Operation guide: Locked-Down Prison

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Locked-Down Prison guide.png
#4 (Lead Seal) Rotating Site (Day 1 and 2, and 10)
#5 (Spectrum) Rotating Site (Day 7 and 12)
#6 (Wild Scales) Rotating Site (Day 5 and 14)

Locked-Down Prison features Prisoner enemies from Mansfield Break who are initially on the "imprisoned" state where they are weaker due to having reduced ASPD but will become "freed" after attacking several times, granting them an ATK buff and new abilities that made them more threatening than before; in addition, Sniper Prisoners' attacks do Arts damage and Pugilist Prisoners' attacks ignore a portion of the victim's DEF. The elite Prisoner enemies, however, are worth noting due to their dangers should they are freed:

  • Strongman Prisoners, who will be able to regenerate HP and have some RES once freed, making them less susceptible to Arts damage and heal themselves if left unattended.
  • Caster Prisoners; unlike other Prisoner enemies, they cannot attack while imprisoned and thus are unable to free themselves unless from outside intervention (see below), though they are still quite troublesome due to their presence buffing the ASPD of other enemies (that fortunately does not stack) and having increased DEF while imprisoned. Should they are freed, Caster Prisoners can easily take down Operators with their long-ranged Arts attack capable of hitting up to two targets at once, and to add insult to injury, targets Imprisonment Devices over friendly units! The Objective: Instigator contracts will make Caster Prisoners even more troublesome by increasing the DEF buff they receive while imprisoned and the ASPD buff to all enemies, allowing them to shrug off most physical attacks while also making their fellow inmates attack even faster.
  • The (Infamous) Recidivist, who are the strongest of all Prisoner enemies and similar to Caster Prisoners, gain a DEF buff while imprisoned. However, one should watch out that these convicts will free all other imprisoned enemies when freed for the first time, which is also the only way to free Caster Prisoners as mentioned above, so try to kill the (Infamous) Recidivist ASAP before they landed enough attacks to let out their cry of freedom.

Even worse, the Objective: Hidden Everywhere contracts make certain Prisoner enemies invisible while the Objective: Unbound contracts will reduce the number of attacks needed by Prisoner enemies to free themselves as well as reducing the ASPD penalty they have while imprisoned and increasing their ATK buff once freed, allowing them to quickly overwhelm even the sturdiest of Operators! Thankfully, two Imprisonment Devices are available, which emits a blinding flash that stuns enemies and causes freed Prisoner enemies to be imprisoned again – if the Prisoner enemy is still imprisoned, however, the Imprisonment Device will not reset the Prisoner's attack count to free themselves, allowing them to turn the tables when used correctly so long as the player keep Sniper Prisoners and freed Caster Prisoners out of their reach, as they will attack Imprisonment Devices over friendly units.