Operator overview: Młynar

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Młynar is a 6★ Liberator Guard who specializes in DPS and Nuker. As a Liberator Guard, Młynar will only attack and block enemies whenever his skill is active, which has a range of 1 tile ahead and to the sides of him, and can block up to two enemies or three at Elite 2. To offset this, Młynar will gain an ATK buff which starts after his skill is not active that gradually increases up to 200% of his base ATK over 40 seconds (at a rate of 5% ATK per second), which will be reset when the skill expires after being activated. Młynar also has a surprisingly very high HP for a Guard, around the same level — if not superior — to Dreadnought Guards, and a relatively low DP cost.


  1. Wanderer slightly increases Młynar's ATK in each attack, which is further increased and also lowers the damage he takes when at least three enemies are in the surrounding tiles to him.
  2. Unmoved has Młynar Taunt enemies but those who attacked Kazimierzian Operators (including Pinus Sylvestris Operators and Młynar himself) while he is deployed will take True damage equal to a small portion of Młynar's ATK.
    • The combination of his talents with his low DP cost and high durability makes Młynar one of the best tankers against long-ranged enemies.


All three of Młynar's skills increase the damage dealt by his attacks.

  1. Unvoiced Anger also buffs Młynar's DEF.
  2. Unresolved Sorrow also extends Młynar's range to 2×3 tiles with a 1-tile extension ahead of him (like that of Heavyshooter Snipers before Elite 1) and make his attacks deliver two hits but increases his attack interval while active, which can be manually deactivated at the player's discretion. Should Młynar defeats an enemy while Unresolved Sorrow is active, the ATK buff from his trait will not be reset!
  3. Unbrilliant Glory also extends Młynar's range to 3×3 tiles with a 1-tile extension ahead of him and 1×2 tiles extensions on the sides, doubles the ATK buff from his trait, and makes his attacks hit up to five enemies within range, but the ATK buff will decay at a rate of 10% each time Młynar defeats an enemy while Unbrilliant Glory is active. In addition, should enemies within Młynar's range be attacked by Kazimierzian Operators (including Młynar himself) while Unbrilliant Glory is active, they will receive an instance of True damage equal to a small portion of Młynar's ATK.
    • Unbrilliant Glory is one of the most powerful burst damage skills, eclipsing SilverAsh's Truesilver Slash by a slight margin, and should be his go-to skill.

Base skills

Młynar's base skills provide various bonuses while he is assigned to the Control Center.

  1. Self-Absorbed makes Operators in the Control Center recover 0.05 morale every hour, which stacks with similar base skills.
  2. Business is Business makes Operators assigned to the Power Plant, HR Office, and Reception Room recover 0.1 morale every hour and applies the base skills that provides morale recovery to Operators in the Control Center (including Młynar's Self-Absorbed) to Operators working in Factories, Trading Posts, Power Plants, HR Office, and Reception Room.


Młynar is a great Liberator Guard who prefers to take time before unleashing his full force at his enemies for devastating results.

Młynar has had enough being a corporate slave and stops holding back, so don't even think to touch the Nearls or face the dire consequences.