Operator overview: Coldshot

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Coldshot is a 5★ Hunter Sniper who specializes in DPS and the welfare Operator of Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures, awarded by completing the Prize Exchange Office mission which requires the player to clear CV-4 with Coldshot's Token.png Coldshot's Token available in the Shack by the Tower for 200 Shoddy Fuel.png, 240 Shoddy Fuel.png, 280 Shoddy Fuel.png, 320 Shoddy Fuel.png, and 360 Shoddy Fuel.png.

What defines Coldshot as a Hunter Sniper is that she requires ammo to attack (not to be confused with the Ammunition mechanic), which she generates periodically with the reload interval matching her attack interval (but are not affected by ASPD modifiers) and capped at four shots which increases to six at Elite 1 and eight from Elite 2, having the range of 2×3 tiles with 2-tile extensions up front (like that of Lord Guards from Elite 1) which is extended to 3 tiles from Elite 1. To offset the fact that she cannot attack while not having ammo, all of Coldshot's attacks will deal 1.2× damage and she also have higher ATK than other Snipers, between Heavyshooters and Deadeyes, and her DP cost is around the same as Flingers.


Not to be Outdone increases the damage dealt by Coldshot's next attack after she does not attack for 2 seconds.


  1. ATK Up γ buffs Coldshot's ATK while active.
  2. Party Night lengthens Coldshot's reload interval but buffs her ATK and causes her attacks to momentarily Slow the target while active.

Base skills

  1. Million Dollar Smile has Operators in the Control Center (including Coldshot herself) recover 0.05 morale per hour while Coldshot is assigned there, which stacks with other similar base skills.
  2. Wet Your Whistles increases the morale recovery rate of Operators resting in the same Dormitory as Coldshot by 0.8 per hour which is distributed equally to all Operators that would benefit from it.


Coldshot is an odd but solid introduction to Hunter Snipers who can deliver pinpoint accurate shots so long as her ammunition supply holds out and she takes time to line up her targets with her sights.

She may be a middle-aged woman, but make no mistake, as the idiom says, "Beauty and skill has no age", Coldshot can still kick your enemies' butts!