Operator story: Almond

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A talkative Bolívarian Perro engineer employed by Blacksteel under the callsign "Almond," Laura Arias came from an impoverished family who struggled to make a living after emigrating to Columbia. Laura contracted Oripathy at some point after graduating from college and joined BSW due to its tolerance towards the Infected, where she befriended Jessica, Franka, and Liskarm, and made a name for herself in the PMC for providing crucial technical assistance during their operations.

As part of a technical exchange between BSW and Rhodes Island at some point after the Davistown bank heist, Laura was contracted to R.I. and worked alongside the Engineering Department as a consultant.


Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures

Franka: To a Standstill

Almond: Long-Haul