Operator overview: Elysium

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Elysium is a 5★ Standard Bearer Vanguard who specializes in DP-Recovery and Support. As a Standard Bearer Vanguard, Elysium can neither attack nor block enemies while his skill is active, making him ill-suited for direct combat; therefore, it is advised to place Elysium out of harm's way, especially due to his below-average stats when compared to other Vanguards. On the upside, Elysium's DP cost is among the lowest of all Vanguards with 9 at Elite 1 and maximum potential.


Sniper Support reduces the DP cost of Snipers by 1 (2 at Elite 2) while Elysium is deployed and buffs their ASPD while his skill is active


  1. Similar to other Standard Bearer Vanguards' first skill, Support γ generates 18 DP over 8 seconds.
  2. Monitor generates 20 DP over 15 seconds, during which Elysium locks onto three (four from Level 7) enemies in the surrounding tiles with 3-tile extensions in all four cardinal directions to him; the locked enemies have their DEF and movement speed reduced, and becomes visible if they are invisible.
    • Monitor is one of the only ways to counter invisible enemies, and its DEF and MSPD reduction makes it one of the better, if not the best, supporting skills in Arknights, thus it should be Elysium's go-to skill.

Operator Module

The BEA-X Module, Emergency Callbook, increases the block count of the Operator ahead of Elysium by 1 while his skill is active in addition to increasing his maximum HP and DEF. Once upgraded, Sniper Support's ASPD buff is increased.

Base skills

Elysium's base skills improves clue search efficiency while he is assigned to the Reception Room and are influenced by how long Elysium had been assigned to the Reception Room; the longer he is assigned there, the more effective the base skills will be.

  1. Correspondent, makes Rhodes Island clues easier to obtain.
  2. Pioneer makes the next obtained clue more likely to be the R.I. one if the previously obtained clue is not.


Elysium is a great Standard Bearer Vanguard with the ability generate large sums of DP in a short space of time to facilitate the rapid deployment of Operators, especially high-cost ones, and can be useful to mitigate the restrictions on DP accumulation in certain operations, notably Contingency Contract which features the Objective: Deep Infiltration contracts that reduces DP generation rate to a snail's pace (especially the second and third ones), though his supportive capabilities allow him to remain on the field longer than other Vanguards.