Operation story: DH-TR-1

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Dossoles Guard A icon.png
DWC Player B icon.png

During operation

<Game paused>
Ernesto The two of you might still not be familiar with this city, please allow me to explain.
To simulate an ocean, the Casters control the tide. When someone's under tidal erosion, their combat capability will be affected, no matter who they are.
And obviously, if the tide erodes the ground, deploying on it will be very tricky.
Lin Yühsia What a pain.
<Game unpaused>
[A Tactical Hound appears just as waves begin to crash to the shores. Right after, a high tide surges and covers most of the area in saltwater as the Hound engages Bubble, who is suffering from "Erosion" and attacks slower.]
<Game paused>
Ch'en Gah, starting to lose strength...
Ernesto It indeed works this way: Once the tide starts eroding them, allied personnel will receive Erosion, and their ASPD will decrease. Moreover, combat equipment will receive continuous Corrosion, which will be accelerated if an enemy attacks it.
<Game unpaused>
[More Hounds show up as Bubble takes out the first, but notice a circular meter is displayed on Bubble which goes down over time and when she is attacked. Eventually the meter, which displays the amount of Corrosion Damage accumulated, is depleted, causing Bubble to receive some damage and loses some DEF.]
<Game paused>
Ernesto <Bubble is highlighted> When Corrosion accumulates to a certain extent, equipment will catastrophically malfunction. At that point, it'll cause massive Physical damage, as well as permanent DEF reduction.
Luckily, though it's not always surefire, enemy control of the tide usually can't take it to the high grounds. You can exploit this weakness of those enemy Casters, and have your ranged units assist from higher elevation.
<Game unpaused>
[Aciddrop is deployed shortly after to help Bubble, and both of them managed to eliminate the Hounds as the tide recedes, drying out the area and stops Bubble's Corrosion Damage from building up further.]
<Game paused>
Ernesto The tide's receded for the moment, but we're not in much better of a place.
And don't forget, ground eroded by the tide cannot be deployed on. Make sure you're all composed before then.
<Game unpaused>
[Gavial is deployed to heal Bubble just as another high tide surges and Delinquents appear.]
<Game paused>
Ch'en I more or less get it now.
<The Delinquents on the upper lane, who were affected by Erosion as well, are highlighted> And to spin it around, tidal erosion has no alignment. Enemies are just as susceptible to Erosion, and they won't just have decreased ASPD and Movement Speed, but they'll continually lose HP too.
So as long as we can hold out, it's also a chance for us to attack, am I right?
Ernesto Good call, Miss Ch'en. That's absolutely correct.
Ch'en Then it's our turn on the offense.
<Game unpaused>
[(The player deploys Jessica and May, and later Beagle on the bottom lane at their discretion) Despite the Delinquents' dexterity, the Erosion from the tide weakens them enough to allow the Operators to take them out.]

After operation

<Background 1>
Ernesto Ch'en and Lin are amazing.
If only they were participating in this year's competitions, things could've been so much more fun. But...
[Ernesto's phone rings. He answers the call from a Dossolesian security guard.]
Bodyguard D.D.D. agreed to MC.
Ernesto I see... I guess I feel kind of bad for Eureka, though...
But there really isn't much else they could've done, given that slip-up in the broadcast.
Prepare a gift for me. I will break it to her myself.
Bodyguard Right away.
[Ernesto ends the call. A Dossoles Warrior Champion contestant approached him right after.]
Contestant Yo, Boss, finally opening up, eh?
Ernesto You want to get something retrofitted here?
Contestant Ye, I heard you got mad skills when it comes to this stuff. Been waiting for you to open the whole time.
Ernesto Show me the stickers you got.
Contestant Righto.
The contestant sets a cloth bag down the counter.
Ernesto Looks like luck was on your side... Come with me. The warehouse's this way.
<Background fades out and in>
DH - Stickers.png
Tips You may now head to Dossoles Sidearm Protection Armor Boutique, a.k.a. Dossoles S.P.A. Boutique, to learn more about the Stickers!
<Background fades out and in>
[After Ernesto finished explaining things to the contestant...]
Ernesto This tells you what you need to know, right?
Contestant Ye, it's convenient.
Yo, thanks, Boss. You're a great guy, so kind to me, even though I'm not from here.
Ernesto Not at all.
Contestant Well, I'mma get going!
Ernesto Come again!
[The contestant leaves.]
Ernesto Phew... I'll probably have to explain everything again later to Ch'en and Lin. I guess I'll clean up a little and leave them some room for their collectibles.
And great guy, huh...? Haha.
If only...