Operator story: Indra

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One of the founding members of Glasgow who lives together with Morgan, Baird, and the others in the Norport Borough of Londinium, Hannah Jackson, nicknamed "Indra", the brash and boisterous Feline was previously the gang's leader whose rough nature had been a problem to the locals. This lasted until her fair defeat by Vina aka. "Siege", who took control of the gang's leadership and made Indra her second-in-command. As one of the only few members who knows Siege's identity as the fleeing Aslan King of Victoria, Indra has been swearing herself to be the fist of the king by fighting for her side.

As Londinium deteriorated following its occupation by the Military Commission of Kazdel, Indra faithfully followed Siege to seek help from Rhodes Island in resolving the Victorian Crisis. Despite countless difficulties that make her regret, especially after Baird's accidental death during the Norport hostage, Indra is still as tough as ever. Indeed, Indra will aways stays on her majesty's side as a brave knightess of the peasants.


Morgan: Beneath the Worthy Wheel

Dagda: How She Strode Onward

Indra: The Guide to Mutual Learning

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12

Episode 13