OF-2

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Bodyguard icon.png
Siesta Beachside

Before operation

The Doctor accompanies Ceylon to the City Hall, where they attempt to convince the mayor's secretary, Cronin, of the impending crisis.
However, the conversation quickly deteriorates when Cronin accuses the Doctor of being a swindler, and attempts to arrest the Doctor.
<Background 1>
Ceylon Cross Civic Square, and the highest building over there is the City Hall.
<Background fades out and in>
D.D.D. What's up, everyone!! Thank you all for coming out here! This is... D— D— D——!
Audience (Thunderous cheering)
D.D.D. We're all gathered here on this scorching summer day for the same purpose... and that is—
Audience MUSIC!
D.D.D. What was that? I couldn't hear you! Gimme your loudest voice, and let the whole city know what you want!!
Audience M U S I C ! ! ! !
D.D.D. In that case... put your hands up! Let's go!!
<Background fades out and in>
Ceylon This is an everyday occurrence during the Obsidian Festival. After all, the concerts are one of the most beloved things about the Festival.
The major concert starts at night in Garrison Amusement Park, while at daytime, you can see small concerts in every district.
Doctor I'm already getting pumped up! / This kind of music is a bit intense for me...
Ceylon Haha, but you know what, I studied in Victoria, so I prefer more elegant music and classical.
Even though classical artists are invited to the Obsidian Festival, this kind of music is more attractive to the tourists.
It started trending the last few years or so. When I was younger, jazz was all the rage.
I love spending the day on 2nd Avenue. With a few books with me, I can stay an entire day in one of the cafés.
Listening to music, having a cup of green tea, and enjoying the sea breeze...
It was then that I thought, Siesta must be the best city in the world.
Doctor You must really love this city.
Ceylon Of course! This is all possible due to the support I have, including from my family.
Besides my father, someone close to me works at the City Hall here.
You'll meet her soon. With her help, it will be much easier to determine how serious the problem is!
Doctor It sounds like you really trust her. / Are you talking about your mother?
Ceylon My mother died when she gave birth to me. After that, my father buried himself in his work.
Since I was little, she has been taking care of me as my bodyguard. Her name is Schwarz.
Whenever my father was busy with work, she patiently kept my company. Though we're not related by blood, she treats me just like a sister would, so I consider her to be an important part of my family.
I'll introduce you to her when we meet.
Look, Doctor, we're almost there. Let's head straight in.
<Background 2>
[A knock is heard from the door.]
Bodyguard Mister Cronin, Miss Ceylon would like to see you.
??? ...
Cronin What important matters bring you to the City Hall, milady?
Everyone is busy organizing the festival right now, so I'm afraid there is little time to spare.
Ceylon Cronin, I'll get to the point. The Siesta Volcano is likely to erupt soon. I can't say exactly when, but it could be as soon as the next few days.
In other words, all the citizens and tourists will be in danger. We need to start evacuating them and help them find shelter.
We must stop the Obsidian Festival right away.
Cronin Oh milady, do you know what you're saying?
Anyone else would have been driven out the moment they talked to me like that.
But because you're special, I'm willing to explain it just for you.
You don't have to worry about the volcano "issue" at all. Even though I don't know where you got your information, I can assure you that it's nonsense.
Ceylon ...Are you kidding me?
There's plenty of evidence that suggests that the volcano is active again and will likely erupt soon.
Cronin Such as?
Ceylon Agitation of the Originium slugs living there, unusual changes in temperature, and a strange smell. The conclusion should be obvious.
If you don't believe me, read the material I brought. It contains a detailed analysis and the conclusion.
Cronin Obvious? Did you go interview the Originium slugs? Or maybe the hot air, or that strange smell?
I don't quite understand. What do these baseless numbers have to do with this so-called imminent eruption?
All I know is, I designed the volcano observation system, the mayor built it, and it is still working well.
Right now, the Siesta Volcano's parameters aren't much different from previous years. If anything, they're even more stable?
Ceylon What are you talking about? The truth is right before you...
Doctor You're a Catastrophe Messenger, and you don't even know this much?
Cronin And who exactly are you?
Ceylon Dr. {nickname} is from a professional organization, with colleagues who are experts in volcanology.
These parameters were examined by the analysts from their specialized department.
Cronin I see, I see.
...Haha, I get it now.
So it was you bunch who managed to fool the mayor's daughter, strange visitors.
Ceylon What are you talking about?
Cronin Milady, isn't it obvious? You were duped by this faceless stranger.
Ceylon Cronin, what are you trying to say? You don't even believe my word?!
Cronin What I'm saying is, you've been studying abroad so you might not know this, but many people are jealous of Siesta's development.
These kinds of people appear every year. They've tried every trick in the book to try to stop our development. Blackmail, explosions, assassinations. They've even targeted no-name people like me.
Of course, this is not the first time that someone has tried to spread rumors about this so-called "volcanic eruption." However, it is the first time one of these rumors has even been able to deceive someone like you.
I must say, these grifters must have done their homework on the mayor. They even knew that you just returned from studying abroad.
And look at their nerve, marching into the City Hall like they own the place.
Ceylon ...You're right that I didn't know about this, but I'm telling the truth!
There's no way I'd just trust any stranger who shows up!
Cronin As far as I can tell, there's no difference between this "Doctor" and the swindlers I've encountered in the past.
There's no depths to which they won't stoop in order to take away this city!
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor You're jumping to conclusions...
Cronin Jumping to conclusions? Hah, that's what all you swindlers say.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor If this is a joke, it's not very funny.
Cronin What a coincidence. I didn't find your little joke funny either.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Cronin Milady, you're still young, so things like this are bound to happen sometimes.
But don't worry, these swindlers will be punished accordingly. This, I promise you.
Take them away.
Bodyguard Yes, sir.
Ceylon Cronin! You won't even listen to me now?
You won't have your way as long as I'm here!
Cronin What a pity then. I can't just stand by and watch you disturb Siesta's order.
Hurry and arrest these con-artists already.
Also, suppress Miss Ceylon as well. Don't hurt her though; just let her calm down a little!
Doctor Ceylon, watch out! / Hurry! We need to get out of here!

After operation

Ceylon and the Doctor escape from Cronin's grasp, and soon meet Schwarz, who Ceylon had introduced earlier. However, it seems that she's not on the same team...
<Background 1>
Ceylon Quick! Doctor! Let's head towards the beach!
There are a ton of tourists gathered on the beach, so we'll be able to blend into the crowd and shrug them off!
Bodyguard Stand still!
Ceylon You wish!
<Background fade in and out>
[The Feline woman whom the Doctor met before, now known as Schwarz, appears.]
Schwarz ...
Doctor Huh? You're...
Ceylon Schwarz! Great! You're finally here!
I'm so glad you're here. What's going on with Cronin?!
Doctor, she's the one I was telling you about...
Schwarz Milady, Master Doykos is currently out of town. You ought to listen to Cronin.
Ceylon Schwarz? What are you saying...?
Schwarz Let's head back to Cronin now and hand these people over.
I do not wish to resort to violence, milady.
Ceylon ...Schwarz?