Operation guide: Beast Taming

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One of the (Emergency) Operations in the 1st floor of Phantom & Crimson Solitaire, Beast Taming is identical in all but name and tileset to Pack of Beasts in Ceobe's Fungimist, but features Originium Altar that periodically damages every unit in its range as well as Sarkaz Guerrilla Fighters in place of Loggers, which not only immune to Originium Altar's effect, but being enhanced by it instead and deals Arts damage instead of Physical.

  • To deal with Sarkaz Guerrilla Fighters:
    • Since they have low DEF, it's recommended to deploy Snipers to deal damage, if possible, defeat them while they're idle.
      • If possible, try to deploy them outside of the Altar's range, if not possible, deploy Medics to prevent them from getting defeated by it.
    • Since they will stay within the Altar's range, their attacks will always deal Arts damage, so if defeating them before they move is not possible, deploy Operators with high HP or RES to be able to last longer against them.