Operator dialogue: Młynar

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Part of the dialogues are spoken in Polish, rendered with Polish orthographies on the table below to distinguish them from the English dialogues.
Appointed as Assistant If you've thought it through, I have no qualms with it. Please let me know when the documents are due.
Talk 1 ...Please, go ahead. It's okay. Reading the paper is just an unhelpful habit I picked up in the Grand Knight Territory, but one can learn much more from a day's trip outside the city than a hundred papers can teach... It's true that the Nearl name often shows up in the headlines, but there's no need to pay that any mind.
Talk 2 I'm afraid I can't advise Rhodes Island on its affairs in Kazimierz. I may have spent a decade in that tower, but only as an unambitious nobody. I'm in no position to express my views on the General Chamber of Commerce. The sword...? Yes, I know how to use one, and I've always used the same one.
Talk 3 No need to have Maria come see me. She's not a child anymore, and ought to make her own decisions, lest she embarrass her parents. A knight should temper themselves through travel, and no matter what she does under Rhodes Island's wing, she must always be responsible for her own actions.
Talk after Promotion 1 Leithanien's conspiracies... Nothing more than trifles that happened years ago. It doesn't change the fact that I'm an ordinary citizen, nor does it change anything else. To Kazimierzians, stars and heroes come and go. The success they enjoy is only that which they are permitted.
Talk after Promotion 2 Seems Margaret kept the title she earned from that charade. Hmph, so she still sees her actions as a victory, after squandering the Nearls' glory in those cheap commercial performances... My Originium Arts? Niestety (Alas)[note 1] I can nary illuminate a thing.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 No need to teach me how to get along with the Infected...You should be aware of my time spent living among the refugees...? The Infected, the disabled, the bankrupt, the famished and poor... they're all the same in the ways that matter. The most honorable thing they can hope to achieve is climbing out of their tent in the settlement before their final moments arrive.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 You, too, encourage the others to throw themselves at a cause that will yield no results. Those who attempt to walk through fire in the dark night will only find themselves immolated. That said, you don't need my advice, given the path you so obstinately walk alone.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 In the first two years after they left the Grand Knight Territory, the campaign knights would often bring me their letters. By the time the last one arrived, Maria was already old enough to understand its gist... Whether the letters were written beforehand makes no difference to me, but given the weight of their lives and deaths, they wouldn't have disappeared without so much as a peep.
Idle Pustkowie bez światła...
(A wilderness without light...)[note 2]
Onboard Młynar Nearl. Per our contract's provisions, I shall assist Rhodes Island with its operations in Kazimierz. ...You already knew my name. I'm neither a knight, nor do I have a title.
Watching Battle Record Mądry Kazimierzanin po szkodzie...
(A Kazimierzian is smart after the damage is done...)[note 3]
Promotion 1 I appreciate your appraisal, if you consider such ordinary performance worthy of promotion.
Promotion 2 Titles and positions are both meaningless. The knights of the Nearl family do not require recognition to walk their paths. Even in modern Kazimierz, where every path leads to darkness.
Added to Squad Man has forgotten true struggle... as well as those who require it to survive.
Appointed as Squad Leader ...Follow me.
Depart Sand, dust, and blood. Most fail to imagine the sight of their admixture.
Begin Operation To think they are unaware of their own shame...
Selecting Operator 1 I'm fully prepared.
Selecting Operator 2 Hm.
Deployment 1 These so-called foes... not even worth drawing my sword.
Deployment 2 Just like the old days?... No.
In Battle 1 This won't hurt your eyes.
In Battle 2 How very tiring.
In Battle 3 Pada deszcz.
(It rains.)[note 4]
In Battle 4 That sigh... still haunts my mind.
4-star Result You still have full confidence in everything... With these people's fate in your hand, you still believe there will be a happy ending.
3-star Result If you have no other work for me, I shall take my leave.
Sub 3-star Result Deserters... they always have somewhere to hide, among their like-minded brethren.
Operation Failure Mark my words, there will be battles you cannot win. Have you considered the consequences of those inevitable failures?
Assigned to Facility You... accommodate quite a few people here.
Tap ...I believe I've made a suggestion regarding this matter?
Trust Tap Kazimierz's knight novels... Hmph... The Grand Knight Territory no longer has room for such fantasies.
Greeting Good day... "Doktor."
Title Arknights.

