Operator dialogue: Whisperain

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Appointed as Assistant Please, leave all these reports to me. Being able to handle text-related work makes me very happy...
Talk 1 I wonder if I shouldn't have turned that Suzuran girl down just now? But she said I'd be drinking tea with everyone, and I'm not too good with those sorts of things.
Talk 2 My body is more frail than most others. I may easily die, forget all that happened, then come to be young, and born anew. "Rejuvenation"... what a cruel fate it is...
Talk 3 All memories become foam on the waves in the end. Whether suffering, happiness, inevitably, quietly, pasts I do not want to forget will shed themselves from my side.
Talk after Promotion 1 I no longer can remember it, but there is still something flowing within my blood. Be careful of the sea, Doctor. It is capable of devouring us all, a stygian nightmare. It is... fear itself.
Talk after Promotion 2 There are times I become curious. For races with true longevity like Miss Warfarin's, how do they view death and parting? If such things no longer cause them to suffer, is it only because they long since hurt, until they were used to it... until they were numbed?
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Doctor, could you take these flowers to the children being treated, for me? Yes, just like always, place them by their bedsides. ...Thank you, for helping keep this secret.
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Doctor, come quickly, we need to find Miss Closure! It seems Mr. Thorns and his companions burst a water pipe open in the corridor, and it's provoked Weedy's interminable wrath! I'm soaked to the skin... Um, I seem–like I'm enjoying myself? Wh-What do you mean?!
Talk after Trust Increase 3 Every time I watch a film, I'll keep the ticket stub afterwards. Even if I've forgotten all its contents, these leftover vestiges will always serve as a reminder to me. ...Doctor, could you come watch a film with me? I'd like to preserve the time I've passed with you, too.
Idle Sleep sound, now. *chuckle* By the time you wake, will you have forgotten about me?
Onboard My code name is Whisperain–but I'm a mere roving doctor. If possible, treat me like a traveler lodging under the eaves, away from the rain. You needn't pay me much mind...
Watching Battle Record In the face of such fierce combat, I worry... I wouldn't survive.
Promotion 1 Thank you very much. But I hope you treat me same as always...
Promotion 2 Those sorrows I could not wash away with one death–I always feel they're like strands, wisps, winding about my skin... Doctor, you've come to forget the past too–could you maybe understand this feeling?
Added to Squad Please leave the assistive work to me.
Appointed as Squad Leader I'm the... leader? Um?
Depart Please keep with me. Don't go too far.
Begin Operation Please, everyone, be careful. You must keep yourselves safe.
Selecting Operator 1 Yes.
Selecting Operator 2 Injections have been prepared.
Deployment 1 Wounded, over to me, please.
Deployment 2 Let me dispel the pain.
In Battle 1 Disinfection comes first.
In Battle 2 Do not be afraid.
In Battle 3 My treatment will not hurt.
In Battle 4 I know this scent of death well.
4-star Result Sleep, now. May all dream well in the sound of rainfall.
3-star Result This is how their story ends. One tragedy, following another...
Sub 3-star Result Leave the pursuit for later. Please let me treat everyone first.
Operation Failure I'm sorry, I've been such a burden on everyone...
Assigned to Facility Such a peaceful place this is. I can hear the patter of rainfall.
Tap Eh? Y... you startled me...
Trust Tap P–please don't move! My hair's gotten tangled...
Greeting What will we be doing today, Doctor?
Title Arknights.