Operation guide: Blazing Cavern

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Blazing Cavern guide.png
#7 (Pine Soot) Rotating Site (Day 1 and 2, and 14)
#8 (Dawnseeker) Rotating Site (Day 5 and 11)
#9 (Deepness) Rotating Site (Day 7 and 12)
#10 (Ashring) Rotating Site (Day 3)

Blazing Cavern is not quite difficult due to the enemies being mostly the standard Reunion rank-and-file, but the rather confined space to deploy Operators and Lava Cracks that periodically erupts to deal Pure damage to friendlies caught in its wake will be an issue.

The main problem of Blazing Cavern is the boss, Pompeii. First seen in Heart of Surging Flame, this gargantuan, molten Originium Slug spew fireballs capable of hitting up to four targets within range in each attack, which also burns the victims for a short time, and will erupt to deal heavy damage when blocked for a time. While having a meager stats, the Pompeii contracts will amp up the namesake to eleven; unlike in previous Contingency Contract operations, these Contracts can be stacked:

  • The Desperate Survival Contracts will buff Pompeii's HP and makes it attack even faster once its HP falls below 50%.
  • The Tough Constitution Contracts will buff Pompeii's HP, DEF, and RES, making it a really tough nut to crack.
  • The Internal Eruption Contracts will buff Pompeii's HP and enhances its eruption ability by increasing the damage dealt and reducing the delay before it erupts!
  • The Unstoppable Force Contracts will buff Pompeii's ATK, greatly extending its attack range, makes it immune to slow, bind, and stun, and finally makes it invisible, literally turning it into an unstoppable beast!
  • The Viscous Flame Contracts will increase the burn damage dealt by Pompeii's attacks in addition to extending the burn effect's duration.