Operator file: Doc

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Unofficial English translations provided by Shainel.

Operator Doc is one of the members of Team Rainbow. He's a kind, considerate, helpful and trusted by his own teammates. He carries a MPD-0 stim pistol which he uses to inject first aid medicine from long distance to provide assistance towards injured teammates.

Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Doc
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there is no sign of infection. At this time, this operator is believed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Doc shows no signs of Originium infection.

[Blood-Originium Crystal Density] Undisclosed
Relevant data will not be disclosed due to the Medical Department's agreement.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Doc
Operator Gustave Kateb, codename Doc, member of Team Rainbow, one of the witnesses of the Krystal incident and was registered as one of collaborators for Rhodes Island after said incident. Doc is a well-trained medical expert. Whether in a clean, tidy clinic or a chaotic battlefield frontline, he can treat the injured ones in timely manner. Aside from being an expert in the clinical environment, Doc also has also accomplishments in other medical fields and those are what quickly earned him the trust from Rhodes Island. It should be taken into account that the Team Rainbow members are only temporarily cooperating with us and are not official employees of Rhodes Island. They're still busy with other stuffs they need to do so please don't rely on them too much.
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Doc
Whether it's from small talk, working together, medical consultation or academic discussion, almost everyone who has interacted with Doc will be impressed by his kindness, friendliness and patience.
When he returned to Rhodes Island to resupply, he would often volunteer to help the Medical Department. "It will help me to learn more about your diseases and relieve your burden." said by himself. Initially, everyone thought having a well-trained doctor to help is great. Later they discovered he's more than just well-trained.
He knows various branches of medicine studies (some even unheard of by others), has a pair of surprisingly dexterous hands and after some time of adaptation, he already knows how to skillfully deal with various Oripathy symptoms in accordance to Rhodes Island's standard to the point everyone hoped he stayed longer to lessen their workload.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Doc
Doc really cares about Oripathy - I know it's strange to hear that people working in medical field don't care but you should really take a glance at the dense annotations he made on his new collections of research papers on Oripathy and it's not something ordinary people are capable of. He used different colored pens to mark, summarize, write down conflicting questions and his thoughts, wrote entire papers and discuss it with people.
Oh yes, he also has a book with newspaper clippings which mainly consists of news in regards of Infected. I'm ashamed to even see such a good-natured person getting angry because of the suffering of the Infected.
Why am I ashamed you ask?
Because seeing his anger made me realize I'm slightly desensitized to the persecution of the Infected. I really need an anger from such person to remind me injustices are injustices. Even if the whole world is accustomed to it, I still have the right- no the responsibility to being angry.
——A certain operator from Medical Department.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Doc
For Rhodes Island, Doc is a collaborator, an unexpected help and a person worthy of respect. But for the members of Team Rainbow, his existence means in a simpler and more direct way. Using his own words "My job is to make sure you're safe and I don't mind if you give me a bit challenges."
In battle Doc doesn't shield everyone like Blitz, doesn't throw flashbangs like Fuze, not creative enough like Ela nor does he "surprises" enemies like Iana from unexpected places. But no matter who's in Team Rainbow, as long as they can hear his voice from the comms they will feel at ease.
Because he said that it's his duty to protect his teammates. No matter how difficult it is, he kept his word.
Promotion Record
Promote Doc to Elite 2
【Classified Record】
When Doc's application was handed to me, I had been working on it for three days straight and my brain started to overheat itself to the point I almost modified the barrel of stim pistol to adapt to Originium powder industrial ketone ammo.
But then again, out of all weapons from Team Rainbow, this was the one I'm most comfortable in modifying it. The entire weapon was driven by high-pressure gas and it's not that much different from other pneumatic launchers, at least in principle. I switched it to a gas tank so that it can use the same gas like other pneumatic launchers and reduces its kinetic energy after the it's replaced with one. After all it's used to save people and not to hit people or violently set their bones straight like Gavial when she's not there.
Another thing to note that I feel it's necessary to mention here - please do not submit his and Doctor's applications at the same time to the Engineering Department! If Closure didn't feel something is wrong, Doc would've brought a newly repaired water kettle instead of his stim pistol to the battlefield!

Weibo introduction

English translations provided by Shainel.
Rainbow Team member, codename Doc. Don't worry I'll keep you safe.
Operator Gustave Kateb, codename Doc, member of Rainbow Team, one of the witnesses of the Krystal incident and was registered as one of collaborators for Rhodes Island after said incident.
Doc is a well-trained medical expert. Whether in a clean, tidy clinic or a chaotic battlefield frontline, he can treat the injured ones in timely manner.
Aside from being an expert in the clinical environment, Doc also has also accomplishments in other medical fields and those are what quickly earned him the trust from Rhodes Island.