ISW-NO: Blood for Blood

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Blood for Blood
Face Off
Blood for Blood map.png
Choose an opponent to be fought. Failing will not deduct Life Points. The more difficult the opponent is, the better the rewards


Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
6 20 Varies 9


Normal Lakeside Lifeguard ×0–3, Arc Screenguard Captain ×0–3, Ergate Leader ×0–3, Tiacauh Fanatic ×0–3
Elite Hateful Avenger ×0–3, Pugilist Prisoner ×0–3, Duck Lord ×0–3, "The Brigadier" ×0–3, Mead-Grade Waker-Upper ×0–3, Shattered Champion ×0–3, Fatty ×0–3, Enraged Tombkeeper Grotesque ×0–3, Gopnik ×0–3, Fortuna, Fallen Angel ×0–3, "Brassrust" Olmer Ingra ×0–3, "Left-hand" Tytus Topola ×0–3, Arc Frontliner ×0–3, The Candle Knight Viviana ×0–3, Enraged Possessed Leader ×0–3, Originiutant ×0–3, R-31a Heavy Power Armor ×0–3, Sarkaz Greatswordsman ×0–3, Sarkaz Caster Leader ×0–3, Sophisticated Flycart ×0–3, Tiacauh Champion ×0–3, Crying Thief ×0–3
Boss "Hateful Avenger" ×0–3, Jesselton Williams ×0–3, Mon2tr ×0–3, Sarkaz Centurion ×0–3