Tutorial: OD-TR-1

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[A Metal Crab spawns as a Sandstorm blows to the right side of the map.]
<Game paused>
Tachanka Damn. Where do we even set up here?
Ash No time for belly-aching, there's another sandstorm up ahead.
Blitz At least those are more or less the same as the ones we know.
Even if they occasionally come with some nasty big critters in them.
Ash Be careful and keep your distance from the sandstorm.
That storm will damage our weapons, reducing our ATK, and quickly depleting our stamina. Once HP is fully depleted, redeployment time will be greatly increased.
[A Dirt Mound is highlighted.]
Ash Get to cover, quick! Those dirt mounds make good shelter from the sandstorm.
[An entire lane to the right of the Dirt Mound highlighted before are highlighted.]
Ash They protect a row of tiles behind them from its effects.
[The Dirt Mound is highlighted again.]
Frost A storm that intense will wear down those mounds pretty quick! The sandstorm will keep knocking down the dirt mounds until they're all destroyed.
PRTS Sandstorm is a common weather disaster in Sargon, and should be evaded from if possible.
Travelers seek to transverse the barrens may look for large dirt mounds to shelter from sandstorm.
[The Dirt Mound is highlighted again.]
PRTS However dirt mounds do not stay solid, and will start to crumble under the attack of sandstorm.
[Another Dirt Mound nearby is highlighted.]
PRTS Use Reinforcements to fortify the nearby dirt mounds to form a shield against sandstorm.
<Game unpaused>
[Blitz and Frost are deployed as two Reinforcement Devices "work" on the highlighted Dirt Mounds (the player can deploy another Reinforcement Device on a Dirt Mound behind Frost); once they finishes, the Dirt Mounds are reinforced and no longer take damage from the Sandstorm, and more Metal Crabs spawn. Ash is deployed close to Blitz shortly after, protected from the Sandstorm by a reinforced Dirt Mound (the player can also deploy Tachanka to support the rest of the squad). Team Rainbow eventually managed to dispatch all Metal Crabs. However, two other Metal Crabs spawn from the left side just as the Dirt Mound covering Blitz from the Sandstorm collapses.]
<Game paused>
[The newly spawning Metal Crab is highlighted.]
Blitz Here come those stony crabs again, and not just one!
Frost Fall back, Blitz! Get clear of that sandstorm!
[The Metal Crab is highlighted again.]
Blitz Hold up there, the crabs look like the sandstorm's getting to them. Seems it significantly reduces enemy movement speed.
[A hole close to Blitz, on where the collapsed Dirt Mound used to be, is highlighted.]
Ash Blitz, do you see those pits? The metal crabs may be tough, but they don't seem very smart. Try pulling them into those pits, but watch your own feet!
Blitz Sure, looks like an option.
<Game unpaused>
[Blitz starts to lose HP from the Sandstorm as the Metal Crabs, noticeably moving slower, walks straight into the hole to reach Blitz, only to met their demise.]