Appointed as Assistant Just another rainfall.
Talk 1 I've never guaranteed your survival for following me, Toland. If it was their lives that your hunters valued, they shouldn't have stepped onto the battlefield or had their recklessness take over them in the first place... Their deaths are not what you need to downplay for your mockery. You will always remember. As will I.
Talk 2 The rivalries in the halls of power never ceased, they've merely become a part of the opportunistic pursuit of profit. The only constant is the innocent being dragged into the cesspool. As vassals of a treasonous knight, your parents were forced to take you into their involuntary flight ere the fabricated incrimination could arrive... Czcibor, why? Why didn't you... flee even further?
Talk 3 Why are you still here? Our ideals have come to an end, and I witnessed their final moments... No, never mind. You wish to spar? Then pick up your spear. Entrust your future not to a failure, but to sacrifice, and the pain in your flesh. Come.
Talk after Promotion 1 Father, you once told me that longswords are suitable only for valorous young knights. But the National Council's miscarriage of justice, the General Chamber of Commerce's rise to prominence—everything I've wanted to stop, my blade was useless to prevent. I couldn't remove your lesions, and with it by my side I watched as Schnitz left... I merely became accustomed to its prescence.
Talk after Promotion 2 Golden plains, a field of wheat, the path of a nomadic city, and the wake of a Catastrophe. The manor's garden, the arena, and those who hand over their last coin along with their last harvest... Father, I've always tried to walk a righteous path.
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Forget it, Schnitz. How am I to tutor Maria in your stead? I am no knight, and certainly no father. No one would call me "gentle." Besides... I never once imagined I would actually return to this place... Why, Schnitz? Why am I the one to remain?
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Margaret doesn't speak to me, but considering how she was back then... we had no need to. She is just like you were at that age, Yolanta, too much so. She will experience the same things you did, and she will never regret them. That I should tarry at her side more? Hmph, there's no point.
Talk after Trust Increase 3 The Grand Knight Territory's appearance is ever-fluid. Today, the city exhibits no trace of what it was twenty years ago, its sunset-lit silhouette sunken and gone... Yet its nightscapes still spring up to my mind at times wanted and at times not. Often, I find myself thinking that I should at least... try to seek out and reclaim that past.
Idle The sound of a rainstorm in the wilderness...
Onboard "Fear neither hardship nor darkness..." Hmph. A bygone time unworthy of remembering. A dream, far too lucid.
Watching Battle Record Nearly the same struggles and sacrifices...
Promotion 1 Blank paperwork for promotion within the order, excerpts from the recon knights' reports on our movements... Schnitz often sent these things, as his way of saying hello.
Promotion 2 How should I present myself...? As the one slandered by the papers and the groundless gossip in town? Or as the wanderer who once treated that vilification as a badge of honor?
Added to Squad To think they all still believe that blood is not spilled in vain...
Appointed as Squad Leader Follow me.
Depart The sound of the wind in the barrens... Far too familiar.
Begin Operation It would seem they have yet to remember what to fear.
Selecting Operator 1 Yes?
Selecting Operator 2 Blade whetted again... for but another battle...
Deployment 1 Do I need to repeat myself on the battle plan?
Deployment 2 All those... I have yet to abandon.
In Battle 1 It will be over before you feel the pain.
In Battle 2 Face the tide? Hmph.
In Battle 3 The sunlight will have to wait.
In Battle 4 Even if there is but a sigh at the very end.
4-star Result There is no one man who loftily sneers at the pointlessness of it all... Time speeds past us equally.
3-star Result ...Wake me up.
Sub 3-star Result From the windows of Kawalerielki's towers, my eyes have grown tired of those men and their unpunished misdeeds.
Operation Failure "Failure can be endured." ... But the price is always dear.
Assigned to Facility I have no promises to make.
Tap I can tell who you are. Speak freely.
Trust Tap Do not add any frivolous decorations to my sword, Toland... In the Grand Knight Territory, there are merchants eying the Nearl name. They will do as you do, and ridicule me in your place.
Greeting Do I long for the old days? No. I simply cannot forget. That which I saw in the places untouched by light... and could do nothing about.
Title Arknights.

Near Light quotes

Daily Task missions #1 Please take a look at the collaborative matters between our two companies. If you have any questions or concerns, I'll report them as soon as possible.
Daily Task missions #2 If you don't have any other questions, then I will take my leave. There are still other company meetings for me to attend to.
Daily Task missions #3 The way you treat the Infected... Ah, don't worry about it.
Daily Task missions #4 Pardon me for not answering any questions related to my family. It's not work-related.
Daily Task missions #5 Head to work, do my job, get off work, go home. My life isn't so different from that of any ordinary person in Kazimierz.
Daily Task missions #6 I, Młynar Nearl, am contacting Rhodes Island on behalf of our company. This is my business card — please have a look.
Daily Task missions #7 Toland? No, I didn't know him particularly well.


  1. In Polish, alternatively "What a shame"
  2. In Polish; "światła" is pronounced "svwiatwuia"
  3. In Polish; "Mądry" is pronounced "Mangdry"
  4. In Polish, alternatively "The rain falls"