Operator overview: Beanstalk

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Beanstalk is a 4★ Tactician Vanguard who specializes in DP-Recovery and, unusually for her class, Summon. Unlike other Vanguards, Beanstalk is a ranged Operator who can only be deployed on ranged tiles and have a ranged attack with similar ATK, attack interval, and range to Marksman Snipers, which also extends to her stats, and can deploy a Reinforcement on an open melee tile designated as the "Tactical Point" within her range which, unlike summoned units, neither costs DP nor uses up the Unit Limit, and fully restores its HP over a period of time that shortens in each promotion in the event it is defeated during which the Reinforcement is invulnerable but can neither attack nor block enemies; should Beanstalk herself leaves the map, the Reinforcement will disappear even if it is reviving itself. Beanstalk also deals 1.5× damage when attacking enemies that are being blocked by her Reinforcement.


Professional Breeder has Beanstalk use a Metal Crab Guard Team as her Reinforcement. Unlike the higher-rarity Tacticians' Reinforcement however, the Metal Crab has no special abilities.


  1. Sentinel Command generates 8 DP and refreshes the Metal Crab by instantly reviving it or fully restoring its HP.
  2. "Everyone Together!" deploy additional Metal Crabs in the adjacent open melee tiles to the Tactical Point when activated and generates 12 DP over 15 seconds, during which both the prime and additional Metal Crabs will have their DEF buffed. The additional Metal Crabs will disappear when defeated or retreated, unlike the prime one, or when "Everyone Together!" expires.

Base skills

Beanstalk's base skills improve the efficiency of Factories while she is assigned to one.

  1. Metal Crab - Peacake increases productivity by 15%.
  2. Metal Crab - Trey increases capacity by 8 and reduces Beanstalk's morale drain rate by 0.25 per hour.


Beanstalk is a unique introduction to the Tactician Vanguards who, rather than fighting on lower ground, prefers to fight from the higher ground and using Metal Crabs as backups to support her holding the line in the early game.

Those who underestimate Beanstalk and her lovely Metal Crabs are in for a bad day.