Operator story: Beanstalk

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The Columbian Rebbah Beanstalk is a farmer with the unusual occupation of breeding Metal Crabs — that's right, the same Terran creature with an unusually thick skin which has been encountered as enemies by Rhodes Island on certain occasions. Her efforts were initially looked down upon by many, including her parents, as Metal Crabs have no practical use or economic value for most people. However, when Beanstalk offered her service to Rhodes Island, she demonstrated that Metal Crabs can be used as pack beasts due to their high strength-to-mass ratio (because the hostile Metal Crabs are resilient yet surprisingly lightweight) and as scouts.

Now Beanstalk is a combat support operative for R.I., utilizing her herds of Metal Crabs to hold the line.


The following story events are not necessarily in a chronological order.

Beyond Here

Perfumer: Refurbishment Plans

Beanstalk: The Wilds Do They Call

Cantabile: A Fowl Through the Window