Operation story: 2-1

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L.G.D. Officer icon.png
L.G.D. Agent
RI Bridge
Lungmen Station
Lungmen City Night
Lungmen Office

Before operation

However, there is no time to rest. More missions await after returning to Rhodes Island.
After the operation in Chernobog, Rhodes Island receives a cooperation agreement from Lungmen. The next destination is clear.
5:57 AM \ Cloudy \ Visibility: 17 km
Desert; 4 km from the outskirts of Lungmen
4 days after the Chernobog rescue mission
PRTS Call.png
PRTS Good morning, Dr {nickname}. You have currently been sleeping for 99999––––
––––9999 hours.
Although your reluctance to leave bed is not beyond reason, your presence is urgently needed at the operations command room.
Furthermore, here is some medical advice from Dr Kal'tsit: Please keep the windows open to maintain a source of fresh air, and spend some time on the deck to maintain healthy levels of Vitamin D.
[The call ends and the Doctor heads off into the Rhodes Island landship's bridge.]
<Background 1>
Amiya Ah, Doctor! Good morning.
Dobermann So you made it, Dr {nickname}.
Amiya Doctor, are you feeling better now?
You looked like you were still in pain and and couldn't move around well yesterday.
Doctor I've made a complete recovery. How about you?
Amiya I'm perfectly fine and full of energy today!
After all, we still have other missions to take care of...
So the sooner we can start preparing, the better. Doctor, you should get used to having to shift gears quickly here.
Dobermann Doctor,
Even though we sustained heavy losses in Chernobog, we gained a lot of information about Reunion and, more importantly, got you out alive.
Based on the negotiations we had yesterday, the closest mobile city to us, Lungmen, has offered us a cooperation pact and agreed to exchange information with us.
We have some evidence that Reunion might be targeting Lungmen next.
We'll have to wait for Dr Kal'tsit's permission first before we can get the rest of the information. She's still stationed within Lungmen.
Amiya Lungmen has granted us permission to temporary camp near the city. They've also agreed to compensate a portion of our losses and expenditures during the operation.
In exchanges, Rhodes Island is expected to help defend the city's outskirts.
But the reason why I called for you so early is...
Dobermann Let me explain it, Amiya.
Last night, we discovered another wave of Chernobog survivors making their way towards Lungmen. They're expected to get there in the afternoon.
We'll be expected to safeguard the outskirts of District 5 just like the last few days. Only this time, there might be more Reunion members mixed into the group.
Because the situation is a bit different, we'll need to discuss some new tactics with you before beginning the operation.
Amiya Anyway, Doctor, there's a lot to get through today, so...
Let's do our best!
Dobermann In any case...
RI Landship 1.png
Dobermann Both of you, please complete your combat preparations. Doctor, once you've decided on your squad assignments, please let the operators know so that they also have time to prepare.
We'll set out 15 minutes after you finish your drills.
Oh, and make sure you're not late this time.

After operation

At the quarantine gate of Lungmen District 5, the Doctor's group meets Ch'en of the L.G.D.
They follow Ch'en into the office of Wei Yenwu, the head of Lungmen, where negotiations have already begun.
10:14 PM \ Clear \ Visibility: 19 km
Lungmen, District 5– Inspection and Quarantine Zone
<Background 2>
??? Madam.
They're here.
??? ...
[A broadcast can be heard in the checkpoint.]
Broadcast Attention, please...
Due to the Catastrophe's interference, all air traffic in Lungmen has been stopped. All entrances to District 5 will be closed in two hours.
We thank you for your cooperation during Oripathy inspections.
If you discover any unregistered Infected, please inform a nearby peace officer immediately.
The L.G.D. will detain them in accordance with the "Emergency Handling Act."
Attention, please...
[The broadcast is repeated as Amiya and the Doctor reaches the checkpoint.]
Amiya It's just like the rumors said...
Let's go, Doctor.
We're here.
??? Rhodes Island was scheduled to meet with the L.G.D. at 10 o'clock.
It's 10:14 now.
You were late 14 minutes; therefore, you've wasted 14 minutes of my time.
Amiya ...I'm sorry, Madam Ch'en, we just found out that Reunion is here...
Ch'en It's fine, I already know. But that's not important right now.
...Who might this be?
Amiya Dr {nickname} is Rhodes Island's consultant. Dr Kal'tsit should already have informed you.
Ch'en Hmm...
Well, since everyone is here, I'll now need you to follow me to...
[An L.G.D. agent rushes into Ch'en's side.]
L.G.D. Agent Madam Ch'en! It's an emergency! Those Infected... they're not...
Ch'en Don't panic!
First Squad, standby! Snipers, get into position!
Civilian Wh-what's happening?!
Infected Let go of me! !
Ch'en Tch... What's going on? Report the situation.
Infected Let me go! ! Why are you arresting me?!
We didn't do anything wrong!!!
L.G.D. Agent Some Infected... are refusing to be taken in... We're...
Ch'en I can see that...
Forget it.
Detain them all.
Disperse the crowd immediately. Open the gates in 30 minutes after you finish the review process.
Also, push the quarantine inspection line forward 40 meters.
Other than you and Dr {nickname}, the rest of Rhodes Island will stay here and assist with border security. The two of you, come with me.
If your group can't handle such a trivial task, I will not be able to assign you any missions.
PC94172, arrange some work for these people. I don't want to see any more trouble tonight.
L.G.D. Agent Understood, Madam!
Everyone, I'd like you to...
[Amiya and the Doctor follows the L.G.D. agent's lead.]
Amiya ...
(Madam Ch'en is really tough... she's stricter than I imagined...)
Doctor ... (Nod)
Ch'en You two.
<Background black>
Ch'en Follow me.
[Amiya and the Doctor follows Ch'en.]
Ch'en We're here.
<Background 3>
Amiya Wh-what a tall building!
Ch'en ...
Amiya Ugh...
Ch'en ... Rhodes Island is undoubtedly capable.
Amiya Oh...
Thank you for your praise, Madam.
Ch'en However...
After the Chernobog incident, there's been a massive surge of refugees into Lungmen.
The Infected should already know what the consequences of entering Lungmen are.
[Ch'en takes Amiya and the Doctor to Lungmen's government center.]
<Background 4>
??? I'll remind you once more.
Lungmen is the next Chernobog.
Amiya Dr Kal'tsit...!
Ch'en Rhodes Island's representative has already met with Chief Wei.
Please wait here.
I'll notify you shortly.
Amiya Phew... she's really hard to talk to.
Dr {nickname}, from here on, Dr Kal'tsit will be handling the negotiations.
Please have confidence in her.